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yall remember the first ever part in this? yea..think of this like a part 2. this has more about Y/N then Bakugou- sorry))

You and Katsuki have been dating for 4 years, hes now a hero, and you. an astronaut. You became what you've wanted to be for years. you were happy. the first time you were gonna go to space, was today. Katsuki stayed back after you hugged him and said you loved him, he told you if you didn't come back, he was gonna kill you in hell. 

you kissed his cheek and left. 


you flipped switches, taking deep breaths and thinking of Katsuki, your parents, your friends. 


Katsuki watched you from afar, smiling, almost crying. you'd be gone for about 2 months, sure not to long. but years for him. just nothing had to go wrong. 



the space shit shot up, the noises scared Katsuki at first...its fine. fine.


its been one month you've been on the moon for a month. took three days to get there. your ship was well, you still had food, you were healthy. but you did miss Katsuki. 

hes fine right? 

"Officials say hero Dynamight has passed away today. They said he was in a fight with a strong villain, the villain seemed to have more quirks then one Dynamight's body had cuts all over it, he was fine, but got shot in the head, people are starting to think it was a fake, because Dynamight was a great hero and would have seen the bullet. may you rest in peace, they also say that his partner is in space, will not know the sadness until they come back"  

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