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Halloween was your FAVORITE holiday

you get to dress up...and get free candy! fuck yea

plus you loved horror so you get to dress up all freaky 

"TOKOYAMIIIIII" you walked into his room as he sat, in the dark, watching a video

"you always got the good horror costume..what should i go as this year?"   

Tokoyami glared "why do you want to do such a childish thing?" 

you scoffed "well sorry! didn't know you were a fucking kill joy" you rolled your eyes "anyways- who wouldn't love halloween! its the best holiday! plus you can go anywhere you want.....and free candy..but the horror bro! I bet you if you go with me you'll get scared" Tokoyami rolled his eyes making you glare and grab his arms. you pulled him up and pulled him out of his room 

"kinda weird you didn't hiss....really thought you were a vampire or something.." you pulled him to the main area where everyone was dressed up, or dressing up. Even Bakugou..wow. 

you smirked "see! now you HAVE to do it" he groaned "I also have just the perfect thing for you...ima make you go as a plague doctor" you let him go and held an outfit along with a cane 

"I was gonna go as something different but ima also go as a a plague doctor with you" you smiled at him




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You leaned on your cane as fixed a strap on your costume "Tokoyami are you ready??" 

there was another groan as a Tokoyami came out of his room

you smiled, blushing a little 

"see! you look amazing!" you pulled him closer with your cane and pulled him to the main area

"alright everyone cya later!" you waved bye to everyone, they waved back and you grabbed Tokoyami's hand as you ran out of the place

after a few minutes of silents you both left UA and watched children run around. you chuckled "see..its dark, kids are laughing..perfect place for a murder!" 



you looked at him "wanna go to an abandoned high way?" (i have one near me- its so fucking cool) 

he shrugged, making you once again grab his hand and use your quirk

you both just kinda plopped on the ground 

you sighed and took off your mask "this, this is why i love Halloween...looking at the city as the kids run house to house and see all the cool 'scary' stuff..." you smiled as you walked to the edge, Tokoyami fallowing you "well...your normally like me and not this cheery so i can see its your favorite" you chuckled 

"wanna do something cool?" you looked at him, he looked back "what?" 

you smirked and took a set forward, falling off the place. Tokoyami jerked


you landed into the water

taking in a gulp of the water and reaching the surface "cmon!" 

it took a few minutes until Tokoyami jumped down with you

you  went under and grabbed his feet, pulling him under the water. he screeched. 

you let out air bubbles as you laughed, looking at him 

he glared at you, as he choked because he didn't have enough time to get enough air 

you stared at him for a few minutes, before you kissed him and put air in his mouth 

Tokoyami blushed and swam to the surface, followed by you. 

you smiled for a few seconds "sorry" 

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