Chapter 8

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I rolled over in bed as the morning sun crept through the curtains surrounding Harry's bed. My body nearly sank into the pillows around me and I almost forgot  I wasn't in my own bed...almost. My eyes fluttered open after my prompt to morning yawn, they scanned the room for the curly headed boy and I frowned finding I was alone. Well waking up with Harry in bed with me would surely be awkward so I guess I'm not too upset. 
Wait, what am I saying?  I sound like one of those desperate teen girls fawning over him. Ew. 

I shook off my morning thoughts, blaming it on the fact that I had just woken up. After pulling out some clothes I skipped over to the bathroom, practically drooling over the thought of taking a real shower again. Flipping on the water, I stripped off and hastily jumped in. The water warmed me, cascading down my body and soaking me completely. I was excited until I realized I had no soap! Groaning I searched the shower for some, only finding Harry's. I shrugged and only used a bit, it wasn't mine after all. When i exited I felt fresh and clean, much to my own glee. 

After dressing in some jeans and a gray sweater I wandered out of the room, the smell of food making my stomach growl. Or howl more like. The sound of laughter caught me by surprise. I recognized Harry's deep throated laughter immediately but the other was completely new to my ears. I crept over to the kitchen stopping in my tracks when I saw the man from the photo last night. He was a bit shorter than Harry, his limbs not nearly as lanky but fit his body nicely. His brown hair was swooped to the side in a fringe and his blue eyes sparkled when he laughed but it was quite dull in comparison to Harry's eyes.

There I go again. Thinking about Harry. Honestly I don't know what's wrong with me! Well...I am in his house. But all these gushy thoughts!? That's no excuse!  I inwardly groaned at myself. This definitely needed to stop.

"Oi! Who's this Hazza?" My eyes widened at being spotted, well I should have expected it. I was standing in the walkway. In plain sight...

"Oh Hey Marcy! Did we wake you??" Harry questioned as he turned to face me, showing off his 'kiss the cook' apron. I smiled and shook my head no. "Oh good, ya hungry?" I nodded finding it hard to find my voice today. 

"Does she talk?" the strange boy whispered, nudging Harry's side. The taller boy laughed when I glared, placing my hands on my petite hips. 

"Yes I talk" the boy laughed awkwardly, running a hand through his hair in discomfort at my harsh stare. 

"Sorry about that love" he apologized, stepping forward and extending his hand towards me. "I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson" he added with a large smile. I rose eyebrow but excepted his hand to shake. "So are you Harry's new gal? Well I assume so since your here and Harry dosen't normally have girl's here during the day. Or when I'm around at least" rambled with a laugh. But I stopped listening after during the day. Did that mean Harry did things with girls at night..?

"Lou!" Harry's deep voice boomed making me jump. Louis stopped in his tracks, turning towards the curly haired boy with a smile. 

"Yes lover boy?" 

"She's not my girlfriend" Louis' eyes furrowed in confusion. 

"But- but you never have girls here at this time unless it's Nancy. Wait, she wasn't around when I got here so she must have been upstairs...asleep? So you guys-"


"Then what is she doing here because she obviously slept over" he reasoned, facing the taller boy. Harry sighed, rolling his green eyes. 

"She's staying with me for awhile till she get's her own place. Jeez Lou"

"Oh" was all responded before turning to me. "Well it's lovely too meet you doll! But I still think your dating cause random girl's usually aren't around this long let alone are introduced to me unless they are important" he winked slinging an arm around my shoulder. He sniffed and stared at me curiously. "She even smells just like you Harry! You two are definitely together" he concluded. "Cheeky, Cheeky boy" he grinned, waggling a finger at Harry. 

Harry only rolled his eyes, brushing off his friends comment leaving me to blush alone. After a few moments i took a seat at the bar to watch Harry cook and was shortly joined by Louis "So tell me love, where did you too meet?" He started again.

"We met at the homeless shelter down town" Harry responded, ignoring the fact that the question was directed towards me. But I didn't object, frankly I didn't want to answer. 

"Oh really are you part of the organization as well?" he questioned. 

"what organization?" Harry smacked his palm against his face at that. 

"She doesn't know about that Lou" he moaned into his hand making me all the more curious as too what it was this 'organization' is. 

"Oh, oops" Louis responded not seeming too fazed about it. "Tell me, do you like to rebel?' he grinned suddenly. 

"Uh depends.." I answered, finding the once pushy boy quite intriguing now. 


"No Louis, she dose not need to be involved in that" Harry's deep voice interrupted. His tall frame towering over our way, his apron tossed to the side as he gave Louis a deathly look. Louis but his hands in the air in defeat. 

"Alright, alright but don't get pissy with me about it she's gonna find out sooner or later when your never around" Harry glared at his friend, his green eyes dark and menacing. This was a different boy than the one I knew. 

"Don't tell me about that Lou. I know what I'm doing." he spat.

"You surely don't if your gonna keep secrets from someone you like" Louis challenged, facing Harry even though he was shorter than him. 

"Get out" he snarled. "Out!" his voice sent a wave of shock through me. It was harsh and demanding, much deeper than before. Louis shrugged, snatching his jacket from the back of his chair. 

"Fine, I expect to see you at the meeting tonight though." And with Louis gave me a smile and curt wave before turning on his heels and exiting the house. I kept planted to my spot as I watched Harry angrily go back to the kitchen. His long legs making it easier to disappear faster than I could catch up.

"Harry what was that?" 

"Don't ask" he responded gruffly, throwing what had been cooking into the trash. The contents of what had been in the pots now burned during the little confrontation. 

"Tell me" I demanded. 

"you wont understand Marcy"

"Your quick to judge Styles" i snapped. "I'm not as innocent as you seem to believe just tell me! Or I'll find out myself!" Harry gripped the sides of the counter, squeezing so hard his muscles could be seen through his white T-shirt and the counter creaked in weakness. 

"Fine you really wanna know? You can come to the meeting tonight and see what it is I do" and that was the first time I got my way with Harry.

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