Maria and I Through the Ark

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Okay, fillers aside. How about some suspense? I haven't done a lot of that lately so maybe I can make some of you freaked out. Anyway, please enjoy!


I was reading over the information Sebastian handed me only two days ago. I grinned. Oh, this would be fun. I chuckled to myself in the dim lighting. Did I mention it was night time? Well, it was and it was raining outside. Thunder and lightning crackled outside my window. My pet spider, that I had now named Lucas, moved from its spot on the window will to a place far away from the glass in the corner in the upper left when walking into my room. Hey, I look like those crazy people in those movies. I'm cool...

Ah, yeah, I'm just going to travel through time. Something different, when Caterina put me through her "test" I could only travel through time by myself. Now I can bring an extra person. Me and Sebastian may or may not stopped multiple things from happening. Let's just say, there's a reason Cleopatra killed herself, Nero burned Rome -I may have gotten Sebastian drunk, that is a very hard feat to accomplish by the way-, and don't forget about the time Harpies ruled over everything! Oh, you don't know about that? Good, that means we did our job. I stood up to pack for my excursion. Clothes and a bag of candies I made. Once that was over with, I began to leave my room only for me to open the door and see Maria. She looked as if she was about to knock on my door. She looked me over and saw my bag and narrowed her eyes. I sighed and stepped aside to let her in. She walked in and sat on my bed and crossed her arms expectantly. I shut the door and sat my bag down. "I'm traveling through time to a place you'd consider the future which really is the past but that isn't relavent at the moment." I said. "I'd disappear for a few moments in this time and appear back in no time, wonders of time travel. Anyway, I have to do this before Caterina finds out so when she's asleep is the beat time. Want to come?"

"Am I supposes to believe that?" She said.

"No." I said. "But, it is true." She sighed.

"Prove it to me." She said.

"Get packed and we'll be on our way." I told her.

"Right now?"

"Right now." She nodded and left my room. I waited and sat down on my bed as Lucas gave me a look that only I could translate: Caterina's going to kill you. "I know, Lucas. I know." I said begrudgingly. He went back to what he was doing. About ten minutes later, Maria came back with a bag about the size of mine. "Ready?"

"Sure." She said unsurely. "Can you really do this?"

"Of course my darling." I chimed. "Now, let's go."

"Where?" She asked following me and shutting the door behind us.

"The attic." I said. "I have more accuracy in a pentagram."

"I'm not religious per say but, isn't that a Satanic symbol?"

"It was a symbol of good energy first." I said. "But really, it can be used for either light or dark energy."

"Which do you use it for?" She asked. I smiled.

"You know, you're one of the most perceptive people I've ever met." I said. "I use it for dark energy but even that can be used for good."

This is real, right? --Sadly Kind of Discontinued...Kind of--Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon