Chapter 15 (Kym)

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"Kym. Come take a seat. We have much to discuss." I hear his silky voice speak to me as his face becomes neutral and I maintain mine as emotionless as possible. I walked to the seat that he was pointing at.

I take a moment before looking at him once again as he sits at his desk to look around the room. On either side of the room covering the walls are two giant bookshelves that spread across the whole wall. They are filled with books of all kinds and the history of supernatural beings. Then in the back front of his room lays his dark stained pine desk with a large black filing cabinet beside it. A stained glass window decorates the back of the room but the colors are so transparent that you can clearly see the outside world through it. In front of the desk stands the chair that I decided to sit at. Whilst in the middle of the room there is a dark gray rug on top of the wooden floor. There is a coach on one side of it and two love seats across the coach with a glass table in the middle. It is quite a beautiful office. After a few moments of silence. I hear Eric clear his throat.

I look up at him and speak softly yet confidently, "I know that you are my mate and you clearly know that I am your mate. But I do not wish to be with you so if this is what this conversation is about then it is a waste of time." My voice remains confident through the whole statement to my surprise,

I see a smile form on Eric's face before I see his eyes darken showing me that his wolf has taken over control. I tilt my head to the side in curiosity to see what is going to occur. I did not expect him to let his wolf take control. "Well my dear mate, my name is Keith. It is a pleasure to meet you. I would like to speak to your wolf though. I believe this is how we will make the most progress."

A sarcastic laugh leaves my lips as I look at Keith, Eric's wolf, in disbelief. "Do you really think I will let my wolf take control? She is as strong willed as I am, but you as I both know fully well two wolves are not fully capable of ignoring each other or thinking clearly when around their mate. Mostly when the conversation is about their mate." I look at Keith as he stands up and I quickly move out of my seat. As I back away from him his eyes connect with mine.

As I move away from him I also feel Crystal trying to push through my wall and go to the surface. So as I get distracted fighting Crystal for control I suddenly feel my back hit the bookshelf and then Keith's hand softly be placed on my cheek. "Let me speak to my mate." I struggle to keep Crystal in the back and I know for a fact my eyes must be flickering from their natural green to Crystal's silver color. "Please," he whispers the vulnerability that leaves his voice leaving me defenseless and giving Crystal the perfect opportunity to take control of my body.

I feel Crystal push forward as I am in the back of my mind observing what happens now. Crystal remembers Aiden and Jace. I whisper hoping that makes her remember what we must do. I hear her sigh and then she looks up at Keith. A goofy smile plays on his face making Crystal smile back as our heart starts beating faster.

When he makes sure that Crystal is in full control and sits on a loveseat in the middle of the room and points for Crystal to sit on the couch in front of him. "Hello, I'm Crystal." Crystal says shyly and I feel as our face heats up making a light blush appear on our face for Keith to see.

Keith smiles widens more as he whispers Crystal's name and then he looks at her with the biggest smile a person could ever have. "You know you are my mate. As well as Adien. You both are mine." Crystal nods her head but stays quiet. I hope that she is just analyzing the situation and not just being a shy mess of a wolf because of her mate being in control.

Keith sees that she is not saying anything and decides to continue speaking. "I know you are the hybrid twins, you and your brother. I also know that the mood goddess gave you both me as your mate. I also know that because of the moon goddess as well and the laws of the moon I must only have one of you as a mate and must choose between you too." As he says this a whimper leaves Crystal's lips but she continues not to say anything and Keith looks at her and he looks like he wants to comfort her, but thinks better of it and stays in his spot.

"Because of this," he continues, "I must get to know both of you in wolf form. We must conduct a series of tests for all three of us and then we will see who will be my mate. If it is you then I will mate with you and therefore, break the mate bond with Aiden and vice versa."

"I can't be your mate." Crystal states and I feel the sadness that fills her making me feel guilty for denying her a chance of happiness, but both her and I know that we prefer to give Jace and Aiden their happiness. "You are meant to be with Aiden. I am your mate, but I cannot be. You are the happiness of my twin. He deserves you way more and would be less of a danger to the pack." She whispers, but does not falter with her words. And I become proud of her for her strength in this difficult time.

Keith looks at her sadly. "I don't want to let you go. Please don't do this. Please let me give you both an equal chance. Don't make me lose you without knowing you." His pleds are broken as his voice falters as he speaks showing that he won't force her to be his mate if she chooses she does not want to be.

I feel as Crystal stands up before going on both her knees and looking up at him into his eyes that are filled with unshed tears. Her hands softly touches his cheek feeling the stubble of his shaven beard underneath her fingertips as she caresses his cheek softly. His eyes connect with hers and they seem to both be lost in each other's eyes before Crystal takes a deep soft breath, "You must be with Aiden. You want to be because I am your mate, but you do not know me. You have gotten to know Aiden these past weeks and it is clear that you care for him deeply and not only for the mate bond but because you have fallen for him. You are just scared of my love. You are scared of being with a man and having heirs, but I promise you the moon goddess has a plan for all of us. I do not believe I was ever meant to stay your mate. I was meant to be mated to you to teach you a lesson and help you lead with my brother. You do not need to know me more. You love me as your mate because of the bond. But you love Aiden so much more because of so many reasons. I can see it in your eyes, you can't hide it from me, my dear mate." She whispers to a small sad girl leaving her lips. But I sense her peace as if she knows something that I do not know.

Keith looks at her and a sad smile lays upon his lips before he nods his head. I feel as Crystal moves and kisses his forehead which is rewarded by Keith kissing her forehead back. "Take care of Aiden, now give control back to your human. They know what must be done. Everything will be okay." She whispers reassuringly before letting me take back control.

Once I take control I open my eyes and come face to face with Eric. Us so close together, but both at peace as we move away from each other. I nod at Eric, "Can I go to Jace's room? I know he has a separate room from you and I would like to just be in his room. Please" I say softly. Eric nods his head as he leads me out of the office and into Jace's room. Once I enter Jace's room Eric leaves with a nod of the head. I smile at him before going to the king sized bed in the middle of the room and just sink into the bed without analyzing my surroundings. Which is the first time in forever that I haven't analyzed where I am. Time to sleep Crystal says softly in my head. Confusion consumes me at her words, but I don't question her as I slowly fall asleep in the soft bed that feels like clouds. 

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