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(Nana POV)

Same day

"I-I I hope she's alright." I shrugged.

"Yeah, I feel baddd." Michaela said, giggling a little bit.

"Ah! Why are you laughing, this isn't funny," I said, I started giggling too.

"See you're laughing aswell!"

"Aye don't put this on me, you were laughing so that made me laugh."

"Nah but real talk: how could he say something like that?" Michaela asked me.

"Litch, he's overreacting." I paused. "You know Jay asked me to speak to Seven?"

"Ah!! You gonna do it?"

"Yeah, but i'm scared." I chuckled.

"Like that's not your bestie, go and speak to him man."

"Fine, pray for me." I said, before locking off the phone and getting off the bus.

I don't know what to say to him? What if he insults me too? God forbid.


"NANA!!!" Sakani yelled as he opened the door, I haven't seen him in so long! He's grown up so much.

"Hey kani! I-Is your mom home?" I asked, releasing him from a hug.

"No, she's at work." He answered, leading me into the front room where I would put down my small bag and jacket.

"So it's just you and Seven?"

"Yeah, but my friend and his dad are coming to pick me up so we can go funfair!"

"Aww that's cool, have fun!" I gave him a warm smile before he asked me why I was here, "I need to speak to your brother." I told him.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend to do that?"

"Yes, but its complicated." I said, beating around the bush.

"How is it complicated, did they break up? Are you his new girlfriend?" He questioned me, furrowing his eyebrows.

"No, it's just that something happened and they're not able to communicate, y-you'll understand when you're older." I replied, dismissing the topic.

"Well he's upstairs, I haven't seen him since he got home, though."

"Is he okay?" I asked, knowing Seven would fall into the hands of drugs and alcohol when he was stressed.

"I think so," Sakani shrugged. "He gave me one dead smile and a hug then just went to his room."

"Alright, I'm gonna go speak to him okay? Tell one of us when you're leaving." I said as he nodded, leaving Sakani downstairs as I went to look for Seven.

Seven's room is situated on the third floor of his house, it was an attic renovation. I think it's pretty cool, he's got a skylight in the middle, and a slanted ceiling over his bed and a little gaming corner - because you know, he's a boy.
Of course his bedroom is a little messy, but what takes it a whole other level is that it always smells like marijuana. Even if it's cleaned, hoovered, everything. The faint traces of that distinctive plant will always linger there - like it's home.

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