Chapter 15

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Harry slumped backwards into the comfort of his chair when the meeting finally ended. He looked simply exhausted, his cheeks were flushed and pale, his nose was a light red from being constantly stuffed in a tissue, and he hard dark bags under his dulling green eyes. He coughed, his chest convulsing roughly as he brought his arm up to mask the unappealing noise of the mucus in his lungs.

"Harry you should be in end" I scolded him, helping him  up and pulling his arm around his shoulder to let him lean some of his weight on me. But of course he refused and tried to stand on his own.

"No, I'm fine. There's work to be done" he responded, his voice rough and raspy from his constant coughing. I rolled my eyes, looking over to Louis who was approaching us.

"Hey Haz, wow you look like shit" he stated bluntly. Harry glared.

"Shut up Lou" Louis only laughed.

"You don't scare me styles. Especially in a state like this. I'm surprised you can even keep yourself up. Go home and rest eh?"

"No I've got work to do" He stated firmly, Lou rolled his eyes.

"I'll take care of that. Now Marcy you take care of him okay?" I nodded.


"Seriously Harry, just go home" Louis told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You need to rest" Harry sighed, finally leaning slightly on me much to my relief. I was afraid if he kept it up he'd pass out from exhaustion. 

"Fine Lou" Louis grinned. 

"Great. I'll see you Saturday. You can come scope out the place and make sure we didn't miss anything here and then supervise when we make our way too Liverpool" Harry nodded, thanking Lou before we left and I lead him to the car. 

"Keys?" I asked, leaning Harry against the side of the car. 

"Oh your not driving" He argued. I rolled my eyes. 

"Well neither are you. You could fall asleep at the wheel and kill us both"

"I will not"

"Just keys" I huffed. Harry smirked and raised his hands. 

"Find them" Rolling my eyes and searched his pockets, digging into each one before I finally found them. Harry only laughed when I glared at him and placed him into the passengers seat. "now you do know how too drive right?" Harry questioned once I got in. 

"Of course I do" i answered, buckling my seat belt and putting the key in the ignition. "sorta"


Harry and i made it home safely, I was only kidding when i said sorta but I'm sure he'll never let me drive again when I started going 80 mph and swerving through cars. But hey I didn't crash....although Harry might of peed himself a little. I wasn't completely sure yet. 

"Need anything?" I questioned, pulling the covers back over Harry as he layed down. I could see him shimmying of his clothing under the blankets as I spoke. "Water, tea, soup, new undies?" I joked. Harry glared before throwing his boxers at me. I pulled a face and dropped them in the hamper before approaching the bed again. 

"I prefer sleeping this way thanks" he grinned sarcastically. I rolled my eyes playfully. 

"Anything else princess?" 

"I would actually love some tea please" he smiled softly, with pleading eyes. I nodded, pecking his warm cheek, mentally noting to buy some medicine later for him. 

"Alright, I'll be back"  I made quick work of my task. Putting the kettle on as soon as I made it down and gathering some other things I knew I'd probably need later. I figured I had about 10 minutes before the tea would be done so ran out the door and drove to the store picking up a few different types of medicine since I was unsure of what Harry was even sick with yet. When I made it back the kettle had just finished, i hastily pulled it off and poured it into a teacup and placed one of Harry's favorite flavors within it. I brought it up the stairs and quietly entered Harry's room at the end of the long hall. Approaching Harry's bed I found he was completely engulfed in blankets and had to stop myself from laughing when I saw only his curly brown locks were visible against the white sheets. Placing the tea on the table beside him i tried to quietly leave but Harry moaning stopped me. 

"Marcyy" I turned on my heels, coming back to the bed. 

"yeah babe?" I answered softly.  

"Lay with me" the covers moved, revealing part Harry and the mattress. I quickly obliged finding whiny and sick Harry incredibly cute as I kicked of my shoes and climbed in. My body becoming quickly nuzzled into his side as his arms wrapped around me. A small smile crept onto my lips as I placed a small kiss against his neck before closing my eyes and soon drifting off to sleep.


When I woke Harry seemed to be fast asleep still. So I took the opportunity to get up but I as I moved to the edge Harry groaned behind me. "Marcyyyyy" I chuckled, he sounded similar to an ill child. 

"Yes?" I answered, leaning back on the soft pillows. 

"My tummy hurts" he moaned. 

"I can get you some medicine if you like" he nodded and I quickly ran to get it, coming back a few minutes later with cold water and two pills. "Okay now sit up" I instructed, perching myself on the edge of his bed. Harry slowly sat up, leaning against the headboard and taking the glass of water and pills I handed him. I watched him quickly down them and placed the empty cup on the table before getting but Harry's large hand caught mine. 

"Can you rub my tummy?" he pleaded, jutting out his bottom lip and giving the best puppy dog eyes he could muster in his current state. I smiled, shaking my head before take the place I had earlier vacated and layed next to Harry, propping myself up on my elbow and rubbing small circles on his stomach. Harry closed his eyes, a small smile on his lips as he sunk back into his pillows. 

"Your lucky your sick or I would not being doing this." Harry smirked. 

"Why do you think I asked?" I chuckled, pecking his cheek and getting more comfortable as I lie my head on his chest, now tracing circles with my fingers on his abdomen. 

"Your so silly"

"It's all the drugs" he joked. 

"Oh yeah those two pills you took 5 minutes ago must really be messing with your brain. Harry chuckled slightly before wincing. I frowned placing gentle kissed along his chest. "Sorry" he sighed rubbing my back reassuringly. 

"it's okay love" We stayed that was for hours, talking about anything and everything. Even though Harry didn't want to get me sick I kissed him randomly anyways.

"What are we gonna do if you get sick too hm?" Harry challenged, one of his large hands tracing random things onto my bare arm as I faced him.

"well then I guess we'll both just lay here naked and call Lou to come take care of us" I smirked. Harry pretended to think it over.

"Well, When you put it that way... " a grin graced Harry's features as his lips attacked my own, his hands on either side of my head as he hovered above me. He soon moved to his elbows to get lower and feverishly place kisses along my neckline. I moaned when he hit the perfect spot, he began sucking on it immediately leaving my skin sore as I raked my nails down against his bare back. I captured his lips once more, pushing him over and straddling his waist, our pelvis' pushed together forcing a low moan out of the back of Harry's throat....That's when his phone rang. 

Harry groaned as I slipped off his body, but he was quick to grab my hips and try and kiss me again. I chuckled and held him back which wasn't hard since he was still recovering. He huffed in annoyance knowing he'd have to answer or I wouldn't kiss him until he did. So he regrettably reached for his phone off the bed side table and answered it. 

"Yeah?" I watched intently as his eyebrows furrowed together, listening to the voice on he other end of the line. "I don't care Lou. Does it even matter? I'm kinda busy" Harry said into the phone, squeezing me closer into his side in the process. "Yeah okay. Anything else? No? okay good see you Saturday" with that Harry tossed the phone back onto the table and rolled onto me, trying to kiss me again. 


"Whyyyyy" he whined, moving his lips to my neck again as he tried grinding against to show how much he 'needed' me at the moment. 

"Your supposed to be resting. We can't do this now" I laughed even though I was currently fighting the urge to rip my own clothes off. Harry being naked making it hard enough as it was. 

"But I need you" he argued. I sighed. 

"You also need a bath Mr.Sicky" I giggled, rubbing my nose against his cutely. 

"Join me?" he grinned. I rolled my eyes but smiled. 

"Alright come on" Harry grinned, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth and rolling off me. I followed suite, tugging off my own clothes and entering the bathroom after him when I heard the water begin to run. The things I did for this boy...

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