Chapter 13 (Kym)

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It's been three days since I woke up from my coma. I haven;t been allowed to leave the hospital yet because the doctors are worried about the magic and herbs that were put into the injection for the trials and want to make sure that I am okay. I understand that they are doing their job, but for the love of the goddess I need to leave this hospital room soon before I lose my mind.

At least I have Jace for company. Though he doesn't stay here the whole time it is nice to have him here. He would stay here for the whole time if I asked him too, but I can't have him cooped up in here all day with me. I know that it would drive him as crazy as it drives me.

He has been out with Eric and the trackers to help them find Faith, but that little witch has been harder for them to find than expected. I offered to use my magic to help, but Jace refuses to let me until I am cleared by the doctor to do so. Sometimes he can be too over protective.

I look at the ceiling of the hospital room. Which is as white as the rest of the room. I think of the conversation that me and Jace have been postponing having these past three days. Anytime either of us bring it up the other switches the subject. We both know we need to talk about our mate situation, but because of how I acted in real life and the simulation about it, it seems like we are trying to not walk on the eggshells that are laying on the ground.

On that note it has been a hard couple of days for Crystal. Now that she knows that Eric has found out we are his mate too she has been lounging to be near him, but he has not shown up once. At least not when we are awake. For the past three mornings though everytime I wake up the room is filled with his orange chocolate scent that makes my heart race.

Why won't mates talk to us? Crystal whimpers softly as she surfaces in my mind once again. I sigh softly not knowing what to say to her, but wanting to comfort my wolf nonetheless.

I think it might be for the best Crystal. At the end of the day he must choose one mate. And you and I both know that the mate he must choose is Jace. We can't ruin Jace's once chance of happiness. I hear Crystal whimper louder and feelings of hurt and sadness overwhelm me as they pour off of her in waves. But she ends up retrieving to the back of my head once again knowing what I am saying is true. As she does every time for the past three days.

I hear the click of a door indicating someone opening the door of my room. As I look up I see Jace with the biggest smile on his face that makes me smile as well even without me knowing what's going on. He just has a contagious smile like that I suppose.

"Guess what little sister," He states excitedly that if he were in his wolf form his talk would definitely be wagging faster than the speed of light. "You by doctors orders are allowed to leave the hospital. They believe that sicne there has been no evidence of effects on you these past three days that you should be alright. So that means you will come back with me!"

I look at Jace, but my smile slowly fades from my face as I realize what that could mean. If I am not staying at the hospital then I'm going to the pack house with Jace. I will be surrounded by thousdand of wolves who do not approve of me and I will have to see Eric. Jaces notices my sudden change of dementor and concern floods his eyes, "What's wrong Kymie? Aren't you gald you can come with me?"

"I'll have to see Eric," I whisper, but it is so soft that Jace could almost not hear what I said before it dawns on him what I said.

"Oh, Kymie. You knew this was going to happen sooner or later. We all need to sit down and have a talk about what is going to happen. We can't change the fact that we share a mate. We just have to see what we are going to do. Plus we need to figure out this Fiath situation because ever since she has left the pack has been having rogue attacks around the borders of the territory and dead human bodies have been left behind aroudn the boarder as well."

My eyes goes wide with the new information that was given to me. I think about every possible thing that it could be, but before I can go deeper into my mind Jace takes my hand in his and says, "Everythign will be okay my little witch. Now lets get going to the pack house. Eric is waiting there. He really wants to talk to you first before all of us go down to have a conversation together. I already spoken to him."

I look at Jace, really wanting to say something but nothing leaving my lip. So instead os speaking, I nod my head and because I don't feel like walking I raise up my arms so that Jace can know I want him to carry me, like when we were little kids. A laugh leaves his lips as he rolls his eyes. He picks me up and carries me bridal style out of the hostpial and towards the packhouse. As we walk I hear people whispering and instead of paying attention and listening I close my eyes and lay my head against Jace's chest. My mind lost in thought imaging what Eric wants to talk to me about.

I feel Jace finally stop walking after about 15 minutes of us heading south. He putts me down on my feet and we are standing face front to the large pack house, that seems like it is 3 mansions stuck together as one. I grab Jace's hand like when we were little trying to get confort off of him before we walk into the packhouse.

The whispers and stares become louder and more as we walk through the packhouse, Jace leading me to Eric's office. Or so I think that is what he told me he was doing. I was not really paying attention lost in the details of the packhouse and all the entrances and exits.

We stop suddenly making me stumble slightly, but thanks to me holding Jace's hand, he steadies me quickly and easily. "We are here. I will be down in the kitchen we passed when we first entered if you need me. I know you know were I'm talking about, because knowing you, you have already memoized the things we passed and the path." I giggle and shrug my shoulders acting as if I don't know what he is talking about, though he is completely correct about that.

Jace slowly let's go of my hand and starts to walk away but before he leaves he whispers, "You can do it sis." And then disappears around the corner.

I stair as the giant dark oak door. I can sense Eric in there as Jace said he would be. I feel Crystal's excitement, but it is mixed with my nerves making me feel sick. I take a deep breath pushing Crystal back making sure to keep her there so we don't do anything we will regret. I take another deep breath as I wipe away any and all emotion off of my face before knocking on the door and hearing Erics husky deep voice say, "Come in."

I walk through the door, but as I do and my eyes connect with Eric's ocean blue eyes, I know I have made a grave mistake. 

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