if only pt.2)

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tw. Suicide

if only

he was there

if only 

he was nicer

if only

he asked

how you were


maybe, you would still be alive

now he was a hero..that didn't really feel like a hero

he celebrated your birthdays

always 'talked' to you

went to your grave

even had a necklace  that he never wore, instead was hung on his wall

a necklace that you used to wear 

the thoughts of seeing your blood splatter against the concrete 

if he remember correctly that day

it was sunny

no clouds

super hot

the flowers were blooming 

Bakugou was in a good mood

not being rude, but still himself

Izuku wasn't there that day 

you were your normal quiet self, but today, you looked...nice?

hair was brushed, uniform clean and tight, you were smiling, but..you could still see the cold dead eyes you had

you waved hello to everyone 

Bakugou was your...'friend' 

truth be told 

he wasn't

he taunted you   

played..weird pranks 

you were sad


really sad

your grades dropped

day by day

you went silent 

your hair looks..greasy

your uniform was most of the time dirty 

your grades went to all C's 

and stayed like that

till the day you died

Bakugou..he..he was a little worried about you. but didn't wanna show..'weakness' 


he never asked how you were

never asked if you were okay

never smiled at you like he used to

he...'hated' you. you thought

Izuku tried to talk to you

but you ignored him too

that day..Bakugou was outside with his friends

eating lunch




then you fucking died

"woah- holy shit is that (Y/n)?" one of his friends pointed to the roof of the school 

Bakugou looked up 

you were smiling

you took off your shoes

then your dress coat

and looked at the ground

Bakugou stared at you "what are they...." he gasped "(Y/N)" 

you took a step forward 







and fell

fell down the long



the crunch of your bones..like a kitkat. made Bakugou freeze

blood that splatted everywhere 

the pool of red liquid that surrounded your body

your twisted smile 

your messed up hair

the white shirt that slowly turned red

your broken limbs 

the crunch.....

People screamed

and Bakugou

well he just stood there

one of his friends grabbed him and got him away from your dead body 

cops were called

and he just froze

he didn't run to you

he could feel tears go down his face

they burned him like asid

and in the moment

in some how

the sun

got brighter 

flowers bloomed faster

and wind swayed

as he watched everyone run around and teachers try to cover your body

it was like slow-mo


he was screaming


he was just crying

his hands shook 

"they..would be a nice subject" 

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