Ten Reasons Why

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I had just gotten off work. I find a parking spot close to the stairs leading to Mark and I's apartment and grabbed my bag from the back. For some reason I was iffy about coming home. Mark had sent me a text earlier today saying that he had a surprise for me. Mark and I have been together for a year and a half and through the whole relationship he's always had 'surprises 'for me. Like the time when he asked me to be his girlfriend.

After procrastinating, I finally make my way up the stairs. Our apartment was the first one after walking up the stairs, so when I looked at the door, there was a little sticky note. '(Y/N) when you come in, do NOT go upstairs, my laptop is on the counter in the kitchen. Watch the video and wait until the end before you go upstairs. I love you so much.' What the hell?' I thought. This definitely going to be one of his shenanigans. I take the note off of the door and unlock it. I step into a dark apartment, the only light was from Mark's laptop. I walk over to the counter, the name of the video was 'Ten Reasons Why'. It looked like one of Mark's vlogs, nonetheless I click play.

The video began with Mark sitting on the couch with his red and black flannel and he had a huge smile, he seemed to be holding a white piece of paper. "Hey guys, so this v-log isn't gonna be like the previous ones, this one is for my beautiful girlfriend (Y/N). I decided to call this video 'Ten Reasons Why' which is short for 'Ten Reasons Why I Love You'. I just want you (Y/N) to know why I love and cherish you so much." I felt my eyes water. He was talking in a low yet sincere voice and I knew when the video would end, I would have cried more than I ever have in my life. A picture of us came up on the right side of the screen, It seemed to be a slide show of some sort. That picture, Our first date, It was a double date with Wade and Molly. "One. You have a smile that can light up the darkest room." He seemed to be tearing up himself. The second picture was of us making silly faces, that picture was one of my favorites. "Two. You make me laugh like no other, you are truly my sunshine when it rains." he said wiping a tear off of his cheek. I feel a warm tear sliding down my face as well. "Three. No matter what I want to do, in every aspect you will always support me." He smiled at the camera sweetly. "Four. You have a sense of pride in everything you do, you put your whole heart into everything." His eyes swiftly looked at the paper in his hand and back at the camera. "Five. You never let things discourage you, you have so much strength." his voice cracked a bit when he said those words. "Six. You have so much beauty on the inside, that It shines through on the outside." I could feel my heart fluttering, Mark has told me that so many times before but for some reason this time made me feel so much happier. "Seven. You are one of the smartest people I know." he laughed a bit and so did I. "Eight. You keep me sane, without you I don't think I could deal with the stress." he sniffs a little bit and laughs. "Nine. You put up with all of my antics, and you never judge my stupidity." he let out the cutest laugh, I laugh along with him because I know its true. "And last but definitely not least, Ten. I know I always tell you that I would never change anything about you, but there is one thing I want to change more that anything. Your last name." I gasp and cover my mouth. "If your wondering what Im talking about, maybe you should go up stairs and see."

I feel a flood of tears stream down my face, my hand still covering my mouth in disbelief, I walk to the stairs. I see our bedroom door closed. Where the door doesn't quit meet the floor, I see a bit of light. I walk my way to the door and open it slightly. Mark is standing to the right of the bed, his side, in a black tux. As I open the door further I see candles lit all over the room, illuminating it. He sees my face and smiles sweetly. "Come here." he hold his arms out for a hug. "Mark." I say lowly still crying happy tears. I run into his arms and hug him tight. "You know how much I love you right (Y/N)?" I nod in response. I lift my head from his chest "I love you so much Mark, this means so much to me." I say, voice still pretty low. He places his finger on my lips lightly. "I know baby." he takes his finger off of my lips and reaches in his tux pocket. He pulls out a little black box and backs up slowly, kneeling down on one knee. "I love you with all of my being (Y/N). (F/N) (L/N) will you make me even more happy by marrying me?"I gasp, those word sent shivers down my spine. I smile at Mark and nod my head. "Of course Mark, why wouldn't I?" He jumps up and places the ring on my finger. Slowly he places his hand softly on my cheeks and pulls me closer to him connecting out lips in a passionate kiss. The way our lips moved in sync and the fire works going off in my head, I knew that what we have is real. We pull away from the kiss and he places his hands on my waist, and in turn me wrapping mine around his neck. "I have never felt this way about anyone else but you (Y/N)." he says pulling me closer to his body. "I love you with everything in me." he adds placing a kiss on my cheek. I lay my head on his chest "I love you more than words can say baby." I reply. I can't believe he did all of this for me, I can only just be overcome with happiness and think of Mark and I's future together.

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