Being Swept Off My Feet, Literally

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Dean took it upon himself to stay near me anywhere Kyoya wasn't or my sister. The day passed by normally until it was time for the club to open. I rushed there and got changed quickly before anyone else got there and immediately started to make the batter for new éclairs and the icing after I popped the cookie cutouts I prepared when Dean and I arrived at school early today. It was going to be busy this week considering the club was going to take a two day break to plan for the festival. So, I was going to have to come early and prepare things. Dean was leaning on the doorframe watching me and ready to pounce on the cookies as soon as they were done. The rest of the club entered when the cookies were done. I had already finished the éclair things and was getting ready to put them in the oven as the cookies cooled. "Dean if you take one more step towards my cookies, I will murder you." I boicrd as I turned from them to put the éclairs in the fryer I made Dean help me drag here. I turned and took out some plates and put cookies on all of them. I put them on a serving tray and walked out with them and placed them at their right tables. "Okay, sugar cookie for Haruhi. Chocolate chip for Honey and Mori. Snickerdoodle with red candies baked in the middle for Hikarou and Karou. Macadamia nut and white chocolate for Tamaki. Kyoya, the éclairs you wanted are in the oven. Honey, Strawberry or blueberry cake?" I said lowering the serving plate so that it rested in front of me.

"We haven't had blueberry before." He answered swinging his legs. "Right, Usa-chan?" I smiled and walked back into the kitchen just in time to take the éclairs out of the fryer. I sat them on a drying rack as I started to make cake batter. I finished and poured it into two pans so I could have two layers. I put them into the oven and left them while I got the icing for the éclairs. I walked over to the hollow shells and put icing in all of them then put them in a plate. I sat them on Kyoya's table as the first costumer arrived. I stood behind the others so I could be visible. "Welcome to the Host Club." We all greeted. The girl blushed as Hikaru and Karou took her away. This was my chance, back to the kitchen. I opened the oven and took out the cake.

"This is what you do after school?" Dean asked. "I don't think even Mageiras could handle this."

"You get used to it." I said absent mindedly as I got the cake out of the pans and into the fridge to help speed the cooling process while I took out the other cookie cutouts. I placed them in the oven. I looked at the clock and 'tch'ed.

"What?" Cruise asked.

"Honey and Mori are going to run out of sweets almost as soon as these cookies are done." I said. "I still can't cook fast enough."

" How would you know that? Wait, I don't want to know, just turn up the heat." Dean said.

"That's exactly the mind set that will burn this school down." I said shaking my head. The cookies finished and I placed them on a drying rack then placed that in the fridge. "That should give me some time. I don't like putting cookies I'm the fridge to cool."

"Can I have a cookie?" Dean asked. I gave him an exasperated look.

"Go ask the twins!" I said. "Get out of my kitchen." He scrambled out, leaving a trail of smoke in his wake. I opened the fridge and got the cookies out and placed them in a plate to take to Honey's table. I put that on a serving tray along with another teapot for each table. Another China Oolong for the twins, Lady Grey for Kyoya, Blueberry lemon for Honey and More, Green Tea for Haruhi, and Earl Greg for Tamaki. I picked out Tamaki's and Kyoya's deliberately. I think they have yet to notice. I made it to Honey's last and just in time. He had just rum out of tea and cookies. I smiled at them all and switched the plate and teapot.

"Thank you, Lily-chan." Honey said.

"No problem." I said. "Call me if you need anything." I said leaving with the tray. I got back to the kitchen and sat down the tray near the sink only to pop my head back into the room. "Dean, can you help me?" He came over skeptically.

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