Back at Ouran...Err, Scratch That -Going to True Cross, After that, No Idea

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I finally made it to class with a dead look on my face and my Grimmreaper glasses on my face. I groaned in exhaustion. I was the first one here, surprisingly. I had finished up a Grimmreaper assignment before just lugging myself here. I yawned and stretched as the teacher gave me a worried look. "Are you okay?" He asked. "You've been missing school lately." I waved him off.

"I was in London." I said. "Grimm Academy should be sending over documents of my stay there." I yawned tiredly as he nodded again. I lied my head on the desk. No one would get here until about twenty minutes. Nap time.


I woke up to the tardy bell ringing and heavy footsteps. I raised my head slowly and wiped at my eyes after I moved my glasses. I blinked a couple of times before a familiar clicking sound caught my attention. I focused in front of me right down the barrel of a gun. I blinked. What did I do this time? I looked at the owner of said gun and spotted an insignia that was on various others with the same uniform. I looked around calmly while the other students were fainted, freaking out, or about to attack.

I raised an eyebrow quizzically at Kyoya. He looked at me and paled. Probably thinking something along the lines of, 'How many times has this happened to you before?' Too many to count and way too many than he would want to know. The only other with a gun pointed at their person was Cruise. We slowly raised our arms in surrender.

"By order of the Vatican, we're arresting you on your relation with Satan." A man called. I blinked before replying.

"Who the Hell are you?" I questioned with a yawn. Everyone sweatdropped at me before I caught Cruise's gaze. Cruise and I looked at each other before looking at Dean. He knew we wanted him to watch out for the others that weren't taking into custody. I started to stand up when I heard another click. I was irked now. "You said you were arresting me." I said. "I was just freaking complying. You don't have to shoot me. There are innocent people here for Christ sake!" I almost instantly buckled in pain and Cruise sighed.

"Idiot." He muttered. "You were already weak and then you go around throwing careless words."

"Shut up." I said. "You haven't been through what I've been through this morning."

"That's the point." He said standing up also. He strolled over to me, ignoring all the guns pointed at him as he did so. He hauled me up and I leaned on him for support. I waved at Kyoya

"See you later." I said grinning before the door slammed shut and I officially lost all consciousness.


I woke up in chains obviously made from some holy metal because they were burning my wrist. Oh this would not do. I exerted my aura around them and they broke. I winced as I moved them. I rubbed my hand over them and they healed instantly. The only indicator I was ever hurt was a pinkish ring around the circumference of them. I flexed them and looked at my surroundings.

"Finally woke up, huh?" Cruise asked from a cell across from me. I nodded as I moved into the light. "Want to do something about my chains? I ain't that strong." I sighed and a second later the chains shattered.

"Impressive display of power, Miss Taiyo." Cruise and my eyes widened as we instantly bowed.

"Lord Mepheisto." We breathed. What's a member of the Duras family doing here?

"Oh please stand." He said. "I hate formalities." My ridged shell broke and I stood up relaxed.

"Good, because I do too." I said. "Can I call you Mephy?" He grinned and Cruise gaped at me.

"Why not?" He said as a green hamster appeared on his top hat. I grinned and waved.

"Hey cousin." I greeted happily.

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