Chapter 18

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Saturday morning was a mess. Louis had got the offices packed as promised but everything had yet to be put into the moving vans so everyone was frantically trying to stuff boxes and other things into the four vans he had rented. But aside from the actual paper work part of Harry's organization were the field men. These were the people with the guns and did the nasty bidding to find out the information Harry needed. But about 3 hours after our arrival Harry had everyone and everything packed up and ready to be moved to the warehouses in Liverpool. 

"Liam are you sure we aren't missing anything?" Harry asked for the fifth time. Liam laughed from his spot in the drivers seat in one of the moving vans.

"We've got it all boss. No worries." Harry nodded. "I probably should have left you with the job of packing up" he huffed. 

"Probably" he smiled. "But we got it all now so after you boss" Harry nodded and turned to me, giving a small smile and lacing his fingers with mine as we passed the vans. We also had a few rang rovers with the workers all packed into them. Harry waved them off to signal we were about to eave and the engines roared to life as we finally approached Harry's car. He let me in first before walking around the car to his side and getting in. 

"Ready to get out of here?" he asked. I smirked. 

"I've been ready to get out of this town for years" 

"Then off we go" Harry smiled. We were first of the line of cars, driving out of the lot and onto the bare main road. I watched from the rear view mirror as the last car stopped to close the gates quickly and then began following again. A huge line of cars driving down the road probably looked kind of weird. But it's whatever. 

My eyes drifted to the window, watching as the city flew by. I'd never left this town before. Despite it being my home I hated it here. It's so washed up and I hated everyone here. except for people like the boys and Harry. And Lucy. 

"Oh my god Lucy!" I yelped from my seat. Harry stared at me strangely. 


"We have to stop by the shelter! I didn't say goodbye too Lucy! Harry I have too" I pleaded. He sighed and pulled out his mobile. I watched as he typed in a number and put it up to his ear. 
"Lou? Yeah I gotta tie up some loose ends real quick meet on the outskirts of town alright?...thanks" He hung up. I noticed the vans behind us turning left as we turned right.  

"Thanks" I said quietly. He smiled. 

"No problem. Out of the time I've known you, Lucy is the only one I've ever seen you have as a friend" he told me "So I can't let you just leave without saying goodbye" I pushed myself from my seat and quickly pecked his cheek. 

"You're the best Harry"

"I know" he grinned cheekily, tossing me a wink in the process. I laughed


"You love it" I blushed. I did. 

I was please to see the shelter was still open when we made it there and eagerly hopped out of the car. Harry followed suit, taking Oli with him so we didn't have to leave him in the car and put him in his shirt pocket, since he was just the right size, and caught up to me at the entrance. I felt slightly bad for having to leave Lucy but I definitely needed to get out of this town. So I walked in, just as I used too when I needed to eat or the day i met Harry and spotted Lucy in the  far corner of the large room. Her face looked even more wrinkled and troubled than I remembered as I approached but I smiled anyways. 

"Hey Lucy"


"Is everything alright?" I asked, stepping closer. She shook her head abruptly.

"No! no! You need to leave Marcy, those men are looking for you. You need to leave!" I turned to the right, where she was pointing and nearly screamed.  Standing there, against the wall was Jay. The reason that beneath my make up was slightly purple skin.It had yet too heal from the black eye he'd given me. 

I was at a loss of words as I turned back to Lucy, trying to hide my face I moved next to Harry, hoping his body would shield me from the men. "What is it? Who are they?" Harry more of demanded than asked. 

"That's Jay and his body guards. If he sees me" I gulped "I'm dead" Harry's eyebrows furrowed together, Jay had also been one of his workers. 

"I don't fucking think so" He turned swiftly, heading in their direction. I yelped slightly, thankfully it couldn't be heard of the chatter of the room, and yanked him back. 

"Harry what are you doing! They have guns! You could die" 

"I'm just going to talk to them" he said Cooley "And if anything happens-" he didn't finish, but pulled back his coat to show the dark shiny metal that clung to his belt. He proceeded to pull Oli out of his pocket and hand him to me. I shook my head frantically.

"Harry please don't!"

"And why not?! He tried to kill you Marcy and he is one of my own men" he spat, I felt tears prick my eyes as I continued to shake my head. 

"You could get killed! I can't loose you Harry. Not yet! Your outnumbered just please let's sneak out of here" I was dangerously close to breaking down at the thought of Harry risking his life for me. I would blurt out anything at this point to make him stay with me. 


"Please" I said one last time. He sighed and nodded, pulling me into his side and hiding me in his jacket. 
"Stay quiet and walk quickly alright" I nodded, waving goodbye too Lucy who gave a worried smile, before turning back and hiding my face in Harry's side. Now we could only hope they didn't recognize Harry's face. He looked back at three men near the wall and sighed before walking in the opposite direction. They seemed oblivious until one of them zeroed in on us, watching us carefully and nudging his partner to watch as well and I suddenly felt even more frightened than before. 

"Harry they see us" I whispered. 

"I know" he answered just as quietly. "Just keep walking" and so we did, the three men catching on and following briskly as we exited the doors. I was thrown into the passenger seat with Oli by the time they had made it out with guns blaring. 

"What do you think your doing with that slut?" Jay demanded at once. Harry winced at the harsh word. 

"My girlfriend and i are going on a trip. We don't want any trouble." Harry explained with his hands up slightly. Jay glared. 

"I don't think so that little shit nearly got me killed" he hissed. I gulped from behind the glass watching the seen play out before me, my heart thumping heavily in my chest in fear for Harry. 

"Cool it" Harry barked. "I've got men up the road who could be here in seconds if either of us get hurt and your ass would be done for got it?!" Jay held up his pistol, aiming right at Harry's heart.

"Try me git" Harry growled in annoyance before doing the stupidest thing I'd ever seen him do. I screamed from behind the windshield as he pulled out his own gun twice as fast and shot 3 times before running back towards the car. Another two shots sounded in the air but they weren't Harry's gun. Luckily Harry made it in, putting the car in drive and racing out of his parking space, nearly running over Jay ad his goons in the process. 

I sunk back into my seat when we finally made the main road. "You scared the crap outta me!" I shrieked, smacking his arm. "What the hell were you thinking pulling a move like that?! You could have been shot!" Harry didn't answer, but kept his eyes straight. I continued to stare at him waiting for an answer until I noticed how tightly he clenched the steering wheel and just how pale his face had gone. 

"Oh my god" Harry's lower abdomen had a large soaking red spot spilling onto his shirt at a rapid pace. "Shit Harry pull over!" I unbuckled myself and hopped out, running around the car and too Harry's side. Pulling the car door open when I made it. He cupped one large hand over his wound before I pulled it off too examine the damage. I felt tears spill down my porcelain cheeks as I looked up at Harry's whitening face, his eyes showing his constant drift between consiouness and sleep. "Harry stay with me okay?" I spoke quickly, grabbing his face in one hands and covering his wound with the other and applying pressure. "It'll be alright" I sniffed. 

I pulled Harry's phone out from his pocket and dialed Louis. "HES BEEN SHOT?!" he screamed. You'd think it'd be expected considering Harry's occupation but everyone still seemed utterly baffled at the news. "We'll be there soon" I hung up and trailed kisses along his face to keep him up. 

"Come on Harry" I begged "stay with me" my words becoming more of chocked up sobs as time went on. Harry didn't look like he'd make it. 

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