Chapter 1

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I pulled my legs up to my chest as a small attempt to keep warm. The London air was furiously whipping past me, hitting my exposed skin harshly. Winter was always the worst for me. The shelters were full and no one bothered making room for helpless young girl because they thought one wouldn't survive. Im an 18 year old girl and yet people will never think I can hold my own.

Well, seeing my current position I don't blame you but you haven't heard the whole story yet.

When I was young i was put into an orphanage. My home was considered to unstable as my father was frequently in and out of prison and my mother was a drinker. I had no immediate family to go to so authorities put me in a orphanage. When I turned 16 I ran away, the head mistress of the home was abusive. Go figure. But anyways I ran away, I found an old abandoned home in the rougher part of town but it was something at least. I managed to barely scrape by, I worked many different jobs. Most were severely illegal but it's the only way I can pay for food.

Tonight is like most others, I lay alone in the hard bed of the creaking wooden house. The cold winter weather seeped through the broken windows and paper thin walls. It was a miracle I'm still alive after 2 years of this. If i was able to be in a shelter at least I'd be warm.

Sun light rose into the room slowly, my body warming up slightly under the sunny rays of light. I stretched out my body from its ball-like position and arched my back, hearing a familure meow come from beside me. I smiled as Oli nuzzled into my neck, making sure I was awake. I kissed the top of his head as he purred. His sleak black fur bristled upwards as my hand traveled down his spine before settling with a small twitch of his dark tail.

The wood floors creaked under my weight as I walked to the bathroom. Despite the poor shape of the house it actually had running water. I turned on the faucet, the frigid liquid splashing about in the sink. I quickly washed my face and arms, not wanting to endure the torture longer than needed. I brushed out my knotted hair with my over used comb and exited the bathroom briskly. Grabbing a pair of jeans I had recently washed and a grey sweater. 2 years ago I would have looked like a hobo for wearing such old styled shirts and shoes but they were all I had. I was lucky I got some regular jeans. Thank god fashion changes and apparently this was 'in' again. 

I tied my wavy brown mane of hair into a tight pony tail and put on my fingerless gloves. Oli followed me down the rickedy steps and into the kitchen where I proceeded to open a can of tuna for him before getting my own food. My hand gripped the wood of the pantry, pulling it open. to my dismay it was empty. With a heavy sigh and a rumbling stomach I left the house. It was time to work.


After a long and cold walk I arrived at the warehouse. I walked to the side ally finding two gaurds placed in front of the metal door.

"Back already Marcy?" Chris questioned. I nodded with a sour look. He laughed, his blue eyes brightening despite his cruel job. Unlike most of the men who worked for the big boss, Chris was a decent guy.

"Just let her through" Mark barked with a gruff voice. He was like many others here, cold hearted and he only wanted to get his job done so he could be paid. I didn't blame him for it either. Many of the people here were struggling just like I am.

Chris rolled his eyes and stepped out of the way, pushing the large metal door open with ease. I gave him a nod in thanks and proceeded inside. Walking through a short hall and into the large factory room. Drugs filling every inch of the space, any kind you could think of was probably in this room. I walked along the edge, close to the wall with my hands shoved into my pockets. No one bothered to give me a glance, they were to focused on the money to be made in their hands. If they did look at me they thought nothing more of me than a whore. No women would even be here if that weren't their job.

I made my way up the rusted steps to the boss' office. He had told me yesterday he wanted to speak with me about something important but I had yet to find out what. My knuckles hit the metal in three brisk taps. A low 'come in' sounded from the opposite side and I entered. The office looked like it was straight out of an 80's movie, the set being topped off with a strong aroma of tobacco and whiskey. I passed two large men as I entered the room, neither of them moving an inch as I entered.

"Ah Marcy, right on time" I nodded curtly walking too his desk. "take a seat" even though I dreaded staying here longer than a few seconds I abided by his commands. He was the boss after all. "Do you know why I asked you to be here today?"

"no sir"

"Well Marcy your my new guinea pig. Your going to be a new seller for me, you'll be making more money but you will also be in more danger. You can think of this as a promotion if you like" he smiled. Now, the boss was most likely in his mid-thirties or forties but he also had the mind of a teenager and elderly man mixed into one. He was perverted and power seeking but he was also very wise in some areas. His black hair was slicked back giving off a greasy look, and his suit made him seem all the more 80's movie like. His fingers were clasped together, littered in golden rings and jewelry as if imitating the god father as he rested his elbows on the dark oak wood desk. "what do say?" he prompted, his hazy eyes watching me carefully.

"I have nothing to lose" I answered keeping my posture stiff, and fully aware of my surroundings. Did I fail to mention the boss has had his fair share 'sexual activity' in this room and well, lets just say they all weren't so willing.

He slapped his hands together with a wide grin. 'Perfect! Bobby show her what to do. I'll see you later Marcy" he grinned, licking his lips as greed flashed through his dull grey eyes. I rose from my chair as a large and very bulky man approached my side. He was tall, maybe 6' 7 and his head was so shiny I might of been able to see myself in it if he wasn't such a giant.

"Come with me" he ordered, which I quickly followed suit.I wasn't about to get on his bad side. The man, 'Bobby' lead me out of the room and along the railing over looking the large factory. My eyes wandered over the edge finding people hard at work, making sure everything they needed was in place and being packaged if needed. "Here" my vision snapped over to the man I was following and found he had stopped outside a very rusted door, it was a pale green and looked as if it hadn't been touched in ages. Bobby pulled out a brass key and jimmied it into the lock before shoving the door open. He tossed me the key when he finished, "keep it, you'll need it" he instructed before leading me inside. I sighed and shoved the key in my back pocket and walked in as well, finding the room littered with bags of any drug you could think of all stacked in piles and sorted with labels attatched to them

"This is the storage room. This is where you will get your supplies. The directions to the trading spots are on this map" his bulgy finger pointed to a white paper pinned the wall with red dots pinned to certain spots on the map. I nodded looking it over quickly. "You've sold before so you know what to do. But this is the big leagues. The bosses. You need to negotiate with them, make them pay more than they should and if they need any deals your the girl they are going to got it?" I nodded again.

"But what if I find myself with a gun pointed to my head?"

"use you body, your a woman and it's why you were assigned this job" he answered coldly. I nodded again, not at all bothered by his answer. In this buisness, making a living was rough and sometimes you had to do bad things to get what you want. And doing one of the worst just so happened to be my job now.

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