That Little Laughing in Your Head

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This is a filler. I haven't watched Inyuasha yet sooo.... I can't exactly tell you all what happened yet. Anyway, this is something to tide you guys over. I'm sorry.

I yawned as I walked up to Ouran once again. What had possessed me to come here again? I haven't touched the Shikon jewel though I knew it would send me home on contact. Well, once it's united again. Kagome listened to my plea and kept the two halves separate. She had one half and I had the other. To say Inyuasha was mad is an understatement.

"Ehehehehehehe..." A voice laughed. "Never expected to see you here again." I looked up to see Undertaker jumping down from the roof.

"Hey." I said tiredly.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I didn't really sleep that well last night." I admitted as I entered the school.

"Oh, really?" He asked. I nodded. I had come extremely early so, any normal humans wouldn't have questioned why I was talking to thin air or other people would ask who Undertaker was.

"Yeah..." I said. "What are you doing here?"

"It's hard not to notice when they're are two people with the same soul." He said. "So naturally, I came to visit the one with the older soul. The one with the younger soul isn't very sociative." I sighed. Yeah, that sounded about right. We walked in silence. "Why couldn't you sleep?"

"Today's the day." I muttered. "The day when those horrible things happened to me... I can feel it." I tightened my grip around the book I had.

"What things?" He asked in concern. I looked at him and tried to give him a smile. It was pitiful and barely a smile.

"The day I was captured and tortured." I told him weakly. I've never seen Undertaker look so surprised and worried. "It's okay. I've lived through it already. It'll be okay."

"We could go and save you!" He exclaimed. I shook my head.

"Undertaker, if we do that, I won't be the same." I told him. "Don't worry about, okay?"

"...Lily." He said. I gave him a short chuckle.

"It's okay." I said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go find a place to sulk in peace."

"I knew you weren't okay!" He said. I left him before he could follow me. I naturally went to the host club, or what remained of it. Music room three was as empty as it was when I first got here. I sat down and sighed. I sat my stuff on the table in front of me.

"To Hell with Tease." I muttered. "I should go kill Tykky..." Or not because that would change the way I am now. I sighed. Time travel is a-

"Lily?" A voice asked. I turned to see who had entered, not surprised to find Haruhi. I smiled weakly.

"Hey..." I said. "What's up?"

"Just some studying." She said sitting next to me.

"I'm the one from before so don't worry about it." I told her. She nodded.

"So, you're staying in school here?" She asked. I nodded. "Did something happen? You seem... Off."

"Myself that's supposed to be here is going to be tortured today." I muttered. "It's... Disorienting." Her eyes widened but she managed to keep her mouth shut. Well, there goes her plan to study. "You debt was paid, right?" I asked. She nodded.

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