Dance Pt.1

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-After School-
"I'll send the student body President to come check up on y'all, so make sure y'all are cleaning." My teacher says to me and my friend Ari as she packs her bag with her laptop

Me and my friend got after school detention  for talking while she teacher was teaching.
So here we are cleaning the classroom. We're suppose to clean the windows, white board and basically everything before we leave.

"Yes ma'am." Me and Ari say as the teacher walks towards the door before leaving

"Ugh, I can't believe she gave us detention for me asking you a question" Ari says with annoyance in her voice

"Right." I sulk "like I could be at home catching up on tv shows."

After about 30 minutes of cleaning Ari goes looking for a broom, leaving me cleaning each desk.

"Hello." A soft voice suddenly speaks which causes me to look up to the door "Mrs.Yang told me to check up on you and your friend." A tall boy with black hair stands in the doorway

"Oh" was all I could say "he's even more cute up close." I think to myself

I've always had a crush on him.
His voice is so soft, he's well spoken and overall is so cute.

"You're y/n right?" The boy asks

"Yeah, I mean yes." I stumble with my words

"You don't have to be formal with me." The boy softly laughs

I just nod in response

"Where's your friend?"

"She went looking for a broom." I say honestly

He nods and walks more into the room.

He picks up a rag and sprays the cleaning spray on it.

"You don't have to help clean, we got it." I say as he does so

"It's cool, I don't mind helping out." The boy smiles which causes me to smile back

"So what did you two get detention for?" The boy asks while wiping the desk in front of me

"For talking, my friend Ari asked me a question about the assignment and we got caught." I say

"Mhm well that shouldn't be a reason for getting detention."

"Tell me about it, if you have Mrs.Yang then you would understand."

"I don't but I do understand. There's someone always in detention just because of her." The boy shakes his head "then she sends me to look after them."

"How often does she give someone detention?" I ask before moving to the next desk

"Everyday." The boy sighs

"And do you stay with them until their time is over?"

The boy stays quiet for a second before continuing "Most of the time."

"How sad." I state blankly

"How is it sad?" The boy laughs

"Because wouldn't you want to be at home? Like I would want to be home right now, but I'm stuck here." I say

"Yeah you're right." He slightly laughs

"Y/nnie, I'm back." Ari says happily as she walks in with the broom but quickly quiets down once she sees the student body president right there

"Oh, Mr.Choi, good evening." Ari says while bowing

"Ari, you don't have to be so formal." The boy laughs

"Oh well then hey Seungcheol." Ari says with a cool attitude

"You're on watch duty?" Ari says to Seungcheol as she begins sweeping

"Yup." Seungcheol says "You can do a quick sweep of the classroom then y'all can go home."

"Yay!!" Ari says while picking up her pace of sweeping which causes me and Seungcheol to laugh

After a two minutes of Ari sweeping she gets done.

"I'm done!" Ari sings excitedly as she holds up the broom 

"Ok y'all are free to go." Seungcheol says while putting the rag down.

I put the rags and cleaning supplies back in the storage room then get my bag.

Ari and I grab our bags then go to the door where Seungcheol is waiting.

"Have you done Mr.Bangs homework?" Ari asks Seungcheol as we walk down the hallway

"Yeah, I did it during lunch." Seungcheol replies

"Can I copy it?" Ari smiles brightly at him to convince him to let her copy it

"We're gonna get caught, I can't risk it. Sorry." Seungcheol shakes his head

"Boo" Ari drops her smile "it was worth a try though."

We get to exit door of the school building and we stop once we notice Seungcheol stop.

"I'll see you guy tomorrow." Seungcheol smiles

"You're not going home yet?" Ari says shocked

"No, I have to finish some plans for the upcoming dance."

"I can stay with you." I blurt out

Ari laughs at my sudden out burst.

"No, it's ok. It won't take me long." Seungcheol waves his hands in a don't worry about it way

"It's ok, I don't have any rush to get home." I say to reassure him

"Ok well then yeah, thanks." Seungcheol smiles brightly

"I'll get going then, see you two tomorrow." Ari smiles then winks at me

I roll my eyes at Ari for making it obvious.

"Bye Ari." Seungcheol waves Ari off

"Get home safe!" I call out to Ari to which she just puts up a thumbs up as she walks down the street

Me and Seungcheol then walk up upstairs to the student body office in silence.

I've never talked to Seungcheol until today so I don't know what to talk to him about.

Part 2 Coming Up

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