Chapter 3

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Cherry red gloss was smeared onto my lips, accompanied by additional thick lashes, eye liner and a small tinted blush on my pale cheeks. My body was draped in a slim fitting black dress that barely reached my mid thigh. The outfit was brand new and would hopefully assist in getting my job done easily tonight. I slipped my feet into a pair of black strapped heels and examined myself in the mirror once more. My hair fell into curly waves that cascaded down my exposed back, the dress only barely covering my backside.  If I leaned down I was sure to be giving anyone behind me a show. Some would say it was bothersome but for me it was a perfect back up plan. 


"I know your hungry Oli, I'll pick you up some food on the way home okay?" I cooed, stroking the small feline's fur. Oli arched his back in pleasure as my hand traveled down his spine, his tail flickering back and forth as my hand left his small body. "I'll be back late so don't wait up" I winked making my way out of the small bathroom. The small pitter patter of tiny feet followed behind me as I snatched my long overcoat from the hing in the wall. A small tag hung by a small plastic wire on the fabric which I quickly tugged from it's seems and disposed of into the waist bin near the door. I enclosed my body into its warmth as I quickly opted to buttoning the coat, all 5 down my torso, the rest was left fluttered down my legs until it hit my knees. 

The cold winter air whipped at my pale skin as I descended the creaking steps of the house. I pulled the fabric tighter around me as I walked the streets. I received a few stares but no one approached me. They all knew I was the girl who lived in the old house down the block but no one really knew who I was or what it is I do. Of course I wasn't just going to tell them anyways but it surprised me no one seemed this least bit curious. Then again, people who ask a lot of questions don't last long here. You keep to yourself and go about your business. Nothing else. 

The sky darkened quickly as I continued my walk, arriving at a small club in the middle of the absolute worst part in town. But you would never guess the location if you only saw the inside. This place was luxury. The security let me in briskly after giving them my fake name, and they directed me to the room my meeting was to be held. I easily weaved through the many dancing bodies of the crowded dance floor. Many of the men giving me suggestive looks but they weren't what my sights were set on.


"Hello Marcus" I grinned showing my pearly white teeth behind my blood red lips at the sound of my fake name.

"You're all covered up" he tutted, his tall frame was thankfully masked by the chair he sat in. His blonde hair was spiked randomly, keeping away from his blue eyes and he wore a dark button up shirt, accompanied by dark jeans. A look that was all too young for a man in his 40s. 

"My apologies" I answered softly, unbuttoning the coat under Marcus' watchful gaze. I let the soft material slip from my shoulders, slowly inching it down my bare arms before setting it on a nearby chair. My skin tight dress coming into full view. I felt every pair of eyes in the room latch onto my body in hungry stares. Marcus' boring into me most.

"Stunning" he smiled, letting his tongue peek out and slither over his chapped lips. I disguised my disgust with a soft giggle and approached him, overly swaying my hips before perching myself on the table in front of him.

"Your very handsome Marcus" I complimented, leaning over and caressing his face with one of my small hands, giving him a clear view to my cleavage. 

"I- uh Thank you Angelle" I nodded promptly with a slight lick of my cherry red lips, and leaned backward to rest my weight on my hands.  "So you brought what I needed right?" Marcus questioned, recovering himself quickly from my seductive nature.

"Of course silly! Your my favorite costumer!" I giggled. His cheeks tinted pink as I pinched his cheek earning a few muffled laughs from the guards at the doors.

"get out!" he growled at them, only turning to me when they had vacated the room. I shook my head disappointingly with a small frown on my lips.

"Such children" I tutted before peeking through my lashes.

"At least we are finally alone" the elder man hinted, placing one of his pudgy hands on my exposed thighs. I giggled. sliding down from the table to his lap, straddling his hips between my legs.The sudden action startling him. "Your not shy one bit are you" he mumbled, leaning down to my neck and roughly sucking the skin. I rolled my eyes, giving another fake giggle and letting my hands roam his body, seemingly innocent when in fact I was searching for anything useful to me. 

My hands slipped into his blazer, quickly finding a golden pocket watch in his inner pocket accompanied but a packet of smokes, and a lighter. I slipped the golden watch into my coat as his lips traveled up my neck. I let my hands presence become known as I slipped the smokes from his pocket. 

"ooh!!" i squealed. Marcus chuckled against my skin which I only winked in return, slipping the cigarette between my blood red lips and waiting for him to light it expectantly. He laughed and proceeded to do so, paying no attention to his missing pocket watch. I blew a puff a smoke from my lips as he slipped the lighter back into his pocket. 

"Your so hot" he breathed, taking in my appearance as it was open to him now. I held the white stick between my middle and pointer fingers as Harry had done to my wrist yesterday and bit my lip playfully. Marcus licked his cracked lips again. "Shall we take this to the other room?"

"Marcus, we have another brawl" A bulky man shoved the door to the room open, ignoring my presence completely as he gave Marcus a hard stare. The man beneath me sighed heavily. 

"Fine, fine. Ill be out momentarily." The door was slammed shut as he turned back to me.

"No fun time?" I pouted. 

" 'fraid not love, but how about this, I'll pay you now for what I need and when you come back we'll have our fun" he winked. I smiled and nodded inwardly thanking the heavens. Marcus was one of my clients that wouldn't pay until he had his fun. I was ecstatic I was getting out of this so easily. 

Marcus pulled a suitcase out from under his chair as my body was removed from his. He placed it on the table and opened it showing the loads of money within it. I nodded when he closed it, turning to my coat and pulling out the two bags filled with one of the most expensive drugs on the market along with a bottle of sleeping pills he had asked for in our last meeting. I placed it on the table, pulling my coat around my body and grabbing the case. 

"Lovely seeing you again" I smiled, pecking his cheek. Marcus replied with a subtle squeeze of my arse with a prompt to slap. 

"As always doll" I giggled before heading out, passing the two men I had before with a flirty wave. They blinked in surprise but regained their composure as Marcus joined them at the door. 

Turning my back on them I once again passed through the crowd, noting the 6 large fighting men at the bar Marcus must have been informed of earlier. I couldn't have cared less as I exited the Club. The large gust of wind that hit as I left the building was my que to cover up thankfully it barely 5 minutes until I was back at the warehouse. Chris smiled and let me through, as per usual, letting me escape into the warmth of the building. I carried the case up the steps and to the room Bobby had shown me yesterday, pulling out my brass key and shoving it into the lock. Pushing the door open easily and closed it with my foot behind me. The suitcase made a prompt 'thud' as I dropped it onto the wooden desk, undoing the golden latches and revealing the money within it. 

Sighing, I plopped into the leather chair at the dark oak desk and began counting. 15 minutes into the process Bobby entered the room slamming the door behind him. "How are you back here so quickly?! You failed didn't you! I knew the boss shouldn't of let you-" the bulky man stopped short as I turned, revealing the large sum of money in front of me. "How?" was all he asked as he walked forward, admiring my handy work.

"Just one of my many secrets" I shrugged. 

"Whatever gets the job done" he finally huffed. "Drop it off in my office so I can make the deposit when your done. " I nodded as he made an exit, swiftly closing the door behind him. Sighing I returned to my job. 

I left the suitcase in Bobby's office as instructed and headed to the shelter, feeling drawn the crowded building but I stopped a few blocks short. What was I doing? This guy was just becoming a distraction. With a huff a swiftly turned on my heels and made my way home. My very lonely home...

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