Chapter 9

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A/n: to the readers who Favorited this story its still the same, just a name and description change to fit the story better. Opinions on it would be amazing♥

Harry and I ran down the cobble stone streets, giggling like manics as we tried desperately to escape the rain. It was fun. His long limbs making us go faster. Every so often I'd look up at the sky and watch the lightening flash above and thunder crack down and seemingly shake my very being. But in my day dreaming  I managed to slip, I squealed grabbing Harry's arms and dragging him down with me. Somehow I ended up sprawled out on top of him.  "Sorry" I muttered sitting up slightly and looking at his face. I was shocked to see him laughing. His chest rising and falling at the same speed as his deep laughter. "what?"

"Your such a clutz" he chuckled. I pursped my lips but kept my eyes on his features, his dimples were deep when he laughed, his green eyes sparkling as he looked up at me, squinting ever so slightly as the droplets hit his face and cascaded down his pale cheeks. His laughter slowly died as he stared upwards. Our eyes latched together in one intense stare. Slowly, ever so slowly I leaned down, Harry following my movements. Whatever it was we were about to do I didn't stop it. I couldn't. I tried to will my body away from his but as his eyes flickered from my lips to my eyes it was almost impossible to resist.

Lightening fluttered across the sky illuminating the features on his face as we drew closer. His hot breathe hitting my lips in the cold weather. But the crash of thunder had another idea. I nearly jumped out of my skin as the thunder sounded above us. Both of us jumping slightly at the sound. I quickly mumbled a sorry and vacated where I previously rested on his torso. I took Harry's large hand in mine, helping him up. I coughed awkwardly as he stared down at me, my cheeks burning red. 

"We should go" Harry spoke. I nodded following him down the street, our pace slower than before until we stopped at a large gate at the docks. Harry didn't hesitate to push it open.  revealing the large storage units littering the wet concrete near the roaring waters. We were greeted by two guards who nodded towards the curly headed boy but stared intently at me. "She's with me" his deep voice confirmed. They nodded once more, letting us pass. I followed Harry closely in fear of what might happen if I'm caught alone. These men seemed just as dangerous as the hustlers my clients had working for them. But Harry didn't seem fazed by them at all, his tall figure seeming darker as his dark blue wool Burberry coat partially covered his face partially, shielding it from both my view and the rain. When I finally did catch a glimpse of his face it was serious and his usually bright smile was gone. Not a trace left behind from his serious stare. His eyebrows furrowed and lips pursped in thought as he walked on.  Within seconds we were entering a large building bright from lights within. Harry began stripping off his jacket and I followed suit, his large hands took mine and handed both too one of the men sanding on either side of the small room accompanying the doors. He nodded thanks as the man took it, placing it on a rack with many others. I guessed we were about to meet some people Harry knew. 

We entered a room full of conversing men. Some teens and some men that were surely in their thirties. Some full on arguing, others just picking fun at one another. The room quieted down as Harry went around the large table of men staring intently at each passing person. I only recognized one and that was Louis. He sat with three other boys around his age engaging in deep conversation but winked at me when he noticed Harry had arrived with me as his guest. Harry motioned me to follow and pulled out the chair at the very head telling me to sit. I obliged by his commands, he was obviously in a position of power here with the amount of people that stared at him. And although I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt me I didn't want to go against him. 

"Who's she?" One of the older men growled. "I thought this was private?!"

"She's here as one of us tonight Steve, now what's this plan you've been speaking of?'


"So was that as fun as you thought it would be" Harry smirked as everyone began leaving. In truth when it began it was probably the most boring thing I ever heard but as the night progressed so did the plans. I learned what they planned on doing at the next protest and who their enemies were. One of them was my very own client. 

"It was very.. enlightening" I responded as Harry rested against the table. He chuckled softly. 

"Is that so?" he asked amused. I nodded. "well we should probably head ho-"

"Heyy!! Marcy!! " Harry groaned quietly, rubbing his palm against his face. 

"Hi Louis" Harry answered. "We were just heading out" He spoke, standing up again.

"But she hasn't even seen the fun part yet!" Harry rolled his eyes. 

"What fun part" I asked

"Its nothing" Harry added quickly

"Oh its far from nothing doll, come on Harry don't be a prick introduce her to everyone! Let her party!" Louis beamed.

