Do You Feel The Same?

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"Do you wanna go to Bob's wedding with me?" Mark asked quickly adding "As friends, I mean." he put his head down slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, of course. It'll be fun." I say with a smile to reassure him. I've known Mark for almost a year. We've gotten a lot closer to each other since we moved together. Once we started to hang out more, I started to develop strong feelings for him. Like romantic feelings, but I could never tell him that it would ruin our friendship. "Well, um, I'm gonna get to bed." Mark said giving me a quick hug. "Ok, goodnight Mark." I say as he walks up the stairs. "Goodnight (Y/N)." When I hear his bedroom door close, I feel my heart sink, Mark could never feel the same way about me. There has to be a way to get rid of these feelings for him.

Later that night I slipped into bathroom for a quick shower. I step out and wrap the towel around my wet body and twisted another in my hair. I walk into my room and put on an over sized t-shirt and panties. I check my phone and I see Mark tweeted about me being his 'date' to Bob's wedding. 'God! he's making it hard for me to not like him.' I think to myself. I plug my phone into the charger and set it on my night stand. I climb into bed and wrap myself in my warm covers and try to fall asleep. Laying in bed, I just toss and turn. All I could think about was Mark and how I felt about him. Maybe I could tell him how I feel, maybe at Bob's wedding this weekend.

The next morning I climb out of bed and head down stairs. Mark was already down there making breakfast. "Good morning sunshine." he smiled. "Good morning, what are you making?" I ask with a smile. "Just eggs, bacon and pancakes. There's coffee in the pot over there if you want some." he says placing the cooked eggs in a bowl. "Oh hey the plane leaves at 4:30 today so be ready to go by 2:00." he says taking a bite of pancake. I nod my head and make my way back up the stairs to pack my suitcase.

-At The Airport-

We walk into the packed airport bags in hand. "Ok our flight gate is D13." Mark said pointing in the direction of the gate. "That's all the way at the end Mark!" I say loudly. "We have 20 minutes before boarding!" I added. I swiftly grab my carry-on and run towards our gate. We reach the gate within minuets of the plane being boarded. Tickets in hand, we begin to board the plane.

"So not to be all in your business and what not but, why did you ask me to be your date to Bob's wedding?" I ask curiously. "I mean you could take anyone you wanted." I add. "I guess because your my friend, I wont be forced to be romantic." he laughed. "Oh." I reply. Damn, I actually thought he felt something for me, at least a little, but I guess not. "Well, I'm gonna get some sleep." I put my headphones in without hearing a reply. I stair out of the plane window. 'I just need to get over Mark, he only wants to be friends.' I tell myself, but somehow I don't think it works like that. Could I get even get over him?

We step out of the plane and walk towards baggage claim. Mark hasn't said anything to me since my awkward question on the plane. I don't blame him, I shouldn't have asked it. I hear him clear his throat "Bob's here to pick us up." he says stuffing his phone back in his pocket. I nod and follow him outside to Bob's car. "Let me take that (Y/N)." Bob said reaching for my bag. "Thanks." I smile handing my bag to him, trying to hide the awkwardness between me and Mark. I climb into the back seat of Bob's car and put my headphones back in. I don't know what they where talking about but Bob kept looking at me in the rear view mirror. I spotted him and I quickly pulled out my headphone "Sorry, did you say something?" I ask worried about his reply. "Oh no its nothing, just asking Mark if you where his date to the wedding." he smiled. "Oh ok." I laugh nervously. I put my headphones back in trying avoiding anymore interrogation from Bob.

The car pulls up in front of a fancy hotel. I step out and grab my belongings from the trunk of the car. Mark and Bob tells each other their goodbyes and such. "Bye (Y/N)." he waves. I wave back with a sweet smile and follow behind Mark into the hotel. Mark checks us into our room and we make our way to the elevator. Waiting in the elevator I couldn't help but stair at him. His toned arms, stubbed chin, his bright brown eyes. I could literally stair at him all day. My admiration was brought to a halt when the ding of the elevator rang. Walking behind him to the room was agony. 'Why cant I just tell him how I feel.' I thought. He stopped in front of room 356, pulling the key put of his pocket he unlocks the door. We step in and I select one of the two queen sized beds as mine. At the corner of my eye, I see Mark making his way towards me. "(Y/N), you've been acting funny theses past few weeks, is everything okay?" he speaks up sounding concerned. My breath got caught in my trout. 'What if he knows that I like him.' I thought. "Mark I-." I was cut off by his phone ringing, at least I tried to tell him. He quickly answers it and the phone call ends as fast as it started. "Bob's bachelor party is tonight, I guess he wants to start earlier." he say stepping towards the door. "Yeah of course, there cant be a wedding without a bachelor party right?" I say hiding my disappointment. Mark laughs "When I get back, we can talk okay?" he smiles stepping out of the door. I fall backwards on the bed. "Ugh!" I groan in frustration. The one chance I get to tell Mark how I feel is snatched right away from me. I check the clock '8:35PM'. 'I should go to bed.' I rummage through my suitcase and find some pajamas to sleep in. I get comfy in the bed and close my eyes. Hopefully I can actually sleep instead of thinking of Mark.

I was woken up by the sound of the door opening. "(Y/N)?" Mark whispers. "Over here." I say climbing out of the bed still half asleep. "Did I wake you?" he asks smiling a little. I laugh "Not really, but yeah." He sits at the edge of my bed "So um what we where talking about earlier-" I cut him off "Mark I really like you, and when I say really I mean it. Whenever I see you I get butterflies, When you say my name I get chills. I cant explain it, I've been feeling this way for awhile and I guess that's why I've been acting funny." I take a breath. Marks face was full of shock and suddenly I was overcome with regret. I felt a lump in my throat, I just told Mark how I felt. "Well?" I ask anxiously. After a few minutes of silence I sense that Mark didn't feel the same way. "I-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to put you in a weird situation. I completely understand if you don't feel the same." I lower my head. Then I feel Mark's hand lift my chin with his finger "I feel the same (Y/N), I thought you where acting that way because you knew I liked you." he says. His face slowly came closer to mine and in an instant our lips where pressed against each others. I felt sparks fly as our lips moved in sync. It was like a firework show right then and there. Mark pulls away and I open my eyes to see him smiling. "Did that just happen, or was I dreaming?" I laugh. "Oh it was real my dear, and I'm glad it was." he laughs. He pulls me in for another soft kiss. "I could get use to this." he says wrapping his strong arms around my waist. "Me too." I say nuzzling my face into his warm neck. Who knew we would end up liking each other, now that I think about it I should have told him sooner.

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