Forbidden: Part One

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A/N: This Is Gonna Be Kind Of Like A Punk Edit Of Mark, It Just Came To My Mind And I Hope You Guys Enjoy It.

(Y/E/C): Your Eye Color

"And no more talking to that Mark boy (Y/N)! I mean it, he's no good for you!" my mother yelled from the kitchen. "He's only gonna bring you down!" my father chimed in. My parents caught me sneaking out to see my boyfriend, Mark. We've been secretly seeing each other for a few months, and my parents are going to give all they have to keep us apart. "Mom, he's not a bad person! You don't know him like I do!" I cried. "I don't care what you say he is (Y/N)! He's already brainwashed you so much that you lie to us and sneak out to see him!" my mother screamed. Mark might be a little rebellious and has multiple tattoos but he treats me good and I really enjoy being with him. "You are forbidden to see this boy (Y/N) and that's final!" she scolded pointing me to my room. "Your grounded until further notice." she hissed turning back into the kitchen to finish making diner. "But mom, I love him!" I yell. "You what? Your barely seventeen years old (Y/N), you have no idea what love is!" she says putting her hand on her hip. "To your room now!" she yelled once more. I stomp up the stairs and into my room, furiously throwing my backpack onto my bed. 'How dare they keep me from seeing him like this!'  I could feel my blood boiling beneath my skin. I had spent so much time with Mark and I've seen the real him. He's not the bad kid everyone says he is, he's loving and kind. I just wish my parents could see what I see.  

After the endeavor with my parents and the anger I took out on my pillow, I decided to take a shower to calm myself. I pull off my clothes and step into the warm shower letting the water put goosebumps all over my body. The only thing that ran through my mind was 'how am I gonna see him without my parents finding out again?'  I step out of the the shower wrapping the fuzzy pink towel around my wet body. I walk into my room, locking the door behind me throwing on a regular t-shirt and athletic shorts. I lay onto my bed staring up at the ceiling fan spinning quickly. Suddenly the vibration of my phone pulled me out of my daydream. I look at the caller ID, 'Mark' . A small sad smile creeping onto my lips as I press answer. 

"Hey beautiful." his voice as smooth as it is in person. "H-hey baby." I stutter with the thought of what my parents said hitting me a bit harder this time. I could feel the sting of tears behind my eyes threatening to release but I willed them to stay back. "M-my parents said we can't see each other anymore Mark and I-I don't know what to do, I don't think I can be away from you." I blurt out. I heard him give a deep sigh. "I know baby, I know." was all he said. I felt anger burning in my veins all over again. "You know? My parents are forbidding me from seeing you and all you say is I know?" Maybe I might have overreacted but between my parents saying I can't see him and the way he just pushed the statement away like that didn't sit well with me. "(Y/N) you know I didn't mean it that way! I don't want to be away from you either baby but now that they know it's harder." he sighed. "I-I'm sorry Mark, I just...I don't know. My parents don't understand the way you make me feel." I say feeling the familiar sting behind my (Y/E/C) eyes. "They don't know how happy you make me Mark." I mutter. "Baby, no matter what they say we will find a way to see each other. Maybe not today or tomorrow or a week from now but, soon I promise." he says lovingly. "I should have told you this when we saw each other but I can't keep it bottled up anymore baby." he sighs. I was worried about what he would say. He took a pretty long pause before speaking again. "I-I think I love you (Y/N), and now I know that I wont let anything or anyone keep us from each other." My heart fluttered in my chest. I couldn't believe he just told me he loved me. "M-mark I love you too." I smile. Hearing him say those words to me was the light at the end of the tunnel. No matter what my parents thought about Mark, I loved him and I was going to try my hardest to be with him.

As our conversation came to an end, I thought about what he said. 'and now I know that I won't let anything or anyone keep us from each other.'  My heart was still full from his words and it made me think and I realized, this is to real to let go. Our love may be forbidden, but I won't let it slip out of our finger tips.  

A/N: So, That Is The First Part To Forbidden And I Really Hope You Guys Enjoy It. I'm Still Thinking If I Should Add Smut In This, If You Want Me To Leave A Comment And I Surly Will.

Thank You For Reading <3


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