"I don't want her around these men" Harry responded, facing only Louis now, as if trying to keep me out of the conversation. I squinted my eyes at him before pushing past him.

"I'd love to come" I smiled sweetly. 

"Oh good! Then can introduce you to everyone!" Louis grabbed my had and tugged me out of the almost vacant room. I heard a low groan from behind us and presumed Harry had decided to tag along. What I didn't understand is why he was so against me being here? From what I heard today not all these men are bad, and since they know I'm with Harry doesn't that make me..i dunno protected?

Louis waisted no time in throwing my jacket over me and rushing us out of the building. We passed the gates and traveled across the street quickly, the rain had slowly subsided during the meeting and now we were entering a pub. All the men from before were here, drinking and laughing. It was strange how they went from serious to this in a matter of minutes. 

Louis lead me to a table near the back, a lamp hanging above 3 figures which illuminated their faces showing that they were the boys Louis had been sitting with before at the meeting. They were all laughing and drinking but stopped when we made it there. "aye your da girl Harry was with!" one of them grinned. He ran a hand through his blonde hair as he smiled up at me. "What brings a lady like you to a meeting like that?" he questioned, his accent thick in his words. Louis patted me on the back as he answered for me. 

"she and Harry are dating they just won't admit it, so i made him tag her along anyways" the boys chuckled as Harry smacked the back of Louis head. He was much different when he was around these men. 

"We are not dating Marcy is just a friend." 

"Well Marcy, it's lovely to meet you. I'm Liam" The one with large brown eyes and a shaved head greeted, he was also closest too me. He scooted over in the rounded booth to make room and I gladly took a seat. 

"I'm Niall!" the Irishman from earlier introduced who sat directly across from where I just stood. My eyes flickered to the last boy. His eyes were dark and he was much quieter than the rest. His dark features basically screamed mystery but it was easy to ignore. Mysteries weren't my thing...sometimes. 

"Zayn" he spoke, noticing my eyes scanning him over. I nodded and Harry took a seat next to me. 

"So has Harry told you what we do?" I shook my head no and Louis grinned patting Harry's back. Who was currently taking a swig of beer. Personally it looked like he needed a drink. "Ah old Harry here's being modest" 

"How so?" I inquired, leaning over the table to better listen to him over the shouting of the drunken men filling the bar.

"Harry basically started this whole thing, without him there would be no protests on the things that are unjust here" he explained. "He's kinda of like our leader and we all have our own unique jobs for getting whatever we need done. This job isn't only protests but also going under cover to get the dirt we need. It's quite interesting actually." he started to explain. "Liam here is the person you call when you need to know something. Wanna find someone? Go to him. Zayn works with him closely, he has a record of every dirt bag to walk the streets and is uncannily well at getting into their ranks. Niall is the one you go to if you need a distraction, he's got ideas far and wide from setting up a fake robbery to get around the police or burning down a building that's the head quarters of your enemy. And Harry he does it all. He's the top man and knows just how to make sure everything goes as planned. "

"And what do you do?" I questioned curiously.

"Louis can disguise you like no other, he's a better make up artist than some of those chicks who do it for Alien movies!" Niall interrupted with a grin. Louis laughed

"You see Marcy we are all the outsiders of this town. The rejects and outcasts that no body cares about but we still fight for what's good here. We believe in helping those who can't help themselves and protecting what we love" Is that what made Harry help me? He believes in helping people so he I'm not really just a friend in need but someone who he's obligated to help. I shifted uncomfortably by smiled anyways. For some strange reason knowing it wasn't just Harry caring that helped me made me feel strange and slightly upset but I couldn't dwell on it now. 

"So you guys are like under cover super heroes?" I laughed. 

"We prefer the term Vigilante darling" Liam added sparking a new round of laughter. I grinned, seeing Harry spark a small smile of his own on his cherry lips. I nudged his side when no one was looking and gave a small wink. Harry's dimples appeared in response as he bumped me back making me giggle. 

"Want a drink?" he asked, looking down at me from his side, his gruff voice easy to hear over the shouting. I nodded and he motioned the bar tender over the whole group getting a round of drinks. Harry made the tab on him which all the guys cheers'd too. As the drink made contact with my lips and slithered down my throat I savored it's slight burn knowing this was the most fun I'd ever have. 

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