theme park

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Deku* Heyooo u ready? :)
Y/n* Almost, lemme get my shoes on,,,where r u??
Deku* I'm outside ur dorm lol 
Y/N* oh-

(Y/N) chuckled as they slid on they're shoes and opened they're door, there stood an Izuku, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, along with a jacket

(Y/N) smiled "alrighty..lets go!" 

you both made it outside of UA, holding hands, making jokes

"get on my back" 

you stared at Izuku confused "why??"

"just do it" 

you shrugged and got on his back

he activated his quirk

you realized what he was gonna do and held on tighter, hiding your face in his neck 

he smiled a bit and used his quirk the jump up high enough in the air, landing on a building, going to another and doing it over and over again

until you were both at the theme park 

you didn't let go until about a minute of being on the ground

he took your hand again 

"sorry if i scared you...but the sooner we're there the sooner we can- play" 

you chuckled "yep, do you have the tickets?" 

Izuku nodded and grabbed tickets out of his pocket

you both went up to the stand and turned in the ticket, getting a wrist band in return 

you smiled and grabbed his hand as you ran into the park "I never got to go to these when i was a kid- i want to do everything" 

Izuku smiled slightly "then we'll do everything"


after hours, and i mean hours

of riding, playing games, screaming

you went on every ride and played 99% of the games

you held like 5 stuffed animals in your hand and cotton candy "oh my god i missed to much growing up what the heck" 

Izuku chuckled as he held a few other stuffed animals "well i'm glad I was the first to take you" 

you looked at him and smiled "so am I" you leaned on him as you both walked

it was about- 9:57 

you both wanted to go home- because as you were having fun- walking was just..........anyways

you held his hand

he stopped walking and pulled you closer

you stared at him

and felt soft lips touch yours

your fist kiss

that memory played in your head


and over

he was your first love

your boyfriend

soon to be husband


was your soon to be husband

you stared at the coffin 

where his dead body


you felt burning tears fall down

and the air

got colder 

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