Chapter 1 (Kym)

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There are a lot of things I would change if I could. I would change the fact that I was born. I would take away the fact that I was a witch and a wolf. I would reverse the fact that my parents were mates and that the supernatural world exists. I would erase at least one of these things if not all because some might contradict but I would do it. It would make the world a whole lot better, It would create a life so much easier to live. It would change so much. Though at the same time I would not change a thing right now. As I lay next to my twin. I see him resting peacefully. I know that if I changed all this I would not have him and I would have been all alone somewhere in the world. Because if the matter can not be created or destroyed I was somewhere, maybe someone, or something before this. And if I know something then I know that I was alone and would be alone if I changed everything. I would not have him and I would be lost. We have lost a lot. We might lose more, but as long as we have each other, then it will be alright.

My eyes look down at Jace. I see his longish dirty blonde hair covering his restful face as he looks at peace. He looks as if he is deeply asleep as if everything is okay. Which is what I always try to keep him at while he's asleep. I take his nightmares away and take them along with my own. I know because of that I can not sleep a bit, but as long as I know that he is sleeping well, then I am happy. My hand moves the hair from Jace's face to behind his ear before softly putting my hands on his shoulders and shaking him gently to wake him. We have got to get on the move to hide our trail from the hunters.

His green-blue eyes flutter open and look at me as he gives me a sad smile, "Didn't sleep again Kymie?" he asks in a deep soft sleepy voice. I nod my head and return his sad smile with one of my own.

"Don't worry about me, I am all good and ready to continue our travels. We should stop by a town today though because we need to freshen up on some things that we can't hunt." I speak in a soft reassuring voice. He looks up at me but says nothing more knowing that he can't change my mind.

As we get up we look around us making sure there is no one near. Then we start heading to the town nearest to us. Which happens to be only a 30-minute walk away this time if we stay in our human form.

Jace and I walk in silence. We listen to the leaves blow with the wind. And as pass evergreen trees and patches of blue, pink, and yellow flowers. None of them are edible, but I still collect some of them just in case I need to make a position and would need them.

Something seems odd. My wolf, Crystal says in my head. I look around Jace and me as we slowly enter the town. Crystal seems on edge as she whispers, Be careful Kymie.

I look at Jace before speaking quickly and quietly, "Crystal is on edge. She says that there is something off about this town. Keep an eye out for anything strange." I warn my brother. He nods his head as we proceed to enter the town.

Jace quickly spots a market that is in our sights. You can see that it is busy. Which will make it easier to blend in. People, both wolves, and humans walk and hustle around the market. The salespeople are trading some and selling much. Which is going to make things a whole lot trickier because that means they can afford to not bargain as much. Though I suppose that being able to bargain less is the trade-off to being able to blend in more when the market is busy.

Jace and I enter the market together. It is quite beautiful and lively. Bright colors surround us and the sun has risen high in the sky. There are tents though which protect the sellers from the light and provide even the buyers some form of shade.

I proceed to the medical supplies with my brother right at my tail. We never slip up in the market. I know that might sound dumb. Wouldn't it be faster and better to just split up and get everything that we need? Well in theory it would, but we don't split up. Anything can happen in a matter of seconds and we need to stay together and be on high alert. When one person bargains the other is on watch and vice versa. That is how it always has been and how it will remain to be, to keep us both safe.

As we arrive at the medical supply tent I spot a beautiful woman standing there selling the supplies, though at the moment she has no customers. When she turns to us I memorize her face and features immediately. You always need to know who you've met. Her eyes are a light brown, light enough that it seems like you can see through them. Her hair is medium length and very curly as well as very ginger. Her skin is pale and she looks to be about 5′4 or 5′5 in height if I were to guess. She is also a witch by the scent of her. Seems like a healer which would make sense because she is selling herbs and medical supplies that are meant to heal.

My brother looks at me and smiles ready to flirt and bargain. Ironic really. It's very ironic being the fact that Jace is very much gay and is really good at flirting with women and making them give him what he wants in bargains. It is hilarious really.

I stand next to my brother as he walks up to the woman whose name is Faith based on the name tag she is wearing. and he starts his flirting game whilst I look around us to see what is going on and make sure no one is watching us. As I watch I get a stronger feeling of something being offered. I hear my brother talking to Faith.

"Hello Faith, my name is Jace. My sister and I need to get some supplies. I wanted to know what would be the best supplies you have here sweetheart." My brother smoothly talks to the sales lady as I grab some herbs and other supplies that I know can not be found in the forests every day and can be very useful.

"By the looks of it, it seems as if your sister is getting what she needs covered. Though I might say it's strange to see twins here, mostly twins of different species. Let me guess your parents were cross-species mates." I hear the soft yet confident voice of the girl. I turn my attention to her and set the supplies down as I analyze her tent and see a magical paper. Gosh, I hate those papers. Basically based on the spell it can tell if people are related and what their species they are by the scent it captures. Though thanks to my spell they can only identify my brother as a wolf because I hide his magic and they can identify me only as a witch because I take on both my brother and my magic.

I turn to the girl and speak, "Oh clever. I guess you must be very careful here, aren't you? Yes, our parents were a crossbreed. Although rare though, my twin and I happened to be of two different pieces which you of all people a healer witch should know that sometimes genetically to prevent hybrids nature takes its course and splits the species between the twins so neither can be a hybrid." I smile at the girl as I watch her think of my words and the supplies in my hands.

She gives Jace and me a kind smile before saying, "What you choose to grab would cost you about 150 credits. You have some rare items there."

Jace's reply to this was unlike usual, he states, "We can give you 20 credits and trade off some fresh deer meat. It seems like the pack that you belong to would not mind." I look at Jace confused, not understanding the pack because she is clearly not a wolf before I sniff the air and she has the clear scent of a pack. She must be clanless and have been adopted into the pack because of her healing abilities. happens quite often, more than you would think so.

Faith glares at my brother, but thinks about the deal for a moment, "Although I want to argue, I believe you have given me a fair deal. So you two have a deal."

She packs up the herbs and the other supplies as my brother gives her the packages of gutted and skinned meaty as I hand her the 20 credits to go along with that. After the exchange, Jace and I thank her for her business and go to take a leave. But as we leave a scent catches my nose, the scent of an alpha, a scent so hypnotizing, so captivating, that it can only belong to one person.


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