Baby Brother.

353 11 21


your time was slowly ticking away, so you made a promise to yourself that you were gonna make the most of it. 

"Y/N !!" your baby brother Ethan yelled as loud as he could leaping into your fragile arms. you had grown weak from the chemo, so even the smallest movement made a big impact on your body. you wrapped your arms around him burying your face into his neck holding onto him like you'd never let him go. you pulled back and stared at him, studying his chubby little face, brown eyes, and babyish smile. "ohh Ethan sissy missed you soo much" you said smiling. he smiled back and you could see two of his teeth were missing. "i missed you too" you stood taking his small hand in yours and walked over to the grey leather chair by the window. you sat down and lifted him onto your lap. "now tell me have you been a good boy for mommy?" you said looking down at him. he nodded. "uh huh" you raised an eyebrow. "you sure about that because mommy told me you drew on the wall with markers" he stared up at you giving you those puppy dog eyes. you shook your head. "nu uh ethan c'mon tell sissy why did you draw on the wall?" he looked down shyly and in a quiet voice said "it was a surpriwse for you for whend you come home" you felt tears forming and struggled to keep a straight face. he looked back up at you and in a serious voice asked "i heard mommy talking to daddy last night, she was askwin him to take goowd care of you, sissy why you goiwn with daddy?" a tear leaked out of the corner of your eye and slide down your cheek. your took a deep breath, your voice wavering as you spoke. "listen to me Ethan ok? im going on a little trip, im going to go stay with daddy for a little while" he interrupted you there his face scrunching up in confusion.  "is it becruze of me? i promis i be a good boy from now on i swear" you laughed, tears streaming down your face. "no no ethan its not because of you its just..daddy needs me and i think it would be better if i stayed with him for a while ok?" he looked sad but nodded. "ok but me and mommy are gowna miss you a whole bunch" you choked back a sob and planted a kiss on the top of his head, cradling him in your arms. 

"i know ill miss you guys too" 

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