Chapter 19

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My bum felt numb after sitting in the same plastic chair for three hours. My body was unmoving as Louis paced in front of me. Zayn was next to me, trying to comfort me. But nothing could help. The only thing I could think about was the way Harry was gasping for breath. The way his face crumpled with pain as the paramedics put him on the trolley. The red  spot on his shirt becoming increasingly wetter along with my cheeks. They kept telling me everything would be okay but I know it's a lie. The shot was close to vital organs and you don't just survive something like that easily.

I'd never seen him in so much pain.

I heard Louis begin to yell something into his mobile and assumed he was talking to Liam and Niall. They both had set out with some others to find the ass holes who did it. I told them where Jay's club was and haven't heard from them personally since. So that was my only guess on who was on the other side of Louis' line. 

A doctor came from Harry's room and I immediately jolted up from my seat. Both the boys surprised to see me move at all until they saw the doctor. "Your Marcy?" he asked. I nodded quickly. "He's been asking for you" I bolted past the doctor and into Harry's room. The guys would tell me the news after the Doc told them, right now I only knew Harry was up and alive and I needed to see him now. 

When I got to the room Harry lay shirtless in the bed, his torso covered by white bandaging. He was paler than normal and it scared me until I could see his chest move again. I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked forward, Harry's eyes fluttered open, staring at me through slits and I wished he'd open them wider so I could see those green beauties fully. My hand slithered into his and I placed a kiss on his sweaty forehead. I pushed back his curls to let his skin breath and sighed, a few tears trailing down my cheeks but neither of us spoke. Harry brought his free hand up and near my face, wiping away the tears and I choked down a sob. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him right now, how much I was sorry for this happening to him, I wanted to tell him I was here and I would never let it happen again. I felt so guilty. 

"I'm so sorry" I whispered and he shook his head lightly and swallowed. 

"Don't be" he said, his voice even raspier than it is when he wakes up, it sounded like he had two pieces of sandpaper wedged inside his throat. "It's not your fault love" 

"Yes it is. And I'm so, so sorry you had to get hurt. I should have known they would be looking for me and I-"

"Marcy, your forgetting dealing with people like him is part of my job you have nothing to apologize for okay?" I nodded slowly, running my hand through his wet curls and he leaned into my touch. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips and pulled away slightly to mutter. 

"I'm still sorry though" I said, 'I love you' I thought

"I know you are" he whispered, leaning up slightly to press our lips together again. Just as we parted a light knock came at the door and I said come in and Louis and Zayn entered. They gave a light smile and Louis immediately began talking to Harry about something as Zayn approached me. 

"They said he should leave the hospital for a few days since it didn't hit anything vital but we need to leave now" he whispered. I gulped but nodded. 

"What do we do?"

"Sneak him out, we can use a wheel chair or something but it has to be done. I'll steel some bandaging for the gun shot and some pain killers yea?" he said and I nodded again, eyes trailing back to Harry who looked so fragile. I was afraid he'd break. He was always so strong around me even when he was sick his power was no match for mine but now I felt like the simplest touch could send pain searing through his broken body and it terrified me. "you okay?" my head bobbed in response and I took a deep breath. Louis caught my gaze and smiled reassuringly, I guess he had already told Harry because he was trying to push himself up into a sitting position but was cringing with every movement. His face contorted with pain and I rushed to his side, pushing him back down. 

"Wait" I said. Harry obeyed, breathing heavily. The wound was definitely taking it's toll on him and guilt began to weigh heavily it my stomach. I grabbed the wheel chair from the corner of the room and brought it over, instructing Zayn and Louis to carefully place Harry in it. He groaned and cursed but after a minute he was okay and Zayn left to grab bandages. Louis snagged the painkillers off the table next to Harry's bed and we peeked outside his room. Louis signaled me to follow when the hall was empty and we were lucky the exit was nearby. It was a miracle the place was half empty as we slipped outside. Zayn pulled up and he and Louis helped in getting Harry in the passenger seat. I took the divers seat and after the boys stashed the wheelchair in the trunk they scurried off to their car and I could see by Harry's exhausted face he needed to rest.

"Baby take a nap" I tried, reaching over when me got to the main road and taking his hand. It was literally like a bear paw covering my own hand but I didn't mind. Harry's hands were warm and soft and gentle. Harry mumbled something incoherently before closing his eyes and I smiled slightly, turning the radio on low and plugging in Harry's phone so we could listen to his music. I knew he liked some weird bands but I didn't mind. I scrolled through the songs at a red light and stumbled onto a playlist named 'Marcy'. My eyebrows furrowed together and I looked over to Harry who was fast asleep. So I pressed play and 'Runaways by The Killers' came on first and I smiled a little before driving again. I noticed the line of black Range Rover's form behind me and sighed. We were officially back on the road again. 

A month later. 

I raked a hand through my hair as I lay on the bed, my cell next to me and waiting for Harry too call. I still hadn't told him I love him and it was ridiculous how my life already revolved souly around him. I fiddled with the case of the iPhone Harry had gotton me and went to my music. After listening to Harry's playlist in the car and accepting his gift of an iPhone I made him put the play list on my phone as well. He was all rosy cheeked when I mentioned it too and although I didn't get it, it was still cute. When he gave me the phone I was completely shocked of course and denied it as much as I could but he said he wanted me to have it for my safety alone and it warms my heart he cares so much. 

I clicked the playlist I renamed 'Harry's' and pressed play. It was on shuffle and the first song to play was ' Only Love ' by Alkaline Trio. I chewed my lip as it played and plugged it into the docking station that connected to surround sound through the house. I was only in pj shorts and Harry's Ramones shirt I had adopted but it didn't stop me from dancing around the room and swaying to the beat with my eyes closed. The song suddenly changed to 'Sway' by The Kooks and I froze. That was my favorite song and the ringtone I had assigned to Harry. 

I ran over and grabbed it, sliding the little green bar over and putting the phone against my ear. "Hello?" I answered breathlessly. 

"Hey  baby..are you uh okay?"

"I was...dancing" I answered between breathes. I heard a chuckle from the other end of the line and rolled my eyes. 

"Okay well, I'll be home in about an hour." he told me and then suddenly his voice came out slightly nervous and I frowned. "and I uh..I've got some news" 

"What news?" I asked immediately. 

"Tell you later sweety um bye" the line went dead and I felt anger bubble in the pit of my tummy. What was he hiding?

Harry shuffled through the door and hour later, bringing the cold in with him. It was nearly spring but it was still freezing out. He kept his left hand hidden behind his back and I stared curiously from the bottom of the staircase as he struggled to lock the door and keep the unknown item out of sight. When he finally accomplished the task his gaze landed on my and he grinned nervously, his hair tossled from the wind and if i wasnt so on edge about whatever this 'news' was I'd probably be running my fingers through his curls. "Hey babe" he greeted, trailing over to me and placeing a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey.." I answered, waiting. He swallowed and looked around a little.

"Um you look nice...did you do something with your hair?" my lips formed a pout, my hair was stuffed into a messy bun and I had yet to change from earlier.

"What are you hiding?" He pulled roses out from behind him and smiled sheepishly.

"I was hoping we could go on a date?" I bit my bottom lip to hide my smile, this obviously wasn't the 'news' but it was a good way of distracting me. 

"Well I guess" I laughed as he handed them too me. I buried my nose into one of the roses and hummed. "They smell lovely" I said and he leaned on the banister to get a little closer and plant a proper kiss on me. 

"Just like you" I giggled, his cocky aura resurfacing. 

"yeah yeah, I'll go change" I muttered, but still slightly nervous too find out what Harry could possibly have to tell me. 

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