Falling apart

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Based off Bubble, on netflix. Ima do a real chapter for that, but for now, u get this)) 

You were a quirkless hero, everyone knew that, but boy were you strong. 

you had upgrades on your hero costume, like little things on your feet that let you go high in the air. 

you were a hard worker, so why did you die suck a annoying death? 


"I've got my eyes on him!" (Y/N) yelled into the mic, jumping from building to building, following a villain. 

"alright (Y/N), I'm right be hind you..be carefull, you fall. and your dead" Kirishima said 

you fell silent, looking down for a split second 

the pink water that spun, you sighed and looked away

jumping on a bubble and landing safely...on a roof you sigh "shit, lost hi-" 

the building clasped making you yelp- 

you held onto a wire and looked down at your dangling legs and covered your mouth from screaming 

there was a thump, making you look up and see Kirishima. he reached his hand out "just pull yourself up, please, just a little." 

and you tried

you tried so fucking hard

only for the wire to snap

making you scream and hold onto it for dear life

you looked at the water and closed your eyes "breath..just breath please" you took in a deep breath and looked at Kirishima who was calling in someone to help you

you smiling slightly, locking eyes with him    

he smiled back, you knew it was fake

but it was what you needed

you took another deep breath 

the last one you ever took

before your hands gave out

your eyes widened 

so did his

as you fell

and screamed



you landed into the water

going deep under

seeing all of the old buildings

as you tried to reach the surface

your body hurt

why did it hurt? 

you closed your eyes and tried to reach the surface again 

but with the speed that the water was at, you only were able to hold yourself up for like 5 seconds before going back, deep, into the water

air bubbles came from your mouth as you tried to hold your breath

you whined and thrashed around


you let it out, letting water go down your throat you choked

your head hurt so bad

your nose burned

tears came out of your eyes, only to mix with the water

you tried to let everything out

but failed 

you slowly closed your eyes

and floated to the top of the of the water

only to be engulfed again, as your body flew around

Kirishima choked up, seeing you float up, and then go under. 

he covered his mouth as tears went down

his friend

and lover


from a stupid death 


MHA one shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora