Chapter 11

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"Tell me what happened" Harry demanded. His voice thundering throughout the house. I kept my mouth closed and arms crossed as I stared off to the side, shielding my black eye from Harry's scrutinizing view. "God Dammit Marcy! How am I supposed to protect you if you won't tell me who did this too you?" He challenged again, his nostrils flaring and green eyes becoming dark in anger. 

"I told you! It was an accident that happened at work" I finally shouted back, my hands curled tightly into fists. 

"That's bull shit and you know it!" Harry thundered, his voice becoming dangerously loud. If we had neighbors they'd definitely of heard that. When I didn't answer Harry huffed in anger, brushing past me towards the front door. "Fine, if you won't tell me I'll just have to find out myself" I flinched as the door slammed shut, my own anger at it's peek before the guilt of not telling Harry the truth settled in. He was going to find out my real job eventually...


The cold air nipped my skin repeatedly as I walked down the streets of downtown. My black heels clicking against the concrete  with my every step  as I walked up to the lounge for my next meeting. After regrettably leaving Harry's bed this morning I dressed in a pure black cocktail dress and covered it with a long coat when I left. I could still faintly feel the pressure of Harry's lips against my cheek from where he has pressed them before I left. It was a sweet gesture but filled me with utter bitterness for what I was about to do. 


"Willow Parks" I smiled kindly at the body guard before me. He nodded at the fake name I had used to set up the appointment and let me pass. There was no way I'd ever use my REAL name for one of these meetings. 

Anyway, i was meeting a new customer today. The boss was apparently good friends with him so I had to make him very happy. To my utter dismay of course. The only man I wanted to make happy was Harry but a jobs a job and I had to do mine. 

Wiping away the thoughts of the curly headed boy i walced into the meeting room, a smirk planted to my rose painted lips and a deep sway of hips in my walk. It seemed to catch the attention of the man in charge here as his lips kinked upwards. "Well aren't you gorgeous" 

I giggled in response, placing a hand in front of my lips in mock cuteness. "Why thank you" I answered in a high vice. He winked motioning me over and as I drew closer his face seemed to become familiar. I felt my heart beat fast as I recognized him as one of the men from the meeting last night and if I could remember him it was obvious he would remember me. 

"Do I know you from somewhere miss..?"

"Willow" I smiled, mentally cursing myself out for being so careless in setting up this meeting. Cause I was definitely about to get screwed over. 

"no no, your name's something else" He mused, tapping his chin with his index finger as he scanned my face. I debated making a run for but all exits were blocked. My heart seemed to stop as he raised from his chair and approached me. He snapped. "Marcy!" he grinned "Wait, Your Harry's girl i thought you were working for the big boss." he questioned, squinting his already wrinkled features at me. I felt the color drain from my face as his trust and patients slowly ticked away with the time I took to find an answer. 

"I-I do but"

"Your playing Harry aren't you?"

"N-no! I'm not"

"Then the big boss?! Your gonna get as both killed if that's the case" he boomed making me flinch. 

"Wait so your playing Harry?"

"Of course I am! Boss will kill me if I don't and if he finds out about you he'll kill us both" he rambled glaring at me before a sudden smirk crept onto his face. "But not if I kill you first" My eyes widened before seeing his fist come at me and connecting with my right eye. I should have been knocked out but thankfully i wasn't but I played dead anyways. I heard Jay groan above me and a huff of annoyance escape his lips before his footsteps traveled across the room no doubt going to get one of his henchmen to come and kill me. As the door closed, I jumped to my feet quickly making my way to the window. I thanked the heavens we were on the ground floor as I slipped out of the frame and into the bushes below for making a break for home. 

My feet ached as I approached the house, my heels were currently being held in my hands and my face was throbbing. There was no doubt in my mind I had a black eye so I prayed Harry was out when I entered the house even though his car was parked outside. As I entered I was surprised to find it was dirt quiet and smiled thinking my luck was changing until the soft pitter patter of bare feet on tile sounded in my ears. Oh great. 


"Harry! Harry!! Tell us about the girl you left the club with!!"

"who is she?!"

"Is she your girlfriend?!"

"How long have you been dating?!"

"Do you love her?!"

Harry sighed, rubbing his face with the palm of his hands. His face screamed stress as questions where shouted at him from all directions. Anyone could tell he was at his wits end. He was tired and confused and angry but still had a job to do. 

"Has she met your father yet?!"

"Does he approve?!"

"Tell us Harry why do you hate your father?!"

"Why does he hate you!?"

I switched off the television with a deep sigh. Harry was on TV after leaving the courthouse and was mobbed by paparazzi on his way out. Apparently they had seen us last night but thankfully they didn't know who I was although this just made my job a million times harder. I'm supposed to have a low profile but how does that happen when your dating the most popular guys in town? Well frankly I don't know if we are even dating anymore. After Harry stormed out of the house all I could possibly do it wait until he comes home. Pathetic I know but I need to tell him myself what I do..even if he hates me for it after wards. 

One night. One amazing night, was all I got before things with Harry went to hell. Now he's going to find out and hate me forever. While reminiscing on the one good time we've had my eyelids began to droop, my body shutting down slowly as I rested on the couch. Despite the stress building up inside me I was exhausted beyond belief. 


"Marcy....Marcy?" a deep voice drifted into my dreams, disrupting my sleeping thoughts but as I recognized the voices' owner my eye fluttered open meeting the owner's dark green eyes. I could see in his face he was just a tired as me and began to wonder how long I had been asleep. "You should really put ice on that" he sighed. I nodded, a slight yawn escaping my lips. Harry gently pulled me up from the couch and let me lean into his side. "Lights on"  I flinched back when he turned on the kitchen light, making my eyes burn and the whole room brighten. He set me on the counter like he had when we first met and I had burned my fingers on the stove. It made me smile slightly at the memory, back then I used to think no one would just help someone without any reason, they'd always want something in return.

My eyes followed Harry's lean figure as he walked over to the freezer and pulled out an ice packet. It was only now that I realized how worn out Harry's face had become. He looked more than tired, his features looked as if the life had been drained out of him. Harry placed the packet over my blackened eye as I continued to stare at him. My blue eyes meeting his green ones .

"Did you find what you were looking for?" my words muttered in hopes that he hadn't. If he was going to find out it was better he hear it from me. 

Harry laughed dryly with a shake of his head, his eyes still trained on my own. "I went to find your records and after you turned 16 it was as if you disappeared!" I looked down knowing he must be awfully mad he dosen't know what happened. "Will you please just tell me what's going on" he pleaded.

I peaked upwards finding Harry in a desperate state. "Alright" I sighed. "Just promise me something first?" he nodded, his eyebrows scrunched together in thought. "Don't hate me after I tell you. You can be disgusted and kick me out like I know you'll want too. But just don't hate me"

"I'm not going to hate you Marcy" Harry reassured, placing one of his large hands on my cheeks. I leaned into it with a sigh. His face coming closer and out lips molding pressing together gently. I savored the taste knowing it quite possibly could be the last one we shared. It's only been a day and yet I'm so attached to him. My heart ached knowing he could possibly care less. And with that in mind I told my story.

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