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Imlie looks at Rajendra and his roommate Sohum. She asked with a serious tone, "Guys I need a favor from both of you, especially Sohum dada. Could you help?"

The request she made was something they didn't expected but being a youth, when your blood boils the most for justice Sohum eagerly accepted Imlie's request.


"Niti your second task for training will be hitting the gym? Ready to go to the College gym? I got a pass for you too with mine"

Niti was all ready tired with the first task, she muttered under her breath, "I took the wrong assignment"

"Come on Niti you need to be strong for learning mix martial arts. We will start with kick boxing. I heard there are equipments in the gym"

"Imlie it's just 6:00 am" Niti tried to give an excuse but as Imlie had already walked out of the room she followed her with her crocodile tears.


Imlie takes some pictures as Malini was crying hugging Aditya in the hall and Aditya was just standing like a stone.Chavi saw Imlie upstairs and became happy as she understood whatever Imlie was doing was for her.


As Imlie went to develop the photos with Niti who met her on streets after finishing the job Imlie gave her while she was visiting Tripathi Niwas.

Imlie noticed Aryan coming to that store and pulled her hoodie up. She even bought a N95 mask for Niti from the near by drugstore keeping an eye on Aryan who was crossing the road. She came back and gave it to Niti.


As Aryan asked about them Niti introduced herself as Natasha to him and Imlie as Khatti. Aryan said to her that he needs to take Khatti somewhere. Imlie looked at him confused. He held her hand and too her to a nearby cloth store where he bought a black baseball cap for her.


Suddenly Aryan saw his mother and sister coming out of the car. He hurriedly said goodbye to Imlie whom he was thinking as Khatti and made his way to the car. As Imlie looked towards the car, first time bitter memories came to her mind which was missing till now. Looking at Narmada and Arpita made her remember her marriage was not all roses.


She made her way to the fight club. She had her matches and then sat on a plastic chair. For the first time after her time travel she was feeling something different. Narmada and Arpita made her question her own choices. She loves Aryan because Aryan loved her but does she love Narmada and Arpita the way she loved them when she met them for first time before the time travel?


As Imlie was sitting on the park's bench she saw Aryan coming towards her. He kept his promise.

"How was your day?" Imlie asked.

"I met her again"


"Khatti, the girl who saved me"

As Aryan was saying about the meet he ended up saying that he almost ran back to his mother and sister when they were annoyed waiting for him and came out of the car.

"Why did you ran?"

"Else they would end up meeting her. And my mother is like something. She would start seeing my wife in her or may think she is my lover"

"Just introduce her normally like you would introduce any male acquaintance"

"I would but she is a female and my mother will think in different zone"


As he was saying these she remembered his mother was the very reason she went to cover the warzone in foreign land as the leader of the team. Just because she kept on saying Imlie did some black magic on her son. That lady was the sweetest but she wasted six years hating her. And in the war cover Imlie did her first murder to save her teammate from getting raped.

Also Arpita, how could Imlie forget her? She keep her best trying to balance things but she was the first one to blame Imlie when her relationship with Sundar deteriorated for their disparity of lifestyle and life expectations.

Something felt missing for Imlie and she couldn't enjoy the meet with Aryan much. Aryan left with a goodbye and a good talk with her.

She sat on the bench and looked at the sky.

She found out what was missing...

It was indeed a thought to ponder but also a dilemma which needed immediate decision.

And people messes up mostly when they need to take decisions.

Today the brutal Imlie of this life wasn't new. She became like this in her last life only when she was thirty. And once the bitter memories started to surface up she understood she was making the same mistake as her last life.

She was trying to live for Aryan giving her whole existence to him for which she was left with nothing...


Imlie went to Tripathi Niwas and helped Chavi to escape. They took the last bus to Pagdandiya from Delhi which leaves at 7:00pm.

LEAN ON ME: The Beginning...01(ARYLIE FF)Where stories live. Discover now