Forbidden: Part Two

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"Goodnight (Y/N)." my mother poked her head into my room after 'family' dinner. I roll my eyes as she crept further in. I was still highly pissed off at her for forbidding me to see Mark. She was always the one to meddle in my life, whether it was putting in her two cents about my friends she didn't like or if I brushed my teeth twice a day. "Night." I mutter throwing the comforter over my legs. "I know your mad about that Mark boy but, you'll be happier in the long run when you see he's nothing but trouble." she states stepping further into my room. "Mom, just leave it alone, you've already caused enough pain." I turn my body to face away from her. "Whether you like it or not, I am your mother and what I say goes." she says walking out of my room closing the door behind her. I scoot down into my bed forcing the tears to stay back so I could get some sleep, I in fact had school tomorrow and I know for a fact my meddling mother won't let me stay home. 


The loud beeping of my alarm woke me from my sleep. I reach across the night stand shutting off the horrid sound piercing through the silence of my room. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I hop out of my warm, comfy bed and head to the bathroom for a quick shower and to brush my teeth. 

Stepping out of the shower and walking to my room and pick out my outfit. I pull out some dark wash jeans and a white v-neck. Pairing the clothes with my white converse. Putting on some light make up, foundation, concealer and a quick wing liner on my lid. I grab my backpack and phone and make my way downstairs. 

My parents and brother were sitting at the table eating pancakes. "Good morning darling." my father smiled. Still feeling the anger from last night, I give him a small smile. Not wanting to eat with them I grab a piece of toast and walk to the door. "Your not eating with your family young lady?" my mother spat. Rolling my eyes, "I have study group today." Why was she always up my ass? Is it to much to ask to live my life and not have her snooping all in it? With that I walked out of the door. 

I walk through the doors of hell and make my way to my locker. I unlock it and stuff my backpack into it. As I was about to close it back I feel arms wrap around my waist. 'Mark'  I thought with a smile creeping onto my lips. "Hi, baby." he whispered into my ear. I giggle "Hey." I turn to face him and look into his big, beautiful, brown eyes. He's just so beautiful, inside and out. He leaned in further pressing his warm, soft lips to mine for a quick peck. "So, you know prom is coming up." he smiles. Mark is a senior and me, I'm a junior. "Mark, you already know the thing with my parents, they'll never let me go." I sigh looking down at the ground. He lifts my chin up with his finger smiling. "We'll sneak you out baby doll." I have no idea why he was confident about this, we've already been caught once. "Okay, but what about make-up, hair, and my dress?" I frown my eye brows seeing the reality of the situation, we couldn't just sneak  past my snooping mother to prom. He sighs "Fine, how about you go to one of your friends house the day of prom, tell your parents you spending the night, I pick you up and take you to get all of that done." I roll my eyes "Mark you don't get it, prom is a process you can't just expect to have shit go the way we want it. You need to have reservations to have your make-up and hair done and your suppose to get the dress ahead of time." I push him away and turn back to my locker, closing it and start walking to class. I would never understand what goes on his brain, maybe he was just living in a fantasy world where my mother wasn't a snooping human being that followed my every move. It's not even so much as my father being the snoop, he just follows behind my mother obeying her every whim. "Babe, please just try?" Mark says grabbing my wrist before I walked away further. I turn back to him "We just can't Mark! Just take someone else, I'll be fine." I say. "But I want to take you (Y/N)! I'll figure something out, I promise." 

I was sitting in algebra class when I feel my phone vibrate. I sneak it out of my pocket and see it's a picture message from Mark. 'How's this for a prom dress beautiful (;' . It was a picture of a beautiful royal blue, strapless dress with beading at the top. I gasp closing my screen just to feel another vibration. 'So will you go to prom with me now gorgeous? (;'. What am I going to do with him?

Hey guys! So here's the next part hope you guys enjoy it, the idea came literally out of no where. I want to hear you guys feed back on this, I really hope you all are liking it so far. Thanks for reading (:

- Brittany<3 


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