Chapter 9 (Kym)

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My eyes flutter open and I look around me a feeling of panic consumes me when I realize I'm not in the arena anymore. Is this the simulation or have they brought me somewhere? I ask Crystal hoping she knows better than I do.

I don't know, but everything seems so real. But we need to stay on high alert and first things first. Find a way to get out of here. I nod my head as I look at the dense forest surrounding me.

There are trees in my every direction and they are so high that they block my view of the sky which makes it slightly harder to figure out the time and direction I should go.

As I try to figure out where to go a familiar voice fills my ears, "Kymie come over here. The water is so beautiful and crystal clear. I think it may be enchanted." I look in the direction of the voice realizing it's Jace's voice.

I walk in the direction of my brother's voice. To find him standing in front of the water bed of a waterfall. At about 1/4 mile distance there is a waterfall and all the water in this as I'll call it lake is so clear you can see the bottom.

"What took you so long sis. I think we should collect some water. i don't know what we would use it for but it can be useful for any future purposes." Jace looks at me. He feels so real. Was everything before this just a dream? No that's not possible? Or was it?

I look at Jace as he stares at me with excitement before he looks confused at me for not replying, "Kymie are you okay, you seem a little off?" I nod my head slowly just trying to get out of my own mind.

I smile at Jace, "Yeah I'm fine must have woken up from a weird dream. I was just spacing out. But yes this water is this clear and based on the lively vegetation around it I believe you are correct about it being enchanted water. It would be very wise to collect some water for sample to see what we can do with it and the rest to store for safekeeping." I look at Jace as he nods in agreement already collecting small sample bottles that hold about a once each fluid liquid and then he collects a 32 oz bottle of water for storage.

I grab the tiny bottle and put it in the backpack that I first did not realize I had on. Gosh, that dream must have put me in a daze. I am usually very observant.

"We should head to the market. If I remember correctly you said you were running out of some herbs that were hard to find out here?" Jace asks me as he places the 32 oz bottle into his bag.

"Ah, yes I do seem to recall that. I believe there must be a market about a 30-minute walk from here and it should be on neutral ground."

Jace places his arm around my shoulders and I look at him smiling at his goofiness before he says, "Then shall we get going my dear princess. It is quite a long journey for such a small witch." He teases me as he starts walking with me under his arm.

I elbow him in the ribs but make sure not to do so very hard as I escape his arms. "Would just a witch be able to escape the big bad wolf?" A smile grows on my face as my eyes start glowing.

I see Jace's eyes changing to a silver color showing that Aiden is on the surface just like I know Crystal is on the surface for me. My smile continues to grow on my face as I take a jab at him and am able to hit his side.

"Is that a challenge little witch?" Jace asks, his voice much deeper than usual showing me that he and Aiden are speaking at the same time.

I speak to Crystal quickly before replying to him. Are you ready for this Crystal? I feel her excitement run through my veins showing me that she is ready.

"Oh, it very much is, but wolfie you want to know what? You will never beat me." I say before quickly sprinting off through the forest heading west which by instinct I can tell is where the town is.

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