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Okay so this isn't a Thanksgiving themed one, more like a sad one. I was watching the CMAs and if you don't know what that is, it's the Country Music Awards, and Little Big Town performed their song 'Girl Crush' and it gave me this idea, now the imagine isn't based off of the whole song, just the little quote I put, but if you'd like to listen to the song as you read, it might create some ambiance. (:

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy!

"I wanna taste her lips, yeah cuz they taste like you. I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume, I want her long blond hair, I want her magic touch, yeah cuz maybe then you'd want me just me just as much. I got a girl crush."

"So, I was thinking about asking Leslie to marry me." Mark said biting his bottom lip nervously. Though my heart sunk into my stomach, I forced a smile and added an excited tone to my voice. "Really?" I said. His face lit up with excitement. "Yeah! I mean, we've been together for almost 2 years." I smiled at his statement, holding back the tears in my eyes.

I was in love with him, but he wasn't in love with me. I wanted to be in her place, feeling his touch, his lips on mine. Mark and I had been best friends for years, and I've had these feeling for him the whole time. He was my rock, always there for me when I needed him, but to him I was nothing more than his best friend. When Leslie came around, we'd stop hanging out as much, talk to each other less, and I was hurt by it.

I noticed that she was so pretty, she had long blond hair, beautiful blue eyes. She stood out, no wonder Mark fell for her. When they first started dating, whenever we would talk, he'd rave on and on about her cute little laugh, and her since of humor. Every time he'd call, I never wanted to answer, because I always knew what he'd talk about.

"I thought you weren't to keen on on her so I was anxious on telling you, but since you're excited about it there's a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders." I let out a breathy laugh, covering the hurt I felt. She must really be something, and I wanted to have whatever it was, only because Mark liked it. "I'm happy for you." I lie patting his hand.

"Thanks (Y/N), your opinion means a lot to me, after all you're my best friend." he smiled rubbing my shoulder. I smile quickly standing up from the couch and off to my kitchen, I needed to step away from him before the tears began to fall. "(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" Mark asked following after me. "No, nothing's wrong. Why would there be?" I asked fighting with my emotions. I didn't want to look him in the face, the tears would surly fall if I did.

"O-okay well, um, I'm gonna get going, gotta pick out a ring." He laughed nervously. "Yeah sure, call me when you can." I say acting as if I was occupied with the dishes in the sink. "Of course." he whispered as he stepped to the front door. "Bye." he mumbled. "Bye." I whimper.

After I hear the door close I let the plate slip from my hands and into the cluttered sink as the sadness came crashing down on me. My bottom lip began to quiver as I thought about how he felt about her, the way I wanted him to feel about me. I felt my heart breaking into millions of pieces when I thought about the way he looked at her, with so much love. My heart ached for the feeling of his love, but he wasn't giving it to me, he was giving it to her.

I spent many night like this, an emotional wreck, crying myself to sleep at night. I was in so much pain, and as far as I was concerned, nothing could help. Besides Mark, but he was happy, and I had no right to ruin that. I wish I had what she did, maybe then he'd want to be with me.

I drag my limp body down the hallway to my room and throw myself onto the bed. With a pillow clutched to my chest, and the tears steaming down my face, I realized that this pain would never go away. Mark was the first man I have ever loved, but of course, my love wasn't enough. I didn't have her plump pink lips, or her long blonde hair, or even her big blue eyes, but what I did have was love, a hell of a lot of it too.

The wishing and wishing was never in my favor from the beginning, and now I know I should have known that from the start. And maybe one day I'll find a man that will love me for me, and I won't have to wish anymore. I've continued with this fruitless venture for to long,and maybe now it's time to face reality. I am only Mark's best friend, and nothing more....unfortunately.

Okay, so I know this might be utter crap but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. I wanted to put a sort of sad imagine and then bust out with a fluff/ romantic one in a few days.

As always, thanks for reading and voting, it means a lot!

- Brittany <3

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