Chapter 10

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A/N: So many updates today! Ahhh :)

Harry's hand traveled down the length of my body, his fingers gripping my side in dominance as we pushed against each other. Our minds clouded in drunken haze. Our party of 6 had moved to the upstairs club, where currently the boys were picking out their pray for the night and Harry had asked me too dance. 

I sucked my lip between my teeth as the night went on and the drinks piled up, Harry was everywhere. His arms on my body, his face near mine and breathe on my neck. My thoughts were a bundle of images of him. He was all that I could feel, see, smell and hear. Just Harry. His scent intoxicating.

I could feel the bass beating in my ears and through the dance floor of the dimly lit area. Bodies littered the surrounding space, mostly older teens and young adults. Anyone who partied basically, rubbing against each other, grinding their bodies to the beat of the music just as Harry and I were doing. 

It felt as if the entire night was becoming a blur around us, the only thing completely being comprehended by my mind was Harry's touch. Usually I was disgusted by any man who layed his hands on me but with Harry I only craved more. My finger nails dug into the skin of his bicep as his hands traveled down my petite waist, rounding my torso and sliding down my backside into my pockets. 

"Your quite the dancer for someone who dosen't get out much" Harry huffed a laughed. I giggled nudging my nose against his cheek, my lips becoming dangerously close to his ear.

"Who said I don't get out much haz?" I retracted, my eyes scanning over his face. Harry smirked, biting his lower lip and my making my stomach erupt in butterflies. I waved it off, although I was completely aware of the current situation while I was hopelessly waisted I didn't care to stop our little exchange of flirting just as I didn't when we almost kissed on the way here. 

"Mmm" he hummed in response. "what else have you been hiding hmm?" he smirked. I felt my heart stutter at his words but quickly recovered. 

"Well I am an excellent kisser " I winked jokingly. His brows raised in curiosity. 

"Is that so?"

"mmhmm" I hummed in response. The corner of my lips kinked upwards slightly.

"Would you like to bet on that?" he grinned

"Are you doubting my mad skills?" I giggled. 

"Well you can't be extremely beautiful and a fantastic kisser, there's just now way" he smirked. I rolled my eyes playfully despite the butterflies floating around my tummy.

That's when it happened, Harry plump lips puckered, his body leaning closer as his eyes became lidded. His lashes fanning his cheekbones. My heart beating erratically, my breath becoming more jagged and labored. I breathed deeply before out lips met. The morphed together, forming to each others and moving completely in sync. My hands traveled up Harry's chest, one hand becoming tangled in the loose curls at the back of his neck and the other gripping his broad shoulder impossibly closer. Until it all just faded away.


I woke up with blurry eyes. My mind was hazy but thankfully no sign of a hangover. Maybe that was all just a dream I thought mentally, humming as the warmth of the sun hit my bare skin. Wait, bare. I looked down, my eyes becoming clear from its earlier fuzz, finding a sheet barely covering my chest and strong arms surrounding my torso. I felt slightly alarmed being in his embrace this way but at the same time.....completely comfortable. My body was nuzzled into Harry's side, my head on his chest and right hand on his bare torso. I wonder if he remembered what happened last night? The dancing, the flirting, the kiss. Although looking at things now that obviously turned into something more but I can't remember any of it. 

I pondered the night, countless memories flashing around inside of my head but they were all of us at the club before we kissed. My eyes drifted up to Harry's face, his peaceful features making me smile. My hand acted on its own, brushing his pale cheek. Images of later in the night flashed before my eyes. Harry's face above me, his lip bitten between his lips as my nails scraped against the skin of his back in sheer pleasure. I layed back with my eyes wide, staring up at the blank ceiling. My mind was spinning with the thought of Harry and I hooking up. I guess I kind of had to admit I liked him now. I mean it was kind of obvious I fancied Harry before but it was nothing more than physical attraction. But being intimate with him that way. Well it more than took my breath away. 

"Morning" a gruff voice mumbled. My eyes darted towards Harry's face, he was looking at me slightly amused. 


"I just said good morning" he chuckled "what did I not do a good job last night? Is that why your upset" he winked, placing a kiss on my now pink cheek. 

"No, I'm just kind of confused is all" I muttered, my blue eyes watching his green ones. They were still drooping slightly with early morning sleep hindering their utmost beauty. Confusion crossed his features as we faced each other, his arms still securely around my torso. 

"About what?" I looked down gesturing to our naked bodies with my eyes. "Never had a one night stand?" he asked causing my forehead to crease as I frowned. 

"Is that what this is?" I questioned slightly disappointed. "A one night stand?"

"Well personally I was hopeing differently" he answered quietly. My expression softened at his words. 

"So then what is this?" Harry's arms loosened around me, one of his large hands running down my arm, leaving goosebumps where his fingers pressed to my bare skin. The white sheet only covering so much of my naked body. 

"Well this isn't exactly how I imagined starting a relationship with you when we first met" Harry spoke, huffing a laugh. I smiled slightly.

"You thought about it when we first met?" Harry's cheeks tinted pink as his eyes cascaded downwards to watch his hands. I giggled, leaning over and planting my lips against his rosy cheek, a small smile gracing his lips showing his deep dimples. "Your sweet Harry"

"Well, I do try" he answered over dramatically making me giggle.  "So what do you say?" Harry asked after a moment of fading laughs. I grinned at him. 

"I say call me your girl Haz" 

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