The Codex : Kamigami No Asobi

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I groaned as I regained consciousness. "Where are we?" I heard Tamaki's voice yell frantically.

"Shush, it's too early for that." I muttered. My eye lids flickered open as Maria whistled.

"Lily, you work fast." She said.

"What?" I asked in confusion. Once my vision was normal, I realized what it was. My face was inches from Kyoya's. A dark blush formed on my face before I bolted away. "No-not one word about this to anyone else."

"There will be many words." Maria told me. I glared at her.

"And you're worried about Karou and I?" Hikaru asked. I sighed.

"Where are we?" Tamaki asked again.

"Still inside the Codex Hikaru and Kaoru so masterfully opened." I said sighing. Since we went in the codex that means this is either the past, future, or an alternate dimension... Hmm...

"And where did the Codex take us this time?" Haruhi asked sitting up.

"I don't know." I said sighing. I looked around. We were in an indoor garden. I stood up slowly and stretched. "Well, time to go exploring. Let's go Haruhi. Maria, Hikaru, stay with those two. We'll come find you."

"What? Don't leave me behind!" Maria said standing up and beginning to follow us before we all had a sudden pain in our heads. We all were transported to another room. I uncomfortably strewn upside down on some steps. Thank Hell I was wearing leggings under my skirt. Wait, I wasn't I wearing a dress?

I just noticed it but now I was wearing what looked to be a school uniform along with everyone else. Haruhi had on a girls uniform only she didn't have the leggings and her boots didn't have fur on them. Mine did and so did my jacket collar. I also had fur gloves on. Odd enough. I wasn't hot. Maybe even a little cold.

"Ow." I groaned as I sat up. Karou and Kyoya regained consciousness at the time. I looked around and saw a face I was very familiar with. I sighed.

"What now, Zeus?" I muttered. I looked around. "I'm missing something, no?" I looked at all the others that I didn't know that wore the same type of school uniform. Though they didn't have the fur. Zeus looked down at me.

"As you all have arrived so pitifully late, I will go on again." He said. Yep, he's still mad about what Sebastian and I did. Hell, I told Sebastian we should've tied up loose strings. "This school is for you gods who need to learn how to be humans. And you humans who need to learn to be gods. Yui will be teaching you gods how to be human. You gods will teach those who have just arrived to be gods." I stood up and walked towards the twins.

"This is all your fault!" I yelled going to strangle them. Haruhi and Maria held me back. "No, let me kill them, the little idiots!"

"You can't kill them Lily!" Maria protested. That's when me and the hosts realized it. Maria was a teenager. I paused and turned to her.

"When'd you get so young?" I asked. "You know what, forget it." I crossed my arms and turned to Zeus. "Okay, so you say we're going to be come gods? How?"

"When this chandelier fills completely, you will have become full fledged gods. You have until the end if the school year or you all will be trapped here, forever." Zeus said. "You humans will have to get used to your power. So will you Lily." He vanished. My eye twitched.

"Oi! Get back here you block head! I'm not finished talking with you! What do you mean become a god?!" I yelled.

"Lily..." My friends said almost as if they were ashamed.


Thoth- Hell, another god I have to deal with- ended up being pretty helpful despite my unwillingness to cooperate at first. He was telling us all about our new powers. "Haruhi, you have power over perception. So illusions are your main powers." He said. Haruhi nodded. "Kyoya, you have dominion over fortune. Whether it be bad or good." Another nod. "You twins have the power to transform at will. You can change into anything. Even other gods. Only their abilities will be considerably dulled." They grinned at each other. "Tamaki, you have influence over love and have prophecies at times." He said. Tamaki's eyes lit up. "This doesn't mean you can make someone fall in love with you." He sighed. "Maria, you can manipulate time."

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