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This Chapter Will Be A Smut Chapter! So If You Are Offended By Mature Situations Please Do Not Read. 

On Another Note, I Feel More Confident In Writing Smut So, I'm Gonna Give It Another Go! (:

(Y/BF/N): Your Best Friends Name


"Hurry up (Y/N), all the hot guys are gonna be gone by the time we get there!" (Y/BF/N) yelled from outside the bathroom. It was the third day in LA for summer vacation and apparently my best friend was very excited to go to the pool. I tied my pink and white bikini top around my body, making sure it was secure so my boobs wouldn't fall out of the thing. Let's just say I'm very fortunate in the breast department (and if you aren't, congratulations you are now lol). I put the last layer of sunscreen on my arms and threw it into the bag that had my towel and other pool essentials. "I'll be out in a second." I yell back to (Y/BF/N). I throw my hair up into a messy bun examining myself one last time before grabbing my bag and walking out of the bathroom. "Finally, let's go." (Y/BF/N) says yanking my arm towards the door, opening it and walking to the pool.

"Now, (Y/N) this is our last chance to find a really hot guy to hook up with." (Y/BF/N) states scanning the pool. She was defiantly the fast paced one out of the two, she was a bit more experienced than I was and knew things I didn't. As we step further onto the burning concrete of the pool deck (Y/BF/N) turns her head towards the four guys at the far end of the pool. "Yes! right there, those are the bread winners." she says pointing at the group of very attractive guys. I slap her hand down trying not to get attention drawn to us. "Don't point at them (Y/BF/N)." I whisper shout at her. I didn't know if I was ready to interact with them just yet. I turn my head to see if they noticed us, and surly they had. My breath got caught in my throat as I made eye contact with the dark haired one. A small smile forming on his face as he looked me up and down. He was actually pretty hot, in fact he was down right sexy. His arms had just the right amount of muscle, his biceps were toned just right. His skin was slightly tanned and glistening from the pool water running down. I moved my eyes up to his face, and I have to say, he was very attractive actually. He had stubble on his chin, and a smile to die for. I couldn't help but imagine how his hair would feel in my hands as his face was buried between my legs. I was brought back into reality by (Y/BF/N) snapping in my face. "Earth to (Y/N), what the hell happened to you?" she asked. I shook my head "N-nothing, l-let's um find a place to sit." I stutter on my words and I slowly turn to find a suitable spot.

I found a table with an umbrella and swiftly walked to it. I sat my belongings down ready to get into the cool water. (Y/BF/N) was well in the water calling me to join. I slide my shorts off of my hips and fold them neatly on the table top. As I tip-toe across the hot concrete, in the corner of my eye I saw the dark haired guy making his way towards me. "Hey beautiful, what's your name?" his voice was as smooth as silk, I felt my knees go weak just at the sound of him. I look at him and he had a huge toothy grin on his face. I have to say his teeth were perfect and white. I found myself smiling back at him, his smile was contagious. "(Y-Y/N)." I stutter. "Well (Y/N), I'm Mark." he put his hand out for me to shake. I didn't want to seem to eager so I waited a few seconds before extending my hand and meeting his. As our skin made contact, I felt a tingling sensation. "N-nice to meet you Mark." I stutter once more, mentally slapping myself for this horrible state he put me in. His smile not fading as he releases our hands, his eyes still examining me thoroughly. I slowly walk towards the stairs of the pool with Mark following close behind. "So what are you doing here in LA?" he asked as I lower myself into the cool water. "Vacation with my best friend." I reply pointing at (Y/BF/N) who was talking to a guy herself. "How long are you two staying?" he asked smiling wider. I wasn't understanding why he was still talking to me, I was the most boring person I knew. "Until next Thursday." I reply taking my hair out of the bun. I had noticed that his eyes were constantly on my body, never breaking contact. "I can't stop looking at you." Mark says scooting closer to me as we sat on the steps. I blush at his comment. "Why? I'm nothing special." I smile. His slowly lifts my chin with his finger to make eye contact with him. He moved closer to my face, lips inches apart "I wish I could show you how beautiful you are." he whispers. I could feel his cool minty breath on my lips, which sent shivers down my spine. I felt my body go limp at his touch, he must have put a spell on me or something. All I wanted to do was feel his body pressed against mine. Suddenly my body jerks forward without my permission and our lips lock in a soft kiss. At any other time I would have stopped, I knew things were moving a bit to fast but I didn't want to stop. Something about him was breaking down the walls I had up within the few minuets of us talking. I knew I would regret this but I slowly release our lips and whisper "Let's take this elsewhere, shall we?" 

