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you stared at the window at sky trying to comprehend the doctors words. 

*you got less than a month, tumor, cant surgically remove, sorry

you replay those words in your head over and over. and each time you feel your heart break just a little

you think about your mom they way she laughed at your stupid jokes, how she took care of you when you were sick, how she comforted you through your first breakup, your fathers death, the news of your diagnosis at age 15.  

you also thought of ethan. your little brother. it was your job to take care of him watch over him tease him as he went through life. he was just a kid. you werent gonna be there to see him grow up, get his first pimple, his first girlfriend, and to think of all the birthdays you werent gonna be there for. 

but most of all you thought of of Nate the love of your life, the one who made you smile even when you felt like shit, the one who did a starbucks run at 3 in the morning just because you wanted some, the one you loved you for you and stuck by you through the shittiest times the one that you would have to never see, or touch, or kiss, ever again. 

 a single tear rolled down your cheek and fell onto your shirt. god dammit you cant cry now. Nathan will be back any minute you wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your hoodie and tried to calm down. the door opened and Nate stepped in he looked up at you and smiled if just a little bit sadly. "im surprised you arent taking a nap" he said. you shook your head. "im done taking naps" he tilted his head. "Y/N did the doctor..?" you interrupted him before he could finish. "yea he told me "less than a month  cant remove it im sorry  and all that bullshit

Nate sighed and walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it taking your hand. "oh Y/N my sweet beautiful Y/N" he voice cracked just a little when he your name the second time. you sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug. "its ok Nate its ok" but you couldn't figure out if who you were trying to convince more 

you or him. 

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