Sometimes Sorry Isn't Enough: Part One

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Warning: This will have some bad language, if you feel offended with curse words DO NOT READ.

Mark's P.O.V

I hadn't noticed yet, how much I needed her warm embrace. How much I needed to hear her laugh when I said something utterly stupid. Being without her beautiful smile for more then a week was torture, and I had no one to blame for it but myself. It hit me especially hard this morning, I was recording a video and her smile came to my mind and I broke down. I hadn't seen how horrible my life would be without her, how dark, but I do now. She wasn't answering my text messages or my calls. I'd leave her multiple voice mails but she wanted nothing to do with me, but I knew in my heart she had the right to hate me and made me feel like shit.


I had seen her walk into the bar with a short tight red dress on, she had long black hair, at least passed her shoulders. My fiance, (Y/N) was out of town visiting family, she had been gone for a day or two by now and saying I was lonely was an understatement. Sitting alone at the bar was the only way to pull myself out of the slump I was in without (Y/N), or so I thought. Her eyes caught mine and I knew we both wanted the same thing, one night, quick sex, and I was definitely up for it. She slid her slender body into the booth across from me, with a smirk that could kill. "I'm Jessica." she introduced. "Mark." I smirk causing her to giggle. "What brings a handsome man like you to a bar, I thought maybe you'd be taken." she said as smooth as silk. Not even having (Y/N), the love of my life, cross my mind, "Nope, single as a pringle." Not even regretting it. "Hm, single huh?" she inquired. "Yes ma'am, wanna get out of here?" I smirk.

I pull into my apartment complex, the home I shared with (Y/N), and brought Jessica up stairs. I pulled her into the apartment and she slid off her black coat. "Welcome." I smirked. "You know, you talk a lot for a guy that just wants sex." she sassed. I laugh slightly walking towards her. Eyes locked on hers, I inch closer to her mouth attaching them quickly. I had an urgency to have her, and I didn't understand why. I lead her to the stairs, lips still locked.

Swiftly moving up the stairs and into mine and (Y/N)'s room, which didn't cross my mind a bit. All I was worried about at the moment was the woman in front of me. I slowly unzip her dress and expose her pale skin underneath. I force it the rest of the way down and expose her beautiful body. "Damn." I sigh taking my bottom lip in between my teeth.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was hoping my parents would want me to stay longer then two days but I guess not. However I was excited to see my wonderful fiance Mark. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I gave him all of me, and I knew we loved each other unconditionally. I had drove to my hometown and I was now on my way back. It was a few hours drive and I had been driving for a while now. I had been calling Mark but he wasn't answering, 'maybe he's recording or something'.

I pull into our apartment complex literally exhausted, shuffling my feet to the door. I decided to go get my belongings after I rested a bit. I walk up to the door of our apartment, not wanting to disturb Mark if he was recording, I unlock the door quietly. As I step inside I hear low grunts coming from upstairs. Dropping my purse and car keys on the island, I make my way up the stairs. "Fuck Mark." a female voice came from my room, where Mark and I slept every night. I creep closer to the room hearing Mark, my fiance, the love of my life, moaning some other girls name. I turn the door nob feeling the warm water from my eyes falling down my cheeks. I swung the door open to see a skinny, long haired bitch on top of the man I loved. "(Y-Y/N)!" Mark stuttered. The girl jumped off of him and covered herself with the comforter. With all the anger bottled inside, all I could do was bust out in laughter. "So this is what happens when I visit my parents asshole?" I glare at Mark lying naked in our bed with some slut. "You know, I was just talking about the wedding with my sister not even an hour ago." surprisingly I was very calm, though the anger was reaching the brim. "(Y/N) please, I-I" I cut him off with a laugh. "You what? You made a mistake? Fuck you." I turn and walk towards the front door I hear his heavy steps running down the stairs after me. "Baby please, I-I was lonely, you were gone and I needed someone" he tried. The tears were free falling now, at a fast rate and I felt my heart clench. "You were lonely?" I ask unmoved by his shitty excuse for having sex with a random woman in our bed. "You were lonely huh? Is that your reason for being an unfaithful piece of shit?" the anger and sadness came crashing down on me and I let out a loud sob. "I was in love with you Mark, I thought you loved me just as much!" I cry. I could see the tears in his eyes threatening to spill like mine. "Don't you dare cry! You don't have the RIGHT to cry." I shout with anger taking over me now. I had so much pain in my heart I could slap him across the face, but I held my composure. I could see the pain in his face after the way I yelled at him but he deserved it. I had never screamed at him like that before, and he knew that. That was the real pain he felt, the fact that he pushed so far that I lost my cool and exploded. "Don't try to contact me anymore Mark, we are through." I said firmly walking to the door. Of course he followed me out to my car telling me how sorry he was. "Well you know what Mark, sometimes sorry isn't enough."

End of Flashback

Mark's P.O.V

That was the last thing she's said to me since, and that's all that replayed in my head. The pain in her face, the tears in her eyes and the anger in her voice pierced my heart over and over. It was like pouring salt in an opened wound. But I knew that the pain I was feeling was nothing compared to what she was feeling. She walked in on the man she loved having sex with someone else, she had every right to yell at me the way she did. And she was right, sometimes sorry isn't enough, and I found that out the hard way.


So maybe you guys where waiting for the last part to Forbidden, or maybe not, but I just couldn't think of a way to end it just yet however that doesn't mean I won't finish it because I will! Hopefully you guys enjoyed this one, I actually really enjoyed writing it. If you guys want a part two to this let me know, I have some ideas that can branch off of this. Thank you all for reading and voting I really appreciate it. xx

-Brittany <3

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