I step out of the pool with Mark's hand in mine not worrying about anything else but wanting his hands all over my body. I lead him to the table to grab my things and then to the exit of the pool, up to (Y/BF/N) and I's room. I have no idea what had come over me, lust maybe? Stepping up to the door and pulling my room key out to unlock it. I push the door open and as soon as the door closes behind us he was pressed against me, face inches away from each others. "Are you gonna show me now?" I pant. A small smirk appears on his lips. "I'll do more than that baby." he whispers. In an instant his lips were pressed firmly on mine. He slowly releases the pressure of his body to pull my hips to his firmly with his big hands. Tapping my hips to tell me to jump. I jump and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He starts walking to one of the beds in the room and lightly drops me onto the soft comforter. His hand begin to roam my body as I moan into his mouth. His hand runs down my torso down to my hips and squeezes lightly. Slowly his hands move to my back and in which I arch a bit to make it easier to untie my bikini top. He successfully unties it and slides it over my head not wanting to untie the top one. His large hands cup my breasts and slowly kneads them. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" he mumbles against my nipple before taking in into his mouth. I moan a bit louder at the feeling he was giving me. Slowly he kisses lightly down my chest to my stomach then hooking his finger around the thin fabric of my bikini bottoms. After successfully removing them he takes his long finger and slides it across my core earning a gasp from me. He licks up my entrance to my clit in one swift motion, returning his attention to my clit and sucking lightly. "Oh my god, yes Mark." I moan satisfyingly. I arch my back off of the bed feeling the immense pleasure. The fire in the pit of my stomach was burning fiercely as he continued to suck. When I thought it couldn't get any better, he slides his long finger into me pumping in slowly. The fire growing quickly at the sudden addition of stimulation, I felt that I was about to combust. "I-i'm gonna cum Mark." I stutter until finally I hit a long awaited high. I was about to get up when Mark pushed me back down on the bed. "Nu-uh baby, I'm not finished with you just yet." a smirk plastered on his gorgeous face. I bit my lip in anticipation. 

Mark slowly pulled his swim trunks down to free his large erection and slowly he climbs over me and brings his face closer to mine leaving a kiss on my lips. "Are you on the pill?" he asked. Out of pure pleasure I couldn't make a coherent sentence so I just nod my head. His smile widens as he leans down and presses another kiss to my lips. "Good." he said. He reaches down and grabs his member, pumping it a bit before slowly pushing into me. "Fuck." he cursed as he pushed in and out of me at a slow pace. "Oh Mark, faster please." I beg, wanting more. He listens and picks up speed hitting the right spot inside of me. As he thrusted into me, I found myself looking into his eyes. They where a chocolate brown, but I had a feeling they had been darkened by the insane amount of lust. As we watched each other, he bit his lip causing me to moan louder. He was just so sexy, just looking at him could get me off. "I'm so close, baby." he moaned. "Cum for me Mark." I replied, trying to be sexy. The familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach returning with a vengeance. "Shit Mark, I'm almost there." I whisper not being able to produce a louder sound. "Oh fuck, come on baby. Let's cum together on 3." I press my hips into his to push him deeper into me. "3...2.....1" he pants and I feel a relief hit me like a ton of bricks. That had to be the best I've ever had. Mark cums soon after and collapses on top of me. "Wow...that was amazing." he whispers. He shifts his body and lays next to me pulling me to his chest. "I hope you know, I want more than just sex from you (Y/N). Your to perfect for just casual sex." Mark says running his hand down my cheek. I blush at him "I'm glad you said that." This is going to be the best vacation ever. "You definitely showed me something." I laughed "Oh I can show you a lot more baby." Mark smirked. 'Yeah this is gonna be a very good vacation.'

(Author's Note): 

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! This Book Has Gotten To 1K Reads Oh My Goodness! I'm So Happy That You Guys Are Reading, And Apparently Liking The Imagines I've Written. I Hope You Guys Enjoy This One As Well. Thank You Again. 

Lastly, I Want To Congratulate Mark On 8 Million Subs! He Really Is The Light In Our Lives And I'm So Happy For Him And His Accomplishments.   



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