The Host Club Wasn't a Joke

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At Ouran there is a host club when rich girls go who have way too much time on their hands to flirt with boys who also have eat too much time in their hands. I laughed when I heard this. I'm not laughing now as I stand getting violated by rose petals in the face with Lisanna. We decided we would suffer through this together and I now realize, this is the most terrible thing I have ever gone through. Even when I agreed to let Rangiku dress me up. After that, I now have an unrational fear of make-up. "Welcome, to the host club." A chorus of boys sounded. I finally got over my eyesight problems and got a good look at the host club. I recognise three of them: Tamaki Souh, Kyoya Ootori, and Haruhi Fujioka. So this is that host club. I blinked in confusion and spun on my heel. NOT TODAY! I grabbed Lisanna's hand and walked away from music room three.

"Wait, Lily." Haruhi called after me. I stopped and turned around. Lisanna did the same. "Why don't you come in?" I glanced at Lisanna and could tell she didn't want to stay. I sighed.

"Go on, I'll see you at home." I said. She smiled gratefully and scurried to find her brothers before they left. This was how I ended up alone with the undeniably gorgeous boys. Now, as for how I started to help them out, that's a different story.

"So, hi Haruhi." I said walking back over to her. "Nice seeing you again. Who would've thought we went to the same school." I reluctantly entered the club along with Haruhi. There weren't a lot if people here. "Doesn't it seem a bit empty?"

"Yeah, there are a couple of things going on around here so not as many people are here." Haruhi replied. I nodded. "It's usually packed."

"So I chose the right day to come." I said relieved. She smiled and nodded.

"Haru-chan," A small boy said coming up to us with a bunny hugged against him. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Lily, Honey." Haruhi said introducing me.

"Hello~" A voice said.

"Lily~" Another finished. Their faces pressed against mine. I'm pretty sure any other girl would've passed out.

"Um, who are you guys?" I asked as if this was normal. They smirked between themselves as they stepped in front of me bowing.

"I am Karou." The one with the more devilish voice said

"And I'm Hikaru." His twin brother said. I smiled and held out my hands.

"Nice to meet you both." I said. They shook my hands. A tall boy stepped up and Honey hopped on his back.

"My name is Mori." He said.

"Nice to meet you." I said smiling. He nodded.

"My name's Mitskuni, though everyone calls me Honey." The small boy greeted. I smiled and nodded.

"I don't think I've properly introduced myself." Kyoya said bowing politely. "My name is Kyoya Ootori and manager of this club." I nodded and Tamaki took my hands in his.

"My name is Tamaki South and if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, your prince will always be waiting." He said while kneeling. I was a little creepers out and slowly backed away.

"That's nice." I replied. The twins laughed.

"Tamaki finally finds a girl he can't woe." They said in unison. Tamaki was in a corner now, basically growing mushrooms.

"Eheheheh." A creepy but familiar voice echoed in the room. I turned around to see a dark door. All our heads tilted.

"Has that always been there?" We questioned. A figure stepped out that I recognized as Nekozawa without his cloak on. I gaped in surprise until his servants quickly appeared and dropped him in his cloak and his wig. I giggled.

"Neko's still afraid of the light." I said stepping forward to him. "How's it going?" I asked.

"This is the second time you've done this!" Tamaki exclaimed. "Last time we got you to help your sister without your cloak." I laughed.

"So Neko went through all that and still is afraid of the light?" I asked leaning over how seated figure.

"You know him?" Haruhi asked. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his shoulders from behind facing the host club.

"We've been best friend since forever." I said resting my chin on his head. The club looked shocked except for Haruhi who heard I thought her life was normal and Kyoya who was writing in his black notebook.

"No wonder it didn't work." The twins exclaimed. "She's been hanging out with hot guys since she was a kid." Tamaki suddenly didn't seem so sad.

"Anyway, why are you here Neko?" I asked getting up to sit next to him.

"It seemed like something interesting was about to happen." He replied. I raised an eyebrow, but he only shrugged and snickered to himself. My eyes narrowed as I pushed myself away from him.

"You didn't." I said.

"I did." He said. I whacked him on the head.

"You're evil." I said. "Why would you do that? How did you even find them?" He gave me a 'Did you really just ask that question' look and I sighed as I pinched my nose bridge, getting ready for the wave of stupidness about to come.

"What are you talking about?" Haruhi asked.

"My old classmates from my old school." I said. "I am not responsible for anything that happens." They chose then to burst through the doors with Rangiku and Yumichika at their head.

"What is this?" They yelled. I sighed standing up.

"It's a host club, now don't break anything." I told them boredly.

"Guys, calm down before she kills you." Ikkaku ask a little to bluntly. Rangiku and Yumichika paled and backed away.

"Why did they react like that?" Haruhi questioned.

"She was the captain of our school judo team." Rukia said quickly making up an excuse. All eyes shifted towards me. I looked back.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Really?" Honey asked with stars in his eyes. I nodded. "I'd like to spar sometime." He said. Everyone looked at him on fear except for Mori.

"You don't need to do that!" They exclaimed. This left me and my old friends confused.

"I don't mind." I said agreeing.

"But Honey-" Haruhi started.

"Is a part of the Haninozuka family." I finished. Their eyes widened.

"You know, but you agreed!" They exclaimed. I nodded confused.

"Come on, Honey doesn't seem like the person that would try to hurt me." I said. "I'm pretty sure he can control himself."


After that, I had my spar with Honey and won! I've also been banned from fighting and speaking of the incident ever again. To be certain of it, they made me join the host club. I really think its just because Tamaki thinks if Haruhi hand out with a girl she'll become more girly. I scared the crap out of my soul reaper friends and they all went home. I feel accomplished. A couple of weeks passed when my life took a more problematic turn one morning.


Sorry guys! I'm going to stop here. All will be explained next chapter. Question time!

Will Lily get a love interest?

Yes that is still the same person that asked about love interest last time. But yes, Lily gets one next chapter. Yay!

"Wait!" Lily yells. "What?!"

"Next question!" Amu yells trying to calm Lily down.

Any more secrets we should know about Lily?

As you can see, Lily is half-Grimmreapper, half-noble of Hell. Bet you didn't see that coming. Okay one more. *Picks slip of paper from hat*

Will Lily ever meet her dad?

Yes, unfortunately. I created that dude and I truly hate him. Poor, poor, Lily....*sigh*

This is real, right? --Sadly Kind of Discontinued...Kind of--Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora