Stormy Nights

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Mark and I had been together for a year. After living together for a few months I know his habits and he knows mine. "Babe I'm going to be out for a while, don't wait up for me." Mark says pecking my lips repeatedly. He knows I love it when he does that. " I love you, don't be gone to long." I tease as he opens the front door. "I love you too." he winks and steps out the door closing it behind him.

Mark had been gone for three hours, I was getting bored. I stand up from the couch and step on to the balcony of our apartment. "I really hope its not gonna rain." I tell myself. Apparently I was dead wrong. Another few hours passed and the dark clouds came rolling in. I flinch at the loud boom of the thunder. "Fuck." I whisper. Mark was still out with Daniel and Ryan, making sketches I guess. I hated being alone when it storms, even as a kid I was afraid of them. I would usually be snuggled up under Mark, wrapped in his warm embrace. His warmth could always take away the fear I had. Another loud boom from the thunder caused me to jump. I turned on some Netflix to calm myself, it usually helps. "When is he coming home." I thought out loud. I was in the middle of watching Friends when the power shuts off. "No no no no." I thought to myself bundling up into the blankets. I frantically search for my phone in the almost pitch blackness of mine and Mark's apartment. I find my beloved phone and turn on my flash light. I gather my blanket and make a mad dash for the stairs. I don't think I've ran that fast in my life. I make it to Mark and I's room and jump in the bed. Sitting in the darkness of the bedroom, a bright flash of lightning Illuminates the whole room. The sudden light causes me to jump. In a swift movement I was completely under the blankets. "(Y/N)!" I hear Mark call my name. "I'm up here." I suddenly uncover myself. In the darkness of the room I see Mark's silhouette when the door opens. "I'm so sorry baby, I know how you hate it when it storms." he says walking to my side of the bed. "I'm just glad your here now." I stand and hug his torso, his clothes were slightly wet. "I'm gonna change really quick ok babe." he says releasing the hug. I nod and climb back into the warm queen size bed. I hear Mark rustling the drawers, finding dry clothes. Another loud crash of thunder erupts in the silent room. "I'm almost done (Y/N)." Mark says pulling up his pajama pants. I feel the bed sink under his weight. His strong arms wraps around my smallish waist and he pulls me closer to him. "Feel better?" he asks. I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Much." I reply snuggling my face into his warm neck. He kisses my forehead and sighs. "I love you (Y/N)." he whispers. "I love you too Mark." I whisper back. He knows exactly how to make me feel better. I kiss his stubbed chin and finally find myself at peace. Wrapped in Marks strong arms, I forget the loud boom of the thunder. All I hear is a steady beat, from Mark's heart and the warm embrace of the man I love.

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