Chapter 2

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I left the factory shortly after memorizing my first 4 meet ups. They were all close location wise but stretched between 6 days. Bobby gave me extra money to buy some clothes to dress up in for the meetings. If this wasn't so dangerous and important I would have spent the money on food but I had specific orders and they must be followed. So instead of buying food I headed too the shelter in hopes of scavenging some left over soup.

The shelter was full when I entered, mostly of elderly men and some women. Few were of their mid-thirties and none of my age. Or so I thought. 

I walked to the back of the large dining area, passing loads of people and keeping my head down. A shy smile crept it's way to my face as Lucy, the shelter's owner approached me. Steaming broth in her wrinkled hands. 

"I thought I wasn't going to see you today" she smiled, handing over the bowl. My stomach growled as the sweet aroma filled my nose.

"I made it out early today, thanks for saving some" I smiled. Lucy shook her head dismissively. 

"Don't thank me, a new volunteer came today. He made twice as much as normal since I'm usually the only one making it. He's the son of the CEO of The Poor's housing association" now, despite the name, The Poor's housing association was anything but good news. They threatened to tear down all the shelters to build up new offices for their deforestation business. They were all around cruel people so it was strange the CEO's son would be here of all places "He's been quite helpful"

I peeked around Lucy and to the kitchen where a tall figure loomed behind the wall's window, serving large bowls of soup to the homeless. He smiled at each passing person, giving them a kind smile and showing off his deep dimples. He was cute, I'd give him that but there was something fishy about  him. And I wanted to find out what. 

"Do you mind if I go talk to him?" Lucy smiled

"Of course not deary, just be careful" Lucy gave another sweet and encouraging smile as she motioned me over to the boy behind the counter. 

I downed the bowls contense before I made it and whipped my face clean on my sleeve quickly. The boy smiled broadly at me. 


"Um Hi.."I answered back, usually I wasn't so nervous but he- this guy was different. The vibe he gave off wasn't evil like I thought it would be but...friendly? My eyes scanned over him, noting the few tattoos on his un covered wrist, his large hands, lanky limbs and messy locks of chocolate brown hair. My mouth went dry for a moment before I spoke. "I'm Marcy"

"Harry" he grinned, filling another bowl with the steaming broth  "Care to help me Marcy? I assume that's why your here anyways" he half chuckled. I promptly nodded and headed back around the counter, joining him.

"Aren't you the son of that guy trying to get rid of all the shelters?" I blurted as I took my spot. Normally I'd be a hell of a lot more slick with getting my answers but something about him offset everything I've learned on the streets these past few years. 

A deep sigh emanated from his lips. "Yes"

"Then why are you here?" I asked curiously, putting on the most innocent facade I could. Harry glanced over to me with a raised eyebrow.

"I would think if you knew who I was you'd know my dislike for my father" he half chuckled. I tilted my head questioningly. This was news to me for sure. He laughed again handing out another bowl and turned to me as the line emptied. "You see I hate what my father does, that's why I volunteer at shelters. It gets back to the press and back to him and he hates it" Harry smiled, a hidden smirk buried within it. 

I squinted my eyes, strangely feeling he was telling the truth. "Really?"

"Do you live under a rock?" he joked. I rolled my eyes and leaned onto the counter, placing my hands on the metal. 

"Of course not!" he laughed at my defensiveness which i rolled my eyes to untill I felt like my fingers were on fire. My eyes bolted downward as I snatched my hand away from where it had slipped onto the hot stove. My eyes shut in pain as I sucked in a sharp breathe. 

"Ow" I whimpered, holding my wounded finger close to me chest. How could I be so stupid?! I was becoming vulnerable in what could be the eyes of the enemy!

"Are you alright?!" Harry tossed the towel onto the counter and grabbed my hand examining my 2 burned fingers. I was about to object when he swiftly turned on his heels and began walking to the bathroom "Come on" he ordered, keeping my wrist tightly held between his middle and pointer finger easily. I didn't object, only followed. Curious as to what he planned on doing despite the fact my hand was in searing pain. 

Harry pushed the bathroom door open and flipped on the faucet, all while keeping my wrist between his fingers. I squealed in pain as he shoved my hands under the cool water. 

"Oh HArry!! That hurts" I whimpered. 

"Shhh it'll help. I promise"  He reassured, making sure both my singed fingers were held under the frigid liquid. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thankful for Harry at this moment in time. It was strange he was helping a complete stranger. I wasn't used to this. At all. "Do you know where the first aid kit is?" 

"Under the sink" I answered quietly, still protectively holding my burnt fingers to my chest. Harry pulled it out swiftly and set it on the sink. "Okay up you go" 

"Up I waaa- Harry!" I screamed. He only rolled his eyes as he set me on the counter. 

"Oh calm down" he muttered, removing his hands from my waist. I humphed, crossing my arms. "Your really light by the way. And really skinny" he rambled, searching through the kit's contence. 

"I don't like people picking me up" I huffed, ignoring his last comments. Of course I was skinny, I could barely eat one meal a day.

"I'm only trying to help" he answered, pulling out a white bandage. I squinted my eyes at him as he tugged my hand away from my chest and began to wrap it as if he were a certified doctor. 

"Why are you helping someone you don't even know?" I questioned curiously, letting my feet dangle over the edge in front of him. He shrugged. "Is it because you feel bad for me?" I blurted almost slapping myself in the face afterwards. 

"What do you mean? I thought you were just another volunteer..?"

"I-I am. Most people just think I'm helpless because I'm a girl." I covered quickly, he smiled slightly. 

"I just like helping people I guess" his shoulders rising and falling in another shrug. It was silent as he finished wrapping my fingers. "All finished" he smiled, showing off his deep dimples. 


"No problem" Harry guided me out of the bathroom, letting me follow behind him, admiring his handy work as we walked. "So do you need a ride home or anything?" he asked as we made it back to the counter finding the large vat of soup completely empty.

"Su- No thanks" i quickly corrected remembering the piece of shit neighborhood i lived in where my piece of shit house was placed. Harry looked slightly confused but nodded, both of us walking outside after I bid a small farewell to Lucy. 

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" Harry asked, I gave a small smile and nodded. Harry grinned, waving with his large hand before turning to his car which gave me chills. It was a beautiful car. I turned, bowing my head as I walked. "Are you sure you don't need a ride?" I turned to see Harry with one foot in his car and his upper torso revealed over the top of his car. 

"I'm sure. I don't live far" ok that was a lie, I live about 3 miles away. 

"Positive" I smiled, brushing the thick waves of hair out of my face. Harry nodded reluctantly before getting in his car. i waved as he went before turning back in the direction I had come earlier today. 

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