My Job is Done

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I ran into Toshiro after a while. "Toshiro!" I said standing next to him. He looked irked.

"First Ichigo and now you. You may only address me as Captain Hitsugaya." He said annoyed. I scoffed.

"Whatever, have you seem Ichigo?" I asked.

"No. I'm going to my compound so why don't you come with me. Maybe someone had there." He said. I shrugged and walked along side him.

"Hey, was that your zanpakto back there with the ice?" I asked after a while.

"Yes." He replied. We soon arrived at squad Ten's compound. The guards looked warily at me, but let me through since I was with Toshiro. They told us Ichigo and Rangiku were here with Chad and Uruyu. I came inside first and saw Quincey boy on the ground hurt.

"Hey guys." I said. "Toshiro brought me here."

"Long time, no see, Toshiro." Ichigo said.

"Look it's Toshiro's girlfriend." Rangiku exclaimed.

"We are not a couple." We said simultaneously. We glared at each other.

"They're even in sync together." She said.

"Shut up." We said. "Stop that!" I glared and went to sit next to Ichigo in the table. I looked at Uruyu as he started to talk about how it was his fault and that he would fight. I sighed and stood up. I kneeled next to him.

"So you want to fight, but might kill yourself in the process." I mused smirking at him. I took off one of my armlets that I was using as a seal on my powers and appearance from Hell. Usually I would appear as a some age you don't know year-old, but then the Soul Reapers would really know who I was and kill me. I had four seals. They healed me since I can't do that myself and my power increases each time I take one off. If all four come off I take my appearance in Hell and my power is there for what it is without anything holding it back. As long as all four don't come off I'll be fine. I slipped the armlet on Uruyu's arm that didn't have to now in it. His wounds closed up and healed mostly. At least enough for him to fight. I stood up and went back to the table. "This does not mean I like you, I'm just repaying a debt." He sat up slowly.

"What does she mean?" The chicken said.

"I was fighting the Bount who had her sister. She finished her off though. She disappeared in shadows with her right after." He explained.

"My sister is safe now and that's all that matters." I mumbled.

"If that's the case, why are you still here?" Ichigo asked.

"Because, I'm going to make sure these Bounts never mess with my family again." I said leaning back on the table.

"How did that armlet heal him?" Toshiro asked.

"Seal." I said. "It's a seal."

"A seal for what?" He asked suspicious.

"For me to know and for all of you to never suppose to find out." I said cheerily.

"You're not a normal ten year-old girl." The rabbit observed. I looked at him.

"Would a normal ten year old girl be in Soul Society?" I questioned. Orihime ran in with another Soul Reaper. I decided to let Uruyu keep the seal and slipped away unnoticed from them all. I saw some squad 11 guys get riled up. Going to look for Kariya, I guess. I ignored them and made my way to where the head captain was. I listened to the conversation below me. I smiled as I realized why he wanted me here. Kariya needs demonic power to activate that crest. Soon the woman reporting to him left.

"You can come out now, Lily of Hell." He said. I sighed and swung into the room.

"Long time, no see." I said smiling. "You do realize what Kariya dragged me here for?"

"The Jokai crest, needs your power to activate to it's full capacity." He said.

"I'm going to leave soon. That crest will still activate. It will do great damage; it just won't destroy the whole seretai. I hope your prepared." I said.

"As do I child, as do I." He said. I left and made my way and saw a lot of soul reapers eating out with Toshiro watching. I landed next to him.

"How you doing Toshiro?" I said.

"Where did you disappear to?" He asked.

"I went to see the head Captain." I said. "I'm leaving soon."

"Good riddance." He muttered.

"Whatever man. Kariya wants to use my power for seretai to go boom." I said. I saw Rangiku notice me and start to rush over. "And that's my cue to leave. See you later, Toshiro."

"Bye, Lily of Hell." He said. We smiled at each other and the shadows transported me back to the wild of the living in front of Urahara's shop. I knocked on the door. After a moment, Urahara appeared.

"Well, well look who showed up." He said.

"Whatever, take this stupid necklace off of me." I said.

"Why should I?" He questioned.

"I'm done with Soul Society and I'm never going back." I exclaimed. "I just want it off. I gave the Quincey my seal and saved his life! Does that not count for something? The head captain trusted me more than you." He sighed and took the necklace off. "Thank you." I appeared in my room. White Lily was re only one up.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed. "Don't leave; I can't handle it anymore."

"I'm not leaving." I said.

"You've been gone for a week and you have lessons to catch up on. I will help you since I was the one posing as you." She said.

"Thanks, I'm going to bed." I said Thankfully tomorrow's Sunday.

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