sell your soul to him

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(Y/N). a 24 year old, tired, underpaid, bitch. 

true, she never fought back, expressed her feelings, she wanted to. but she felt bad. 

she didn't want to hurt people. 

i mean sometimes...but...yea

people took advantage of that, using you for things you didn't want to do





(Y/N) sat at her desk, bags under her eyes, her hair a mess, her clothes, nice. 

she sighed as she finished paper work, stretching in her seat and getting up. 

she turned off the lights to the building, as she was the only one there. she grabbed her bag and left. 

she tiredly walked down the street, holding on to walls as she walked. "hey missy" she ignored it. the person growled, grabbing her arm and pulling her closer, revealing the man had a knife. she stared in horror and shock "w-wait what do you want! I can give you my money!" 


(Y/N) opened her eyes, now in darkness, there was a lump in her throat. was she kidnapped? she wanted to scream...


she looked up, seeing a tall figure. he had wings..maybe a quirk? horns......maybe...a quirk? 

The tall man held a paper and a pen. 

"I'm giving you a choice. Sell your soul to me, or don't. read the paper. I give you protection, at the end, i take your soul..then you become something like me". you just stared in shock, still not understand whats happening. 

(Y/N) slowly took the paper and the pen "sell my soul for protection? I'm not in danger 24/7" The man made a tsk sound. "I don't only protect you, i help you fight back, i feed mostly on your anger. so I get that going" 

(Y/N) just sat there. she could read the paper...or she could just sign it. guess what she did. 

"fine. I sell my soul" the signed the paper, taking a huff as she gave the man back the paper. 


she opened her eyes again, this time being face to face with them man with the knife. the man smiled "gonna ignore me sweet cheeks?" there were a few minutes of darkness once again. when she opened them, the man was laying on the ground dead. 

(Y/N) screamed and stumbled back.

"By selling your soul, I give you protection. Now let me introduce myself. My names Katsuki Bakugou" 

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