Aura Guardian Appear

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In a big hall, there were many people who wore a long black rode fill with some golden colour line with gold colour beautiful design.All of them looked at the young boy? (actually 'he' is a girl.) who was standing in front the mirror. They can't believe what the mirror said just now.The hood was covered her head.

Due to this, nobody knew 'he' actually was a she. The young girl who was standing in front the mirror just smile if nothing had happen.

After all, this was not the first time she faced such situations. She had been sent back to the Past, sturk in the Underworld, involving herself into the battle between the God of Space and God of Time and more. She already learned how to use her expression to lied the people.

Suddenly, a crow man who was trying to make sure the raccoon? doesn't escape shouted loudly.
"There’s no way the black carriage would pick up a human who cannot use magic!In 100 years, there has not been any mistake in student selection.
Why in the world…"

Without his notice, the racoon who called himself as 'The Great Grimm' managed escaped from the rope. He stated proudly
"Mggh…. puh!Then, give that seat to me!"
The crow man who was Crowley shocked
"Ah, wait! This raccoon!"

"Unlike that human over there, I can use magic! That’s why, put me into the academy instead! If it’s magic you want, I’ll show you an extraordinary one now!"

With this, Grim prepared to used his magic. A young boy who with red colour hair noticed this and shouted.
" Everyone, take cover!"

Before they realised, Grim shot blue flame.
Unfortunately, not everyone managed to take their own cover. Especially a boy who in turban, the flame got his butt.
"Uwaa!! Hot, hot, hot, hot! The fire got to my butt!"

While they were arguing, a bright blue light catch their attention. They turned and saw a creature like jackel which stood with two legs. It hand was holding the big bright blue ball into the air.

Suddenly, it released the ball. As the ball hited the land, it became a big wave. With the wave, all the fire was gone including the fire on Kalim's butt. All of them can't believe such creature can easily put all fire out as if it was nothing. All of them turned their attention to the jackel like creature.

It looked at them and walked towards the student which can't sorted in any dorm. The student bend down and petted it head
"Good job. You are done so much, Lucario. You deserve a rest."
Lucario shook it head and nudged it head towards his(in their opinion) hand. He chuckled and shook his head

With this, he petted it head without caring the attention that they have now. After a few seconds, Grimm finally awake(he was hit by the water and unconscious). He looked around and shouted
"What! Where was my fire!!??"

This enough catch everyone 's attention. When they wanted to catch it, the student who petted the creature who was Lucario walked towards Grimm as Grimm looked around him with horror that his fire was disappeared.
"Neh.... Grimm."

"Hm? What you want human!!? Wait! Are you the one who made my fire disappeared?! How dare you! Human! Do you know who are you talking with!!?"

This alone enough made Lucario growled towards Grimm. This made Grimm afraid Lucario. Luckily, Rina raised her hand as a signal to stand down.

With this, Lucario stand down before gave a growl towards Grimm first. Rina smiled and turned to Grimm with a stern face.
"Grimm... Tell me. Are you willing to make to your goal with your hand stain with blood?"

"Huh?? Of course not!! I will make my magic to use in good deed!"

"Oh?Is that so? But what I see is a monster who will to anything to make his goal come true."

"Huh!!?? How da-"

"Are you trying to tell me that just now what you do was right?!"

"Of co-"

"No!! What you did was trying to kill people to make them to fear you!!"

With this, Grimm became scared.Rina took a deep breath before continuing with a much more softly voice
"Grimm. Are you sure this is what you want?"

Grimm looked at Rina.
"Can you stain your hand with countless blood just to achieve your goal?"
Grimm become silent as he looked at the ground
"Grimm.... I know you are nothing but a child. But you must understand it,powerful magic is something that many people want to have. But it can be a sword that can protect you but also kill people.That why, you should not use your magic just for your own desire. You need to think first. For yourself. For the people who around you. For those stranger who walked pass you. "
Grimm continues looked at the ground as his eyes was filled with tears that would fall in any moment.

Suddenly, he felt someone petted his head. He looked at Rina who was petted his head with smile but her eyes was filled with sadness and tried. Before he know, he was crying.
Rina hugged Grimm
"It all right.. Grimm... Nobody got hurt... You can cry."
Grimm heard her word but he can't reply as he keep crying.

Meanwhile, all of the students and Crowley can't believe it that this kid managed tame a dangerous creature (Lucario) and convinced the monster.In that moment, the dorm leaders felt like that this new student was an adult.

Suddenly Crowley walked toward the student,Lucario stood in front Crowley while gave a warning growl. The student looked at Lucario
"Lucario, stand down."

To their surprise, it speak-not it more like it they hear this voice in their head.
"But master! H-"
Lucario looked surprised for a second before bow.
"My apologies, master."
He smiled and shook his? head
"You did what you thought is right only, Lucario. I don't blame you."
The student turned his head towards Crowley and bow.

Since his hood was covered his head, so he can't saw his face. Think about it, his voice was sound like a girl.

"I am sorry for Lucario 's attitude. Please forgive him."

Crowley was shocked before he chocked a little bit

"It okay, young man. But I am surprise that you managed to tamed not only one beast but two beast."
He shook his head
"I do not tame them. Grimm is a young child that all. He just need a guide. What I done was nothing. And I don't tame Lucario."
"He is my family."
"I - I see.."

Crowley can't believe such human existed. He claimed that this beast was his family. How interesting..

Suddenly, the student remembered something.

"Excuse me, sir. But just now you said 'young man'?"

Crowley looked at this student with confuse.

"Yes!After all, you indeed are a young boy."

This made the student seem confuse than just now. Suddenly, they heard Lucario laugh.

"Hahaha hahaha!!!!!"

This made all of them(expect it master) looked at Lucario with confuse. Riddle stepped in front and asked with a frown

"Excuse me, but why are you laughing?"

Lucario managed answered his question without laughing.

"Because all of you thought my master is a boy!"
"Oh? You speak if he is not a boy."
"Of course! My master is a girl!"

Then, all of them become silent until they registered what it was said.


Crowley looked at the student with unbelievable as the student slowly took of 'his' hood. It revealed a young girl who around 16 years old.

"I never say I am a boy. You are the one who said I am a boy."

She said with hesitate and uncertainty.
After a few seconds, the whole school was shaking from the shout from all the students


An Aura Guardian In Twisted Wonderland (Twisted Wonderland crossover Pokemon) Where stories live. Discover now