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Harshit made his way pointing his gun and Imlie holding her two knives in reverse. They made their way through the forest with feather like footsteps and made every terrorists faint with their sharp moves. They reached an abandoned house where they saw a Aryan sitting in front of a man, Aryan's hands were tied and mouth was tapped. His back was towards the main door which made both Harshit and Imlie hear his words.

"You are the duck who would give us eggs made of gold. You will fund us, that city reporter Aditya Kumar Tripathi would clear our name and make us the freedom fighters in front of public and the villagers as hostages will make the government hear our every single demands. It's our gain from every side when that fool Aditya arrives"

As he uttered Aditya's name twice Imlie saw Aryan's eyes giving his bewildered expressions.


On Harshit's directions Imlie and Harshit both went searching the other rooms of the house and was able to locate eleven villagers where her mother and grandmother was also there. Harshit changed his weapon to knives as he didn't want to make noise with his gun. They killed many terrorists on their way and was able to save the eleven villagers. The police forces arrived with Niti who was given the task to guide the forces to the abandoned house when they arrive.

From there they came to know the widow Sushmita who was twenty eight years old was dragged out from the crowd and was taken somewhere. Imlie and Harshit looked at each other as they understood something real bad was happening with Sushmita, chills went down their spine. Meanwhile Meethi and Dulari felt like they know the girl who mercilessly killed the men but couldn't identify Imlie for her clothes, cap, mask and spectacles. Even Imlie didn't wanted her loved ones to know that she was Imlie as her bulletproof jacket to joggers all were drenched by blood.


Imlie and Harshit bumped against the locked door together with a count of three two one and the scene they saw made their sweat go cold. Three men tying the threads of their pants and Sushmita was there in a trance state lying on the ground with her torn white saree and her whole body covered with assaults. Imlie ran towards her where as Harshit attacked the three men himself after cussing at them. Imlie covered her with a dupatta which she asked from another kidnapped girl when they said Sushmita being dragged by terrorists. Imlie made her sit by leaning her on the wall when she heard a terrorist say, "This is Raghu's world and no one can harm him"

Imlie looked at that direction and saw Raghu choking Harshit and he was trying to get hold of his gun. Imlie ran there and pushed Raghu with force.

"This prey is mine brother, don't shoot him"


Aryan couldn't understand what went wrong that his trip for business has taken such a drastic turn; now he not only captured by terrorists but also he heard from that man that his enemy will also be in a similar position like him. Aditya Kumar Tripathi and him being in same situation, this thought made his blood boil. Why not? If both are victims they would need to be companions and cooperate each other to help each other. The tape on Aryan's mouth was removed.

"Want to say something?" asked Kedar.

"I will give you any amount just let me leave in one piece"
"You are an intelligent lad"

Aryan thought of entertaining him with words because he knew the police forces would come to rescue him at any cost. And he just needs to lengthen the time by not provoking them.

When Aryan was estimating how to stretch the time he saw a glass bottle came flying from behind and hit Kedar's head hard. He saw a girl entering with a man walking together. Both of them had black masks on their face but the girl had a cap and a pair of spectacles too making it impossible for anyone to know her face. He looked at her awestruck because he never expected a woman to enter and as the twenty men in the room proceeded towards them one by one; when the first one reached the girl, she held the man in his arms took out a knife from her pocket and slashed his throat immediately making him fall on the ground lifeless.

Aryan's blood went cold because all the things she did right now was done without even glancing at that man, she had kept an unwavering eye contact with him instead.


Imlie got rid all the ropes that tangled him while fighting the terrorists by herself, Aryan could hear gun's firing as more and more police forces were infiltrating. Suddenly someone held his hand and when looked back it was the girl who scared him with her knife skills, she passed a terrorist's gun to him and hinted with her eyes that if he needs to survive he needs to fight. As Aryan was getting familiar with the gun, the girl shoot a man who came to attack him from behind. She hit him with a bullet right in the middle of his eyebrows, as his body was about to fall over Aryan, he was pulled towards her and his body bumped against her bulletproof jacket and she made him stand straight. After that she immediately opened her jacket and made him wear it.

'Is she mute?' thought Aryan as he didn't even hear her make any sound for once.

Well hope this would make your day peeps

With Love Mimi(❁'◡'❁)

LEAN ON ME: The Beginning...01(ARYLIE FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang