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Content: 18+

Well I first thought of adding Aryan's past in this chapter but decided to shift into the next chapter because it would have made the chapter too long. 

Those people who come and go reflected on the puddle
Blurry traffic light It stays red
Streetlight's speakers sounded like broken
Singing out lies after lies
A smile looking so lonely and a sweet breath
Hidden thoughts behind that faraway look
Dripping onto the window just like droplets
If the sky stops singing
Will you fly to the place where you should go back to?
Being with you just like this inside the bird cage
Forever locked
Unable to fly while we're in our doze
Lovers cuddling under the umbrella on a sunny day
Looking at the way they're sharing it I then close my eyes
Flickering blinker as if someone's being rushed
On a misty road that I chose that night
The time that we spend leaning back to back
Those white lies inside our mouths
Those dreams only hurt
If I speak out this voice
Will the rain that wets you stop falling?
Being with you just like this inside the bird cage
Forever locked
Unable to fly
Two people secretly singing behind the sound of the rain
Don't stare out of the window, keep your mind here with meIf the sky stops singing
Will you fly to the place where you should go back to?
Being with you just like this inside the bird cage
Forever locked
Unable to fly
For the tomorrow that I'm unable to draw now
And for the past that can't go back, we both close our eyes
Being with you just like this Inside the bird cage
Forever locked
Just the two of us in this world looking for each other


"Oh, Gudia you completed the roof section?" asked Meethi who saw Imlie entering the room.
"Yes, Amma"
"Then I will go and help Amma to bring water from the well"
As Meethi left to help her stepmother Imlie went to Aditya.
"Oh Imlie, I don't know what should be our future plans to tackle this situation but I think it's better to call the police"
"I have informed them, they are coming"
"You already did?"
"You are a sharp person" said Aditya as he couldn't find what he should say other than that.
"Aditya, will you do a favor?"
"I am feeling a little sleepy, can we take turns for the night watch? I mean, I don't think others will be capable for this, only you and me here are eligible enough"
"Sure, I can watch out the whole night if you want, there's no man right now in our team except me. You please don't worry much I can handle"
"No; you don't need to do it for the whole night. I will take the guard from two o'clock, I had already set the alarm"
"Oh, but if you feel like it I will be awake with you."
"It's okay I can manage, I assure"
"Alright then"

All of them managed to drench every part of the house along with the animal's shed to the bathroom. After that everyone sat and had dinner, Aditya fed Chavi who was in some utter state of fear and suddenly started to show symptoms of having a fever. Except Aditya no one dared to handle Chavi in that state, maybe because Meethi and Dulari were not that close with her and Imlie was was not in the mood of feeding her as she was lost in some thought but Aditya was considered not only just as a well wisher but also as a guardian which somehow got mistaken as a gesture of romantic affection by Meethi and Dulari. As Aditya was busy with Chavi on the other corner of the room, Imlie heard Meethi and Dulari whispering.
"Amma, aren't they not on good terms?"
"That's what I heard...But they look like a couple in love though. The husband taking care of the wife"
"Amma, Naani what are you guys talking about?" Imlie joined both of them.
"Oh Gudia, it's about Aditya babu and Chavi, they look like a perfect couple"
Imlie smiled and said, "Amma, sometimes what we perceive by our eyes might be wrong. Look at how he is feeding her. Which is the best resemblance you get to such affection? Doesn't it seem like our Chuari(goat) feeding her kids?"
"I can see a husband showing care for his wife, how could you compare to a mother and her kid?" asked Dulari Devi.
Meethi thought for a while observing them and said, "Amma, look closely. Why does it feel like more of a parental affection? The way he is looking at her worried very much seems like a mother tensed for her child."
Imlie smiled when her mother was able to catch in between the gestures and said, "You caught it correctly Amma, he indeed became her emotional support but not as a husband but a big brother or a fatherly figure. There is no physical attraction visible with any gesture from both of their sides hence this makes the relationship purely platonic."
"Hey Sita Maiyya, for the first time I am hearing and seeing such things, husband becoming a brother" exclaimed Dulari Devi.
"Congratulations Naani, you have seen one. Now let's sleep, you will get enough time to wash dishes tomorrow after the danger reduces. I have called the police already", said Imlie.
"I think they will turn into a real husband and wife," said Dulari Devi ignoring Imlie's words of a husband being a brother.
"And I think they will never. Chavi isn't a person who eats whatever she is given. She chooses her own standards and her own way to accept things in her life. She is verbal about what she doesn't like and if she likes something how it should be presented to her. Hence after knowing Chavi to that extent I can assure that this relationship wouldn't end as a romantic relationship at all. Even Aditya has figured out what kind of relationship he wants with her."
"Maybe what Imlie said is true, love is universal but we human beings miss out on realizing what kind of love we feel for the other person. When some kind of love comes fixed with the relationship, some people need to figure it out themselves" added Meethi.
"I say you both have gone mad" stated Dulari Devi and pulled Meethi to clean up the area where they sat and ate dinner.
'I didn't say the biggest reason why their relationship wouldn't end up romantically and that is Chavi isn't Imlie. Imlie considered Aditya in her past life as the gift of Sita Maiyya, the sole candidate to be her husband and husband being everything to her identity. Chavi on the other hand didn't connect with Aditya emotionally till he assured her that he would be a brother. She didn't get rid of her dreams or even let anything waver from her wishes. She didn't put the sindur(vermilion) on pedestal just because she was married whereas Imlie cried washing her vermilion off her head in her last life. She didn't grow up to give off her wishes and bend according to the situation, she made herself strong enough even at the moment of being clueless she took risks and trusted me with her hope to fly high. That is where she and I become different' thought Imlie.

LEAN ON ME: The Beginning...01(ARYLIE FF)Where stories live. Discover now