Chapter 4

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I chewed my lip nervously as i entered the shelter. Despite telling myself I wouldn't come back I did anyways. Something about Harry just drew me in and made me want to be around him. Maybe it was being alone for all this time that made me feel  this way but something about him was just...he made me feel alive again. 

"We missed you yesterday!" Lucy boasted as I approached her slightly slouched figure, her old age weighing heavily on her fragile shoulders. Her gray hair in waves to her shoulders which were covered in a green sweater. She wore cozy looking black pants and some flats and fingerless black gloves. 

"Sorry Lucy, I got busy" she gave a knowing smile. Lucy may not have known exactly what I do but she knew enough, the day I came in with a busted lip and swollen eye was definitely when she figured it out. I refused to tell her who did it and since she knew there was no man in my life to be abusing me there was only one other explanation in a city like this.

"Well that boy was asking about you" she smirked motioning over to the tall figure behind the counter, his forehead currently creased with worry lines from over thinking and a deep frown set upon his lips. I tilted my head curiously, wondering what might be bothering him. 

"Do you mind if i go talk to him?" 

"Feel free" the wise woman smiled before shuffling off in the opposite direction. I chuckled slightly, she knew a lot more than she should for someone her age in a world like this. Rolling my eyes I walked over to Harry, stopping at the counter. 

"What can I get you?" he asked, not looking up only feeling a presence near him. I rose an eyebrow and waited. "What can I g- Marcy?" he started to repeat but as his head moved upwards and the curls that had been obscuring his vision fell to the side of his face and out of the way of his piercing green eyes, he stopped.

"Hey"  I smiled shyly, feeling slightly guilty for breaking my promise about showing up yesterday.

"Where were you?"

"I got caught up at work"

"oh..I didn't think you would show up today" he confessed as I walked around the counter and joined him on the other side. "I thought I weirded you out with my niceness" he chuckled breathily I rolled my eyes. 

"oh yeah, your childishness just drove me right off" I muttered sarcastically.

"Really?" Harry asked suddenly serious. My head tilted curiously, was he kidding?

"No, of course not." 

"Oh, sorry" he half chuckled, moving to wash the dirtied dishes which I followed. I could tell he was definitely deep in thought about something.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine, why?" he spoke, not letting his eyes leave the dishes in the sink.

"Your thinking about something really hard, and its bothering you" Harry looked slightly shocked at my assumption, stopping mid way through rolling up his sleeves before returning to the job and speaking again. 

"And how do you know that?"

"Part of my job"

"Oh? What do you do?" shit. I really wasn't smooth at all. 

"Don't change the subject on me" 

"I'm just curious" he laughed at my defensiveness just as he had 2 days ago. 

After a good half hour of trying to pry the information from Harry I finally gave in. He was just as stubborn as I am. I helped him finish off the dishes and clean up before Lucy told us to head home. Harry and I walked outside just as we had before, the night air nipping cruelly at my skin. 

"Still sure about that ride?" he guessed. I waved him off with a smile. 

"I'll be fine" i assured.

"Not even half way?" I sighed shoving my hands in my pockets, ready to tell him no again only for my hand to hit something hard. I pulled the object out of my pocket halfway just to catch a glimpse of the mysterious thing  and pursped my lips thinking. "yes? noo?" Harry chuckled, pulling his coat tighter around his body, a small attempt to shield it from the harsh night air. 

"How about a ride up to the pawn shop down the road? I need to drop something off"

"As you wish" he smiled triumphantly, waltzing around the passenger side and opening the door. "Ladies first?" A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as made my way over, sitting in the leather seats, Harry promptly closing it when I was settled. Seconds later he was on the other side, sitting in the driver's seat and turning up the heat. "Seat belts" he announced as if he were a soccer mom. I giggled and followed his action of pulling the belt over my chest for safety. "And off we go" he smiled.

"You sure have a nice car" I muttered as Harry took off onto the pitch black road. A deep throated chuckle sounded from next to me.

"Well my dad is sort of a rich ass hole and insists I keep the family image up so I drive a nice car and live in a nice house to appease him. Although I could really careless for it all." Harry spoke honestly, his eyes staying glued to the road ahead of him. We stopped outside the pawn shop on the dimly lit road. "Are you sure you wanna be dropped off here? It dosen't seem very safe" He questioned, green eyes scanning the shadows around us.

"I'm sure and thank you Harry" I slipped the seat belt off and opened the door, stopping to turn my body halfway around to Harry. "You know, your really lucky to have what you do. There are a lot of people who would kill to be in your shoes" He didn't respond, only watched as I exited his car and closed the door behind me, now separating us with a metal barrier. "Including me" the words came out muffled and quiet, ashamed of myself for the way I lived. Why couldn't I be born into something so easy?

I waisted no time in climbing the five short steps of the front stoop and swinging the door open. Not caring that the sound of a car leaving the curb never sounded at all.

My feet dragged slightly along the carpet of the shop. My eyes wandering over the large shelves of unique things along with the weirder ones hanging  from the walls. "How may I help you Miss?" My attention snapped up the thick man behind the counter. My legs dragged me towards him, a fake smile planted on my lips. I wasn't in anything seducing but I could make it work. I hoped.

"I'd like to pawn this watch" I smiled, pulling the gold object from my coat pocket. The large man's pudgy fingers snatched it, admiring it closely. I watched with raised eyebrows as he brought the item closer to his wrinkled face.





"375" the man continuously bargained. With any other costumer it might have worked but I knew better.

"5" I shot back with scrutinizing eyes. He huffed angrily.


"deal" the older man rolled his eyes in defeat, grabbing the money and counting it out in front of me then sliding it over. "Pleasure doing business with you sir"

"Yeah yea" he grumbled, upset he couldn't make the deal he wanted. But he was still getting at least a 100 income from our trade so he had nothing to fuss about.

I exited the shop, satisfied. My money stuffed into my bra and my coat once again wrapped around my body. The streets were just as dark and shadowed as before, although the space once filled with a car was now empty. Thankfully. I walked down the sidewalk passing men most people would find threatening but I found pitiful. These men were only street hustlers. The real trouble was in the clubs. 

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