Chapter 13

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I definitely wasn't prepared for what awaited me. There was no friendly smile exchange between Chris and I upon my arrival like usual, he simply let me through without a word and upon my entrance every single person stopped to stare at me making me want to disappear where I stood. Something told me I should just bolt now but that would mean putting Harry in danger and that was exactly what I was trying to avoid. 

With a heavy sigh my feet carried onward. My head bowing on it's own as I traveled past the wandering eyes and up the creaking metal steps of the staircase. My heart thumped loudly in my chest and pounded in my ears but I knew I was the only one who could hear its sporadic beating as I made it to the large double doors of my bosses office. The two guards that stood by the door shoved me in and slammed the door behind me. I gulped loudly as my boss turned around slowly in his chair to face me.

"Ahh, Marcy. I've been expecting you"

Harry's P.O.V.         

I won't lie, I'm extremely anxious. Knowing Marcy was in danger just made me itch with impatience. I chewed on my bottom lip as I watched the building, my eyebrows scrunching together in attempt to see Marcy through one of the many broken windows. I pulled out my phone in attempt to distract myself, deciding on texting Lou shortly after. He'd know how to calm me.

Me: Lou I need your help
I typed quickly and he was just as fast responding.

Lou: what is it mate?

Me: Marcy is kind of in trouble. I'm going to need your help.

Lou: What kind of trouble?

Me: I was hoping you'd come over tonight with the guys and we could discuss?

Lou: sounds alright to me, hows 9ish?

Me: Perfect, thanks Lou. 

Lou: no problem, I'll let the guys know. bye x.

I sighed, raking a hand through my mess of hair and pushing it to the side then slipped my phone into my pocket. I was thankful Lou was willing to help but I wasn't so sure how he'd react to the situation so telling him in person was the best option. Despite hoping to waste time I only trashed a mere 15. 

It was 20 minutes before Marcy finally ducked out of the building. I sighed in relief and fought the urge too run too her knowing it'd blow our cover. She smiled widely when she made it to me attacking me in a hug. I breathed in her scent, keeping her body pressed against mine. "What happened?" I finally asked. 

"Apparently Jay never said anything, so I told him I got the black eye from Jay being upset with him and that now Jay was planning to kill him so , he decided he wanted to kill him first. He thought nothing of me escaping and I figured since people in my position disappear all the time I'll be able to play it off as I got killed or something and we won't have to worry about it" she spilled out all at once.

"That's great but if your with me it'll still be all over the place. Media eats it up when I'm seen with a girl for one night imagine you" I sighed. Marcy shook her head angrily. 

"Well what do I do then Harry?" I bit my lip, furrowing my eyebrows together. Marcy watched me as I thought of our possible plots until it hit me. 

"I have a house in Liverpool , it's not a great distance away but enough so they won't come looking for you and the organization needs a bigger space anyways. I'm sure there's a few empty warehouses I could buy for our work. Lou will be ecstatic because it's close to his old home anyhow and he has connections there.  " I gushed quickly finding it was actually and excellent idea. "Why the hell didn't I think of this before?" I muttered more t myself this time. Marcy chuckled.  

"I inspire good ideas" she winked, taking my  hand in hers and guiding us back to the house. I smirked, squeezing her hand a little.

"Remind me why we didn't drive here again?" I asked as we began walcing down the street.

"You wanted to walk to we had more time to chat before I walked into my death" she explained casually. 

"Right.." I looked around, noticing it was around noon. "would you like to go for lunch?" 

"I- uh I've never been out to lunch before" I smiled slightly as she blushed, rubbing my thumb against the back of her hand I smiled.

"Well I will gladly be your first" I spoke, dragging her into a fancy restaurant near us. She looked around with wide eyes, she seemed like a kid in a candy store and I could feel my lips kink upward in a smile of amusement.  Throughout the lunch i found watching Marcy have a wonderful time made not only her extremely happy but myself as well and I was quick to realize. I wanted to be her first everything...

That being her first real boyfriend or even her first real love. The way her eyes sparkled when she smiled made it seem easy to fall in love with her. Wait, love...Love. That's a strong word. I mean I've been in love before and its great but it also hurts. But Marcy seems so different, like falling in love with her would be worth the hurt if it ever came. But I would never hurt her anyway, I feel like I should keep her safe.

Amongst my thoughts I became lost in, giggling brought me back out of it. "what?" Marcy smirked slightly. 

"What were you thinking about?"

"You" I winked, her cheeks tinted pink making me laugh. "your cute" her cheeks were crimson now making my chest heave with laughter and ultimately earning myself a smack on the leg. "I don't understand why your embarrassed by the truth babe"

"I'm not embarrassed.. I'm just not used to being like this with someone and being called beautiful by someone who genuinely cares about me" My smile softened and reached over the table grabbing her hand. 

"Looks like I'm going to have to make you used to it" and with that said I leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on the back of her small hand.

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