All In Good Fun

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I packed all of my things and made a shadow to travel through in the morning. I was going to Ouran Academy because, well because it was the first school that popped when I typed in secured highschools on Google. I bet that sounds stupid, but I was to lazy to think of a better reason. I tossed my bags through the shadow and they transported into the house for nobles there. I knew there was a couple of nobles there so I put a note on the bags saying I would arrive momentarily and I would destroy anyone who tampered with my things. Once I was done with that I went to Cross' office.

"Hey, Cross." I greeted. I saw no one was there except him. "Wow, this is a first."

"Yeah," He sighed. He looked me up and down. "Your leaving?"

"Yeah," I said. "I'll come back. Kuran and I made a deal."

"I see." He said. "And you here because?"

"Just wanted to say bye, and that you can unenroll me." I said.

"Okay." He said. "Be careful and just to let you know, I'm going to tell Eikiko you were here."

"Okay." I said. "Well, see you later." I stopped and turned to him. "Can you tell her to tell Ichigo I'll come back as soon as I receive word those idiots are gone." I reached into my pocket. "Here's my phone number." I said and handed the piece of paper to him. He looked down at it incredulously.

"42-42-542. Death, death, murder." He said. I smiled and walked out. I couldn't help it. It's a noble of hell's phone number, what did he expect.

I went back into my dorm room and created my shadow portal. I walked threw and stepped by my bags a young girl was inspecting. She looked up and smiled. "My name is Lisianna." She said standing up. She was about my age or posing as it at least.

"Mine is Lily." I said smiling back.

"Well, nice to meet you Lily. My brothers aren't home yet. I go to Ouran Academy. Are you staying for a while and going to school or are you laying low?" She asked. She took this well.

"I'll go to school." I said. "What are your brothers like?" I asked picking up my bags. She started to lead me to a room.

"They like to goof off a lot. You'll learn to like them." She said.

"I see." I said. "How's Ouran?"

"Ah, you'll see." She said. "They have a host club, though I've never gone. That says something about the school alone."

"Oh, my." I said. Maybe I should have gone back to Kakura town. I shook my head. Nah.... The idiots are still there. "So what year are you?"

"I'm a first year, so are my brothers, and you?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I guess second." I said. "I'd been posing as a ten year-old recently."

"Rough time, huh?" She said and I nodded. "Did they find out?"

"Yeah, and they surprisingly didn't freak out." I said. "Nice bunch of kids. So did you experience it too?"

"My power being stripped? Yes." She said while she opened the door of the room I would be staying in. "It seems that they have returned though."

"Yeah, they have." I said putting my bags down.

"Do you know what happened?" She asked.

"Yeah, a former, probably dead now, soul reaper captain made a deal. I wasn't going to agree with it anyway so, not much lost." I said.

"Why not ally yourself with your homeland?"

"He wanted to destroy soul society and take over the human world. Not a place I fancy living in." I answered. She nodded.

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