Chapter 3~

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"Hi baby!" Inaya said as she pushed away Yibo with her hand and went to Zhan and hugged her.

Zhan was startled for some time but did not hug her back. She broke the hug and smiled at him. "I am so glad that you are back. I missed you so much." She said.

Zhan, however, clenched his fist and gritted his teeth and he glared at Inaya.

"Aww... is my baby still angry...I know how to cheer you up!" she said as she leaned in and was about to kiss him Zhan's eyes widened and he moved but before Inaya's lips can reach him, she suddenly felt something against her lips.

She opened her eyes only to see a hand on her mouth before she was pushed back by Yibo who had a gentle smile on her face as he came before Zhan.

Inaya looked at him and blinked twice before Yibo removed his hand from her mouth and wiped his hand on a handkerchief, "I am sorry miss, but the only one who can call him baby is me...please go and find someone else."

Inaya's surprise turned into anger soon as she said, "who are you and what are you doing in his room? Do you know am I?"

"Yeah, I do." Yibo said, "You are the ex-girlfriend, so dear Ex-Girlfriend nice to meet you, I am Wang Yibo the current boyfriend."

Inaya's eyes widened as she looked at Zhan, " weren't lying?"

Zhan came out of his daze and smirked when he saw her like that, "Of course, I wasn't." he said as he kept his hand around Yibo's waist, "So how is he?"

Inaya looked at Yibo again and this time nicely, he looked no less than a model a perfect face, small eyes, sharp long nose and beautiful lips, Inaya gulped as she looked at his perfect body.


This man is so handsome! as handsome as Zhan.

If they had met in some other circumstances she would have a crush on him.

She felt wronged and clenched her fist before she stomped her foot and went out of there.

And once she was gone Zhan removed his hand from Yibo's waist, "Thanks for the help."

Yibo smiled, "Mention not." he said as he walked towards the door. And Zhan thought that Yibo had helped him in return he should also do something for him, yeah he was paying him but still.

His conscience was gnawing at him. This was a very small town, it was a very old town as well, there were many things to see here and many old places to go...Zhan did not want Yibo to go alone.

Damnit! why does this handsome man have to be an escort!

"Wait," Zhan said as he hurriedly followed Yibo,  who turned around, "Is there something wrong?"

Zhan sighed, "I will go with you, for a stroll." he said and Yibo smiled, "Really?"

"Yeah, really now let's go," Zhan said and walked ahead and Yibo followed him.

"Oh, Zhan are you going somewhere?" May spoke.

"Yes mon, going out for a stroll." he said and his mother nodded, "alright then can you go and bring Cheng's suit, I had given an order for it." She said and Zhan nodded, "Okay mum give me the address I will go." He said and his mother gave him the adress as he walked ahead.

Yibo was behind him, they walked but Yibo noticed that Zhan was walking very fast so he had to stop him, "Hey, can't you walk slowly we came out for a walk not a marathon."

Zhan rolled his eyes, "Oh come one, you can look around while walking fast too."

Yibo sighed, "You know... you go get your work done I will take a stroll."

Zhan groaned, "Ok fine, I will walk slowly."

Yibo smiled as he took out his phone and took videos and snaps.

They both came to the river front while walking and Yibo took a selfie over there, "Wow this palce is so pretty and quiet." he said and looked at Zhan, "Would like to take a selfie."

Without any heisation Zhan replied, "No."

 He said as he walked ahead while Yibo's smile dimmed a little but he still didn't let that get to his heart and enjoyed the beauty of the town.

Soon they reached the  shop where Zhan got the suit and while waiting he saw Yibo on his phone with a gentle smile.

Why is he always smiling?

Zhan rolled his eyes and waited for the suit to come and once it came he went out of the store only to yell ludly and stumble back when he saw Dogs, "Fuck!"

Yibo giggled as he played with the dogs and gave them something to eat, "What's wrong?"

Zhan closed his eyes and took deep breathe, anger bubbling inside him, becuase of Yibo he has to deal with dogs now the species he hates the most after his relatives, and Yibo is laughing!

'"Why are you playing with dogs!"

"What's wrong in that , they are so cute..." Yibo said with a smile as he gently patted their heads and Zhan felt more irritated.

"What is so cure about them! and even if they are cute why are you playing with them can't you play with them at your place!"

Hearing the irritation in Zhan's voice, Yibo's smile dimmed as he looked at Zhan and he lowere his eyes as well, as he got up.

Zhan saw that and he felt like shit.

"I am going back." Yibo said, "I hope you are done with your work as well." he said and without hearing anything else he walked ahead and Zhan sighed, maybe he really overdid it.

He hates dog does not mean the others will also hate them and Zhan has no problem when Cheng plays with dogs, his brother literally loves dogs and if in the place of Yibo it was Cheng or Yanli he wouldn't have gotten so irritated perhaps he would have laughed it off.

But not with Yibo.

Great, just great.

Now what? does he have to coax an escort as well? he hoped that Yibo does his job well. Because if he meeses up then Zhan will surely not forgive him.

Author's note: Yeah Zhan is going to be a douchebag for some chapters, brace yourselves.

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