Forbidden: Part Four

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Mark's P.O.V

After all the fighting with (Y/N) I didn't want to face her today at school. It would be very hard to look her in the face today but I know I had to.

"Hey Mark, you look down man something wrong?" my buddy Wade asked standing in front of my locker. Shaking my head no was all I did, and even if I wanted to speak the words wouldn't have come out. I guess he got the memo because he walked off with a faint 'Okay man'.

I close my locker and begin to make my way to first period when I feel my phone vibrate.

(Y/N) <3: I was so stupid for saying we shouldn't be together. I love you with all of my heart and I won't let my mother come between us, Not now not ever. So can I please have a second chance? <3

I really didn't know what to say to her so I just shove my phone into my pocket and continue my route to first period.


The final bell of the day rang out and I was so ready to go home. Today had actually went by pretty fast considering the fact that I was ducking and dodging (Y/N) at all costs. I pull my backpack from out of my locker and close it shut. Walking to the front of the school, I feel a tap on my right shoulder. I turn slowly and see non other than (Y/N) looking as beautiful as always. "H-hey Mark." she stuttered. "Hey." I say blankly. "So I've, um, been thinking and I'd like you to join my parents and I for dinner tonight. So they can know the Mark I love." she smiled. With a straight face "They don't give a shit about me (Y/N) and you know it. Why in the hell would I put myself through that?" her smile fades. "Well I thought you'd do it for me, so we could be together." I sigh running my hands through my pink hair. "I would do anything of you (Y/N), I love you, but do you really think your parents will except me." I say gesturing to my plethora of tattoos and piercings. "No they wouldn't, so why even try?" I add. Turning back towards the door I hear her say quite lowly "But it's worth the try." I look back at her face, she looked broken, and I couldn't bare the sadness in her face. "Would this make you happy baby?" I sigh. Her face lit up like a room filled with bright candles. "Yes." she says biting her lip. "What time do I need to be there?" I ask. She sprinted towards me jumping into my arms. "I love you so much Mark." she whispered. "You have no idea babe."

I hadn't realized how much this girl meant to me. I mean I did but seeing the way her face lit up after I agreed just reassured that I would go to the ends of the earth for her.


(Y/N) told me to be at her place by 7, and I'm sitting outside her house at 6:45. I finally have a burst of courage and step out of the car and walk up the door. I didn't know exactly what to wear so put on some black skinny jeans and a red flannel. I knock on the door awaiting utter embarrassment from (Y/N)'s mother. The door slowly opens and reveals (Y/N), she wasn't to dressed up herself, just a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white tee-shirt. "Come in." she smiles. I step into her house with the smell of food in the atmosphere, yet I couldn't quite put my finger on the smell. "Mom my guest is here." she says aloud. 'Oh fuck, I knew she didn't tell her it was in fact me that's the guest!'

"Okay honey just have a seat and the food will be out in a few minutes." her mother said. We walk to the table and sit. Within five minutes her mother emerged from the kitchen, smile fading quickly into a frown. "(Y/N) what on earth is he doing her!" she yelled making (Y/N) flinch beside me. "I had to show you how kind and loving he really is mom!" she yelled back. "No! (Y/N) no! I know exactly what he is, a trouble making kid who isn't allowed to be here!" she shouted a bit louder. "With all do respect Mrs. (L/N), I'm no trouble maker. I love your daughter, very much so, and I hope you can respect that." I say kindly. "Excuse me? What did you just say?" she sounded even more angrier this time. "I want you out of my hou-." she was cut off by (Y/N) yelling back. "No mom! I love him and if he leaves...well I leave too." she says grabbing my hand. I look down at her. "(Y/N) no you can't lose your relationship with your mother for me, I won't let you." I say pulling my hand from hers. "But Mark-" I place my finger to her soft plump lips. "Shh baby, I love you with all of my heart, but I can't be the reason you and your mother lose your relationship." I say eyes tearing up. I never knew love was this hard, to be in and having to let go. I didn't what (Y/N) and I to be apart but there's somethings you can't control.

I kiss her hand one last time before turning to her mother. "I apologize Mrs. (L/N) for coming to your house without your permission and I hope that with me out of the picture you and (Y/N) can mend your relationship." I say turning to the front door. "Mark..." she whispers. I turn to face her again "Yes Ma'am?" - "I didn't think you were such a kind person, I should be the one to apologize for jumping to conclusions in saying you are something that you most definitely are not."

After Mrs. (L/N)'s apology she let me have dinner with them. She also said I could continue to see (Y/N) which made me happy. I in turn asked (Y/N) to prom properly this time, and she said yes. I can finally say me and (Y/N) finally had the relationship we wanted, and it wasn't forbidden.


Okay so this is the end of Forbidden, I have to say it isn't the best I've written but it will have to do. I felt as if I rushed it a bit but hopefully you all enjoy it nonetheless.

As for more imagines, I have a few more ideas to write about, but I was hoping if you guys could leave some suggestions as to what you would like to read.

And I was also thinking about writing a part two to Sometimes Sorry Isn't Enough so let me know if that's what you guys would like.

As always thank you for reading and voting!

- Brittany <3

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