Chapter 12

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My hand crept up Harry's forearm, grasping his hand in my and pulled it away from my face where he held the ice pack. Harry let it drop and placed it on the counter. "I lied to you. And I'm sorry. But I didn't get this black eye from some stupid accident, a man punched me in attempt to kill me." Harry stared hard, his eyes dead on my face and his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "he is a man from your organization that I was supposed to meet. He apparently he also happened to be a client of my Boss. When he recognized me from your meeting he thought it was best to kill me so I wouldn't tell my boss he was working with you." I paused and Harry squeezed my hand in reassurance to keep speaking. 

"Its okay Marcy, you can tell me. Remember your safe here" he spoke, his eyes burning into mine. I nodded, my eyes traveling downwards as I continued on with my story. 

"He said, if my Boss found out either of us were working for you he'd kill us. Me because I'd be blowing his organization's cover by being with someone so well known, Jay, my client, because he would be betraying the big boss and if you do that, well you die. End of story"

"Wait, Marcy. What exactly do you do?" I gulped, keeping my eyes on the floor. This was the part I dreaded most.

"I sell drugs for money, and sometimes, to seal the body"' I answered gulping down the last words. My voice was low, the shame I felt weighing down my ability to speak any louder even if I wanted to. That's when Harry lost it. 

"So..-so your a whore?" he boomed. Tears pooled over my eyes in despair as my own voice rose. It wasn't my choice to live this way.

"I didn't exactly choose to be one Harry! I do what I can for money so I can survive! Not everyone has a rich father Harold! And it's not like I'm whoring it up every god damned night!" I screamed back.

"Well you at least could have told before we had sex!" He shouted making me cringe back. 

"What was I supposed to say Harry? Don't like me I'm a whore, even though I like you and I'm drunk off my ass!"  I cried back. "you were the only man to ever make me feel safe. To ever CARE about me!" Harry just watched me, his chest rising and falling with his heavy breathing. I had enough. In one swift movement I whipped the tears from my sore  red eyes and pushed myself off the counter. I landed steadily on my feet and bolted past Harry. I was pretty sure he wouldn't follow me. 

I grabbed my coat from the hanger by the door and turned he knob, revealing the outside. But Harry's large hand gripped my forearm, stopping me from escaping. To be honest I really didn't want to. Surprise filled me when I felt Harry pull me into his chest, letting me bury my face in his shirt as tears leaked from my eyes ultimately soaking it in the process. He rubbed my back soothingly, keeping his long arms wrapped around my torso. The warm feeling I felt before coming back again as we held the embrace.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that I know its hard for you. But don't leave." Harry spoke, his lips mumbling the words against my hair. "I want you here...with me."

"Harry" I sighed "Me being here only puts us both in danger. If my boss finds out we are together he'll kill us both."

"I'll protect you Marcy, you know that. And I sure as hell can fight for myself" he joked, giving a small smile. I shook my head, sighing deeply. It was silent for a moment as I nuzzled my face into Harry's broad chest, he kept his arms wrapped around my waist and his lips on the top of my head. The embrace making me feel safe and warm. 

"Fine, I won't leave. But on one condition." Harry hummed in response,not moving from his position. "I need to go talk to my boss" 

"What?!" He screeched, pulling away immediately, showing the utter shock in his features. 

"Harry I have too, If I don't then Jay will and he'll kill us. I need to go sort it out before he does."

"Won't Jay be to scared? your boss will question WHY he knows this and only kill him" I groaned in frustration.

"Harry it dosen't work like that. My boss is irrational and cruel. He dosen't mind killing people for no reason. in fact he enjoys it! please just let me go talk to him. I'll tell him Jay went AWOL and I couldn't help him okay?" I said, grabbing his face with my hands and looking deeply int o his green eyes. Harry nodded slowly, letting me breathe a sigh of relief. 

"But I want to come with you,  don't have to go in I just want to be close enough that if something happens I can come get you okay?"

"Fine, you can wait outside the building, but that's it. I don't want you anywhere near those men with guns" Harry huffed a laugh. 

"Your one to talk."

"Don't start, or i'll go when you least expect it like when you sleep" I joked. 

"Is that a bet?" Harry challenged. I rolled my eyes.

"No it's a promise" I teased, flicking the tip of his nose. Harry scoffed. 

"Well then it looks like I'll be having to chain you to my bed" he winked. My eyes widened. "I actually kind of like that idea...alot" he smirked.

"Harry!" I smacked his arm, my cheeks turning pink. "This isn't some bondage porno crap" I huffed. Harry laughed, holding his stomach. 

"I was only joking love." he smiled, leaning down to whisper in my ear "unless you like that sort of thing" He chuckled deeply at my shocked expression making me to smack his arm again. 



I walked with Harry along the pavement, our finger laced together at our sides as we made pointless small talk to calm the nerves welling in the pit of my stomach. Despite our playful banter at home I knew Harry was very against me doing this alone but he failed to realize this is what I've done for years now and I knew the dangers interlaced within the occupation well. We stopped a block away from the old warehouse, Harry squeezing my hand when he realized this was our separation point. I gave s small smile as I looked up at his green eyes, he stared back me, his large had suddenly cupping my cheeks and bringing me forward as he planted his pale pink lips against mine. I sucked in a shock breathe, kissing him back just as passionately as he kissed me. Our eyes squeezed shut and our bodies pushed together in attempt to only get closer and deepen the longing kiss but all too soon did we break apart. 

"Come back to okay? I better not have to come looking for you again" he told me, lightening the mood with the edge of his lips kinking upwards in a smile. I nodded, pecking his soft lips once more before I slowly let his hands slip from mine and turned away completely. "I'll be waiting baby" I looked back to see Harry with a small smile playing on his lips, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the brick wall watching me like one of the cool kids in high school. I winked and blew a kiss before turning back and Pulling my coat around me tighter ignoring the prominent butterflies in my tummy from Harry's little pet name. It was time to be serious, I walked forwards to the eerie building. If I was lucky this would be my last time coming here. 

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