Chapter 5

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My feet carried me along the familiar past to the old building right smack in the middle of town, no matter how much I fought it I just keep coming back. An image of Harry laughing fluttered into my brain, his wide smile, and deep dimples. The way his green eyes brightened as the low chuckle would fill the room for the most childish reason. 

What am I doing. I shouldn't think this way. Thinking like this is what gets people hurt. But what if its worth it this time? What if its worth liking him...not saying I do I mean we just met last week. But he's so different, yeah he's rich but for some weird reason I find myself not caring all that much. Usually it's all about the money and getting paid. But with Harry it's different. 
It's natural. 

As my internal battle carried on I came to a stop at the large double doors of the shelter. My body was wrapped tightly in my coat hidding my body from the harsh wind, not to mention shielding the eyes of others to the dress I wore. I had just came from a meeting, this time it was a women and harsh negotiating was involved and no pick pocketing. 

Discarding my earlier thoughts I entered the building being greeted by the failure smell of dirty people and food. Before I got my raise this was somewhere I went every night for food, now I can't because Harry is here. 

"Hello Marcy"

"Good evening Lucy, how is everything?" I smiled sweetly. 

"Oh Lovely my dear but why didn't you tell Harry your situation?" the older woman asked, her grey eyes gleaming with sparked curiosity. 

"I uh, he dosen't need to know Luce" 

"Well we were talking earlier and I'm very sorry I didn't know but it may have slipped out?" My eyes widened and my heart thumped faster. I swear I could hear it in my ears like it was a train about to hit us at full speed. 

"Y-you told him?" I asked, hoping and praying it was a lie. If he found out he'd be disgusted with me...

"I'm sorry dear but- oh look there he is" I swallowed loudly, gulping down my pride and approached him. His dark curls were slightly disheveled, probably from him repeatedly running his hands through it, and his eyes were dull.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded more than asked immediately. 

"I didn't think you needed to know" I answered back softly. It was strange in his presence I was completely not myself. I had just came from a room where I had an all out screaming match to negotiate a trade and a few days before that I had seduced the money out of a man but here I am standing in front of Harry and I feel like I couldn't yell if I tried. 

"Of course I do! I'm your friend aren't I?! I care about you Marcy! The least you could do is be honest, I'm over here with all this money while you struggling to eat every night?!" his voice was loud and distressed, his eyes almost wild with anger till he rubbed his face with his hands speaking softer to me. "Why didn't you just ask for some cash Marcy?"

I merely shrugged, finding my gaze on the floor. Too ashamed to look up into those eyes and tell him I thought he would be disgusted by me. 

"Marcy?" my name was spoken softly, slightly mumbled by his pink lips. My eyes wandered upward meeting his, the shame I felt towards myself becoming prominent in my eyes despite my attempts to hide it. "Where do you live?" I but my lower lip nervously, fiddling with my hands. "I won't judge you Marcy" Harry added, a light smile on his lips. I nodded slowly opening my mouth to speak. 

"I live in an old house on the rougher side of town"

"You live alone?" he asked

"Well, not completely. I have a cat" Harry chuckled

"I love cats, can I meet him? or her" he added quickly. I giggled slightly, I wasn't used to men of such friendly nature. Or men who loved cats for that matter. 

"I-I guess"

"Then lets go" Harry grabbed my hand, leading me out with a determined stride.

"A-are you sure Harry? My place isn't all the great and I don't know how well Oli takes to strane-ahh!" I squealed as Harry shoved me into the passenger seat before swiftly climbing into his after wards. 

"Oh hush would you?  Don't be a sour puss" he winked, his car engine roaring to life with the twist of his silver key in the ignition. I rolled my eyes and settled for buckling up. In the short time I knew Harry, I found he wasn't one to take no for an answer. Ever.

I directed Harry easily to my 'home'. We pulled up to the curb and I nervously exited the car. I wasn't really nervous because of the stares I was currently getting from the local thugs but because of what Harry thinking. Was he wondering how I survived? How i lived all this time without being shot? Or why I lived here and how pathetic it must look compared to his home. 

"Well don't just stand there" a deep chuckle sounded from beside me. I blinked a few times before blushing furiously. 

"Sorry" I lead him up the wooden step and pushed the old door open, and ominous creak filling our ears as it swung open. Literally like something out of a horror movie. Harry hesitated slightly in the doorway behind me before swiftly following. I tugged my coat off and hung it on the nail in the wall, harry copying my movements. "Oli?" I called. The soft pitter patter of tiny paws echoed throughout the building structure before the small creature tip toed over to us, eye the new human with suspicious eyes. I smiled and scooped him up into my arms. "This is Oli,Oli this is Harry" I grinned, facing the small animal towards him. 

Harry's lips kinked upwards on one side forming a smirk when I introduced them. His large hand floated upwards and hovered over Oli, letting him take in his sent before promptly scratching his head. Oli purred in my arms, leaning into Harry's hand so much to the point he almost fell out of my arms. Harry laughed as the small kitten licked at his fingers. 

"Ow!" Harry snatched his hand backwards when Oli's small teeth made contact with the skin of his long finger. 

"Sorry" I apologized quickly, pulling the tiny animal away. 

"He bit me?!"I laughed slightly at Harry's utter shock. 

"He only does that when he's hungry"

"Well feed him" he chuckled but stopped as a deep frown made its way to my lips. "You can't can you?" i didn't answer, just let my eyes wander downwards in shame. I couldn't. "come on"

"What? to where?" I questioned, confused. 

"To the store silly. The cat needs to eat"

"But I don't want you to pay for MY cat's food. That's just rude" I answered, neglecting his offer. 

"Then think of him as OUR cat" he winked, grabbing his coat and tugging it on him. I watched with arrowed eyes. 

"Are you sure?" Harry walked to my briskly, taking big strides with his long legs. 

"Of course" with that said, he snatched Oli from my grasp and replaced the small cats presence with my coat. "Now let go" he smiled. 


"Cat nip?"

"what even is that?"

"How am I supposed to know"

"Aren't you supposed to be the cat whisperer or something?"

"ha ha very funny Marcy"'

"I thought so" Harry rolled his green eyes and tossed the tossed the catnip on the shelf. 

"I'll take that as a no" I rolled my eyes with a soft chuckle.

"Why not let Oli pick?" Harry shrugged, retrieving the small item from the shelf and placing it in front of the small cat who proceeded to attack it. "Ok so a yes on the catnip" I giggled. Harry smirked and placed a few more things in the cart he said Oli would need. A scratching post, bed, bags of food, toys, etc. 

"I think that's it" Harry concluded, I nodded in agreement. 

"I really hate having you pay for all this" i sighed as we approached the check out line. Harry smiled and shrugged lightly. 

"Don't worry about it" The corners of my lips kinked upward in a smile as Harry looked down at me. Eyes latching in one intense stare. I don't know what he saw in my eyes that made him do this but what he said next was the shock of my life. 

"Move in with me"

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